Pics of new car - This is why I sold my NSX

MiamieNeSeX said:
Fast yes, but its a
everyones got one.


not like THAT one :). that's right up there with the 996!
Possibly the reason he chose the 996 over a 997 Turbo is the huge price difference. 997 T's are just coming out and are commanding big $$ compared to a 2-3 year old 996T. I would think this would be obvious since many here drive a 91-94 car, but secretly lust for a 97-05:biggrin:
To each his own and I do not take anything away from the P cars performance, but I drove a 997 and for a while and it was like looking in the mirror at every other light, or parked in front of every South Beach club. And for most people you park a $100,000 997 next to a $50,000 911 and they cant tell the difference. Enjoy your new ride.

Shumdit said:
Possibly the reason he chose the 996 over a 997 Turbo is the huge price difference. 997 T's are just coming out and are commanding big $$ compared to a 2-3 year old 996T. I would think this would be obvious since many here drive a 91-94 car, but secretly lust for a 97-05:biggrin:

I would have loved to get the 997 Turbo. But those cars command at least $120,000.

THe price of a used, low mileage 996 Turbo is about the same as a barely used 997S. It was a toss up. But in the end, I opted for the significantly higher power and performance of the all wheel drive 996 turbo over the newer 997 S.
MiamieNeSeX said:
To each his own and I do not take anything away from the P cars performance, but I drove a 997 and for a while and it was like looking in the mirror at every other light, or parked in front of every South Beach club. And for most people you park a $100,000 997 next to a $50,000 911 and they cant tell the difference. Enjoy your new ride.


This is my main thumbs down with P-cars. Unless it is a CGT, they are just too common, even here, and there are too many non-enthusiasts who drive them. Similar to Harley owners, which is why I would have to go Indian if I were buying that style of bike!
Nice Turbo. One hell of a performer and very comfortable. Being more common also means that they appeal to more buyers. I like it a lot.
Hugh said:
Victory has got a gorgeous lineup of cruisers. There are so many alternatives to Harleys which are junk.

Yes, I would consider the Victory line also a different take on the Harley theme, but many Harley owners classify them with metric cruisers (any non-American machine) whereas the Indian is hard to badmouth from a lack of heritage standpoint, and much less likely to be purchased by a poseur in my opinion.
Shumdit said:
Yes, I would consider the Victory line also a different take on the Harley theme, but many Harley owners classify them with metric cruisers (any non-American machine) whereas the Indian is hard to badmouth from a lack of heritage standpoint, and much less likely to be purchased by a poseur in my opinion.

Many Harley owners also think they're riding powerful state of the art machines. I still cringe every time I see one on the roads here with the pilot dressed in a wife beater, shorts and flip flops and of course no helmet. I have to commend them on one thing though, they sure know how to get a lot of decibels out those 60 hp Neanderthal motors of theirs.
92NSX said:
I know I'll get flamed for this but I'm liking your new rig more than your old.
Not taking anything away for the NSX but the P-car is just in anything category to me. I would switch in a heartbeat if I could afford it.

I thought you're a doctor?
Klayton said:
No, you feel wrongly spoken to. The ironic and sarcastic comment about everyone owns a 100 000$ car in the US was relating to Armando's comment everyone got one..

I see no less than 25 different P-cars everyday...granted my shop is near Microsoft...but man!...I mean yeah It's a great performer but I just couldn't pay that much for a car I see on every other street corner.

and Armando makes a great point....most people cannot tell the difference between a 50k p-car and a 120k p-car....:smile:
A nice upgrade thats for uncle has a porsche..and i enjoy my s2k over it. so i'd rather have an nsx but as long as it makes you happy than you have no worries...they are mega fast though lol
Enjoy in good health. Sweet car btw. How much does it differ in prices of the mods you've done with the 996 compared to the NSX?
Jin1976 said:
Enjoy in good health. Sweet car btw. How much does it differ in prices of the mods you've done with the 996 compared to the NSX?

When I bought the Porsche TT, my plan was to leave it stock. But of course, after I had the seller put the car on the transport, I already caught the mod bug, and started ordering parts. I'd say the mods are on average about twice the price of NSX mods. For example, AWE exhaust - $3,400 (I think I paid about $1200 for my Taitec Lightweight).
nice car!

The only upgrade I would considered on that P-car is the rims. That thing got to go...looks just so wrong on that car. Other than that...great choice in color.
NRG said:
nice car!

The only upgrade I would considered on that P-car is the rims. That thing got to go...looks just so wrong on that car. Other than that...great choice in color.
Oh man, those are HRE 545Rs. I am currently missing an arm and a leg as a result of those wheels. Too bad you don't like.
3 things for everyone!

If your car makes you happy; Drive it!

(And always remember) Life is a short ride around the block; so make the turns count!

Charlie has made his turn!
charleysung said:
Oh man, those are HRE 545Rs. I am currently missing an arm and a leg as a result of those wheels. Too bad you don't like.

I like the rims a lot. I do however think driving a stick without an arm and leg would be a royal pain in's and cons to everything I guess:biggrin:
I had my experience with the 996 Turbo when it first came out. That was about 4 years ago when my friend bought it and back then, the X50 Kit was not available.

The Turbo is no doubt a gorgeous and very fast car. However, its magic didn't quite work for me. In fact, I was so much more attracted to the C4S which became a big dilemma then in whether buying it or the NSX. Needless to say, I went with my feeling in chasing my childhood dream and so glad I made the right decision.

In any case, congrats on your new ride.

Honestly, I like the Brembo key chain the most :biggrin: