Pistons Win!!

15 July 2003
Redondo Beach, CA
Pistons wins game 1!!:D :D
I thought the Lakers is going for the sweep. :rolleyes:
Anyway - I'm sure Phil J. will do some adjustment in the next few games. It'll be exciting if the games stretch out to game seven!
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Go Pistrons!!! I like the Lakers but I am a true Michigan boy and gotta root for my Pistons. I know the next game will be tough as the Lakers underestimated how difficult our defense really is.:D
ekin95 said:
Go Pistrons!!! I like the Lakers but I am a true Michigan boy and gotta root for my Pistons. I know the next game will be tough as the Lakers underestimated how difficult our defense really is.:D

Next game would be really interesting. I'm sure the Lakers wouldnt want to come here in detroit 0-2....:D
MsKadyB said:
The Lakers lost on purpose. :p :D ;)


You might be right!:D
I'm afraid I have no choice but to be a Lakers fan when I move to
Torrance, CA area next month. So, whoever wins the title is OK with me but I'm sure Malone and Payton doesnt want to miss the chance for "THE RING".:D ;)

i just hate the lakers!!! so im gonna have to say GO DETROIT!! hehe i know my Kings suck..

although i think the lakers will pull thru, heres why they might not.

Gary Payton cant guard anyone anymore and Phil wont play D fish

Malone is old

Kobe doesnt really care because hes gone next year

the lakers think they will just be able to "turn it on" but it will be too late..

MsKadyB said:
Yes, I think the Lakers may have lost on purpose just to liven up the championship. Kobe and Shaq love to play to the crowd. :)

I guess they barely won game two by making a lucky shot on purpose and was blown out in game three to make it more interesting. BTW they scored less than any Lakers team has ever scored in a playoff game. The worst in 560 games by the way.

You can keep thinking that they are losing on purpose, but common sense dictates that they underestimated the Pistons and are trying to figure out a way to win.

Believe me I don't count the Lakers out by any stretch of the imagination but this series could be very well Pistons three and Lakers zero. I guarantee that the Lakers are scared right now, they have just had their asses handed to them in front of millions of viewers.
While the Pistons may have won.....Lakers are well adapted to this type of situation. Remember the Spurs? Scared? Probably not, more likely disappointed. As far as I can see the Pistons have been playing their best basketball....I haven't seen the best from the Lakers yet.
Same old rhetoric; Pistons win and the other team must not have played their best. The painful reality for the oppostion is that when the Piston's D is going at its best, the opposition's best will never be good enough, even if it is the almighty (eat at each other superstar) Lakers. The Lakers are a dynasty and are way too good to be out of this Championship run, but the Pistons have an opportunity to keep the defensive pressure on at home and to make these next few games interesting.:p
Who thought that the Pistons will dominate the first 3 games?
I'm really amazed on how they played during the playoffs and the finals!
I'm sure the lakers was surprised too!

Sunday would be a critical game for both team! Let's see what the Lakers has stored fo the motown boys!

I guess I didn’t realize just how much Kobe still had to grow until watching last nights game. You can say Kobe is better at 25 than Jordan was. But then again, Jordan didn’t enter the league intil he was what…21? Kobe was what…17/18? So with that in mind, is Kobe better 8 years in than Jordan was at 8 years in of his career? By that time, Jordan already had already secured his 2nd title, already was in the argument as the BEST player of all time, and was about to go make history with the first and by far the best EVER dream team.

What Kobe did last night in going 0-4 and scoring less than 5 points by half time in a pivitol NBA Finals game was completely unacceptable. Great players have time and time again, found ways to either score, or ensure that their team stays close with the competition until that player comes around. Great players MAKE THINGS HAPPEN all around them. Kobe missed his first few shots, then disappeared. Are you telling me that Kobe Freakin Bryant could NOT free himself up for a good look against Rip Hamilton? You could see Kobe’s frustration when he wasn’t getting the ball but guess what? He wasn’t getting even remotely open. You have seen time and time again in the past, Jordan struggle, but end up with 13 assists and 12 rebounds and hustle play…after hustle play.

Arguably the best 1-2 tandem in NBA History did nothing last night as their team fell 2-1 to a far superior defense. For every ball Shaq couldn’t hold on to, Kobe was somewhere else trying to free himself up from a less athletic defender. If someone doesn’t step up, this series is over. When Michael struggled, Pippen would decide to pour in 37 points, and Kukoc would slap in another 24, and someone like Judd Beuchler would add 15. If Shaq, Kobe, and company don’t wake up, Detroit could very well win the next two games.
Kobe is nowhere near as good as Jordan was at 25.

When Jordan was 23, he averaged 37+ points per game.
When he was 24, he averaged 35 points per game while shooting 53%.

And when he was 25, he averaged 32.5 points per game, shot 54%, and averaged 8 rebounds, 8 assists, 3 steals and 1.6 blocks.

Kobe is good for around 25 points per game, while shooting about 45%. This while playing on a team with Shaq who almost always is double teamed. Jordan has nobody else on his team. Defenses would focus entirely on him. Kobe's numbers are good, but not comparable to Jordan.
Eric5273 said:
Kobe is nowhere near as good as Jordan was at 25.

When Jordan was 23, he averaged 37+ points per game.
When he was 24, he averaged 35 points per game while shooting 53%.

And when he was 25, he averaged 32.5 points per game, shot 54%, and averaged 8 rebounds, 8 assists, 3 steals and 1.6 blocks.

Kobe is good for around 25 points per game, while shooting about 45%. This while playing on a team with Shaq who almost always is double teamed. Jordan has nobody else on his team. Defenses would focus entirely on him. Kobe's numbers are good, but not comparable to Jordan.

Point average doesn't give an accurate indication of how much "better" a player is. Remember, Jordan was the first scoring option for the Bulls. Kobe is second for the Lakers after O'neal.
Actually, Kobe takes many more shots than O'Neal. When the double team comes to O'Neal, Kobe gets the ball with single coverage. Jordan scored most of his points while being double teamed. And still, look at the shooting percentage for each of them. Kobe's best season he shot 46.9%, while Jordan averaged 49.7% for his career (including a couple crappy seasons with Washington at the end -- if you remove those seasons, he averaged 51%). But scoring alone doesn't define a player. Jordan is better in every category. More rebounds, assists, steals, blocks. Not only was Jordan the best offensive player ever, but very likely the best defensive player as well. We will probably not see another player like him in our lifetimes.
Even the experts say that Kobe is the next best thing.

With that said, Michael averaging 37 points in a season in 1987/88 was not only due to his talent, but also that a player of that caliber was unheard of as Michael changed the game and saved the game of basketball as Bird and Magic's legacy was coming to an end.

These days, the game has evolved so much, primarily because of Jordan, that there will never be a player of that size that could change the game. In order to change the game, a player would have to come in at around 6'10, move like MJ and Kobe, shoot like Dirk Nowitzki, rebound like Rodman, have a 45% 3 point range, have better defense than any big man in history, be able to play the post like O'Neal, and the killer instinct of the best players in history.

But anyway, the main point of my initial post was that you just cant say Kobe is better than Jordan at 25 years of age because they both entered the league at different ages.

Jordan averaging 37 points a game @ 25 is not the hands down reason why he should be considered 'better.' The fact is, that 8 years into the league (Kobe 25, Jordan 29) Michael Jordan was a better all around player....period.
Well I guess the Lakers lost another one to make it more interesting. I think they had better stop doing this or it won't be too interesting for them at all.

No team has ever came back from a 3 to 1 series, if any team can it would probably be the Lakers. It sure looked like the Lakers are a team that is already beaten though.
L.A. Native speaking: The Lakers are lucky to still be in it, except for Kobe's 3 it's over. Based one what I've seen, the loss of Malone and "the Gloves" tude, the bench is not there so Shaq & Kobe have to do it alone. Three times in a row. Would be all Hollywood if it happens. Can you think if Larry Brown had stayed at UCLA how the results would have changed? NCAA Champs many times, this guy can coach. Just Thinking!!
I like how shaq handles the press conference:

Reporter: Shaq, you seemed to do very well when your teamates got you the ball down low. Don't you think they should get you the ball more often??

Shaq: Buddy, that's the story of my life!

:D :D :D