Pics of new car - This is why I sold my NSX

The Porsche Turbo is faster than the NSX. I flashed the ECU and put on some add ons, and I think I am putting close to 450 HP to the wheels. It brakes better and handles better with the all wheel drive. It also has more bells and whistles, like heated seats, on board computer etc. But it just does not have the intangible quality that the NSX has. I miss the rough idle of the NSX that you can feel in the back of your seats, the low ride height, and the unadulterated no-bull feel of the engine. The Porsche simply has too many refinements that belong in a luxury sedan, and not in a serious sports car. The exotic car salesman that I bought the Porsche from summed it up well. He said "from all the exotic cars I have driven, the NSX is the only car that I got out of and felt like I really drove a sports car." I couldn't agree with him more.

Don't get me wrong, I do love the power and capabilities of the Porsche. I with I could have kept both cars. Don't be surprised if I come back with a 2002+ supercharged NSX.
Nice car, but I like the NSX better. Here in the UK we see them everyday, but not so many NSX.

I was seriously considering a GT3 Mark 1 when the NA1 Type-R showed up and the choice was easy.

Enjoy it!


I know I'll get flamed for this but I'm liking your new rig more than your old.
Not taking anything away for the NSX but the P-car is just in anything category to me. I would switch in a heartbeat if I could afford it.
Congrats on a beautiful car.
both cars are nice. the p-car will probably outperform the nsx, but i see p-cars like vettes. old or new, the nsx will always turn heads and make a quiet statement about a man and his taste. i would chose the p-car over a vette tho!
You can never go wrong with a 996 Turbo. Ill take mine in the GT 2 flavor or if I must, a GT3. :biggrin:
Psychobiology said:
You'll definitely be back :wink:.

I think the trick is to never leave, thats my plan:biggrin:
I agree with others, i like your old one better and p-cars are too common but as long as you are happy, thats all that matters. Enjoy!
Ko-nsx said:
both cars are nice. the p-car will probably outperform the nsx,
Probably? :rolleyes:

Good choice can't go wrong with the 996 Turbo. Why didn't you go for the 997? That must be the perfect car, I hope I have the chance to drive one in the future.
Fast yes, but its a
everyones got one.

Everyone got a 100 000$ car? Jeez I have to visit the US again someday and check everyones cars out, seems like the stories about the land of dreams are true.. :rolleyes:

deedubb said:
It could also be his preference.
Jup but he writes he changed the ECU and added some performance parts to gain power to about 450hp. The 997 Turbo comes stock with 480hp. Wouldn't it be easier to buy the new one over modding the older one to get more power out of it?
Nice Porsche, Charlie. The color and CF look great. The turbo is definitely one of my favorites. Did reflashing the ECU affect the driveability?

I might be wrong, but Charlie stated 450 hp to the wheels. I am not sure how much that is at the drive train but it is probably a little bit over 500hp.
Hm ok I read a bit and learned you guys got some tricks to make cars look more powerfull on the paper. Like disengaging units that are not necessary to run the engine and then measuring the power directly at the engine, without gearbox etc.

Ok so his engine is modified to have 500hp, but still got less power at the wheel than the newer model.

A what am I arguing about I'm just so thrilled by the 997 Turbo.

Enjoy your new ride Charley!
Klayton said:
Everyone got a 100 000$ car? Jeez I have to visit the US again someday and check everyones cars out, seems like the stories about the land of dreams are true.. :rolleyes:

Jup but he writes he changed the ECU and added some performance parts to gain power to about 450hp. The 997 Turbo comes stock with 480hp. Wouldn't it be easier to buy the new one over modding the older one to get more power out of it?

You completely missed the point I was trying to make. :frown:

I never said that EVERYONE has a $100,000 car...i was simply stating that maybe he preferred to have the 996 over the 997. You really twisted my statement :rolleyes:
No, you feel wrongly spoken to. The ironic and sarcastic comment about everyone owns a 100 000$ car in the US was relating to Armando's comment everyone got one..

I fully understood what you wrote and accepted the fact someone is willing to put money in a car to gain power which you could easy buy by getting a later model, because he likes the older design more. We just need Charley to confirm. :)