Phoenix/Tucson NSXer's what's next?

LonVarscsak said:
I just got my problem looked at, and apparently there is a "bubble" in the weld of the wheel and it's causing air to leak!
I'm sure someone has a set of stylish OEM wheels/tires that you could borrow. :D I sold mine to Seth, I'm sure he wouldn't mind lending them to you. ;)
I'm back from the missing (work)

I'm 99% sure I'm in. I could use a radio too if it's not too late. Kelvin / other westsiders, I'm up for caravaning to the South side.

Looks like quite a large turnout!

Sounds like lots of fun!

(Another 97 black T)
Since some people have expressed concern that the scheduled drive might be congested with boat traffic on the weekend, I searched for an alternative (if we want.) I came across this drive which I thought looked like fun. I believe it is about the same length of drive that the Sedona Drive was. Please let me know what you think.


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Heather, this is just my personal preference but I would rather do a shorter drive this time. Otherwise I have to cut out early, as I have some work related stuff to do around 6PM. I talked to a friend about traffic on the Apache Trail drive, and she said there's not really any once we get out of town. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
NSXlent in az said:
Kelvin / other westsiders, I'm up for caravaning to the South side.
Glad you can join us! I'll be in touch with the west side caravaners before the drive.
PHOEN$X - Personally, I don't mind which drive we do. I was just suggesting another drive because some people had concerns about the boat traffic. Thank you for your opinion.
That's cool. We were kind of rushed last time, and I thought it would be nice to have more time to hang out and socialize this time. Besides, I really would love to go to Tucson for the next all-day event (did anyone catch Food Network's $40 a Day about Tucson yesterday?). :D

Let's go by majority rule this time. I'm fine with what the majority wants to do, and I'll just make adjustments according to my schedule.
Heather, thanks for finding an alternative drive. Like PhoeN$X, I to would have to cut out early if we do a longer drive. Don't get me wrong I have been wanting a reason to drive the Salt River Canyon. I'm up for the shorter drive right now but what ever everyone wants is cool with me. If we do the longer drive then PhoeN$X and I will just caravan back together.:D
I agree. Let's go with majority rule.

PHOEN$X - I would love to go on a Tucson drive! Mount Lemon might be nice, although the scenery in Summerhaven isn't so good right now. :(

I didn't see $40 a day about Tucson, but The Dish is excellent!
The only good show on Food Network is "IRON CHEF" :D

Oh.... and I vote for the shorter drive as well, looks like I'll probably be going.
what is the time frame for the 2 diff drives? i'd kinda also prefer a shorter drive, meaning done by ??? i'd like some extra time to socialize, since i've never met anyone!

ps, i'd love a tucson drive some point in the future.. i just need enuf time to schedule my work around it, since i work 2 weekends a month usually.. :( oh well. i guess there's plenty of unemployed people willing to work 4 weekends a month if need be...
WhooHoo said:
That is if my car is out of the shop by then and I have any $ left.
Dude, what's going on with your car?
peiserg said:
what is the time frame for the 2 diff drives? i'd kinda also prefer a shorter drive, meaning done by ???
I'm not sure what the time difference is. I would love to do the Salt River Canyon drive sometime too thoungh; it looks like an excellent drive. To give you an idea, the Sedona drive was from 9am-10pm, and we covered about 300-500 miles.
peiserg said:
what is the time frame for the 2 diff drives? i'd kinda also prefer a shorter drive, meaning done by ???
I don't know about other folks, but I have to jet around 5-5:30pm to attend a work-related function. That should give us plenty of time to socialize/BS, drive, eat, sightsee, take photos, etc.

I wish I could stay longer, and join the rest of you for a fun-filled evening with Pavilions, shopping, clubbing, etc. At least NSXPO is only a couple of days afterwards! :)
Change in drive venue...

Okay, how pissed would you guys be with me if I suggested a change of plans? I went up to Tortilla Flat yesterday, and I have to say I was rather disappointed. The only scenic part of the trip is the brief 13 mile drive from Apache Trail to Tortilla Flat, and the only thing of interest is a small crowded lake there. Tortilla Flat itself is nothing but a couple of old shacks. The real fun begins only when the pavement ends, and unfortunately that road is in no condition for a car like the NSX to drive on. However, since I wasn't in my NSX :D, I ventured on towards Roosevelt Dam, and endured the 22 miles of bumpy dirt road to get there. On the way back, I opted to take the nice, paved road from highway 188 to the Bee Line back to Phoenix, and it was a thoroughly enjoyable, smooth, and scenic drive. I saw a nice suspension bridge, and beautiful views of Lake Roosevelt (sample pics here and here). There was hardly any traffic or people due to the low water level at the lake, and the temperature was nearly perfect.

Thus, I motion that we change our drive venue from Tortiall Flat to Roosevelt Dam. We could meet near Loop 101 and Shea Blvd, take a short drive to the Bee Line highway, go 50 miles to Route 188, and then it's just another 30 miles to the lake and dam. It would be about 3 hours of total driving (round trip), and we could hang out at the lake for a few hours and be back in town well before evening if desired. And we could either bring picnic items, or eat along the way.

Here's a page describing the drive (with a link to a detailed map), except we would only go as far as the dam:

By the way, I found out the S2000 club went there just last weekend, and it looks like they had a good time: (I think they took a slightly longer route, but the entire event still only took 5.5 hours -- including 2 hours of non-driving.)

Please provide your feedback.
I don't mind the change of plans, because I am from out of area. However, if the plans are not finalized by the 1st of Oct, I will need a phone number for contact about meeting point. On the first I will be starting my drive to Phoenix and will not be able to monitor this forum. Would Phoen$x or TucAZNSX would be willing to act as a contact for me.
mbartlett4 said:
Phoen$x, I was on a spirited drive today and hit some gravel. Although drivable, my ride will be out of action for a while. Maybe next time.
That bites :(, I'm sorry to hear. You are welcome to ride with me if you like, let me know.
TucAZNSX said:
Syonara - Are you going to need to rent a radio?

Nah, I don't wanna make someone order it and have me not end up going.

I'll be fine without one if I end up being able to go.
Thanks though.