Hot chicks with ink are just a buzz kill.
Both of my JDM supercars
Misspelled from my iPhone using Tapatalk
...A girl friend of mine fixing my...NSX in France...actually MY car and my friend, not a random found internet picture
I've always liked clean_green's avatarHe has a Room Store furniture commercial running right now where he says his trademark "Oh My" line. And I did notice the Amazon blonde on the hood too :biggrin:
I've always liked clean_green's avatar
Time to revive this wonderful thread :biggrin:
Why did she stop?Stolen from Facebook....
I may have been there when that picture was taken. Hangin' with a SoCal Prelude group back 7-8 years ago. Car belonged to an old Prelude owner who at the time had that NSX, but daily'd his old Prelude which he had since new in the late 90's. Name was Thomas. Girl, can't remember her name but she was very nice and very pretty. Cool people and good times.