Pic request: Girls and NSX's :D

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first and last maybe but the 3 in the middle :eek: maybe after a few beers.

For me, first and second, although the second one is wearing shades. The last one, I dunno, kinda difficult to make the call on that one. The white lipstick is not helping. Now the middle one.... :eek:
Do I spy the Bailey wing...
The wing is what you are commenting on? I think Doc needs to go see a Doc:tongue:

.......I guess I could comment on the whereabouts of his drivers side view mirror:wink:
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If this doesn't picture doesn't spell it out for you, I don't know what will:


Just look at the dudes being pulled in like 2 Mosquitos going towards a bug zapper... Right past the hot girl...
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^^^ hahahah so true. I have lost count on how many times guys would run up to the car after I parked it. Girls on the other hand.... "it's no BMW so no care" :(
awesome....dark socks are back in with shorts and sneakers.....yea...