Pic request: Girls and NSX's :D

Stumbled upon these from a photo shoot back in 2006....remember it like it was yesterday:biggrin:

She was so beautiful ..... Sigh
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She's hot... I'm assuming not so much anymore huh

Lol... Was thinking about that too... Would love to see how she held up. Prolly milf status these days:smile:

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have any other angle's I have 2 reasons for this request, the rims and her.....:eek:

Lol... I'll try to dig some up. The rims were gun metal volk gt-c
<img src="http://www.nsxprime.com/photopost/data/500/7751abc5.jpg" />
conversation with the wife ,,"hey put this on,,go sit in the nsx and shut up and smile":biggrin:

Since there are no pics I guess that didn't go too well with her.:wink:

My lord... if she only knew the things I have already done to her

this is by far the hottest this thread has ever seen.

actually I have seen a few pics of this same girl with the same car years ago I think
My lord... if she only knew the things I have already done to her

this is by far the hottest this thread has ever seen.

actually I have seen a few pics of this same girl with the same car years ago I think

Yeah, I thought I posted these on this thread back in the day, but didn't see them

She was another girl I fell in love with that day:redface:...that day was incredible. There was like 5 or 6 girls there that day and they were all just beautiful. That was 8 years ago, hard to believe how fast time flies, I would love to see how all the girls there that day look these days..I know I got better looking:tongue:
girls that look good normally turn............. like eggs left in the sun for to long.

and the ones that were average turn from a 5 to a 10

and the uglies go back to school study hard and buy into the 10 club with plastic surgery cuz they got the cash to do it
OK now she's hot too... Like girl next door hot... Possibly dirt girl next door hot ;)

WAIT A MINUTE WE HAVE A NEW WINNER holy geez I dont wanna get BATMANs mad by using his quote but

holy geepers batman

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WAIT A MINUTE WE HAVE A NEW WINNER holy geez I dont wanna get BATMANs mad by using his quote but

holy geepers batman

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