Peurto Rico who????

11 November 2002
St. Louis

The US got their A$$ handed to them by Peurto Rico? You have got to be kidding me.:eek: Did the US team meet for the first time at the game or something? Maybe they thought that by just showing up they could coast to win the gold. Either that or we need to start recruiting in Peurto Rico. Terrible.
Pretty pathetic I would say. It's the combination of 2 things. First, basketball is becomming more popular around the world, and so other countries are fielding better and better teams. And second, most of the US team are above average NBA players, but not hall-of-fame players as have participated in the past.
Eric5273 said:
Pretty pathetic I would say. It's the combination of 2 things. First, basketball is becomming more popular around the world, and so other countries are fielding better and better teams. And second, most of the US team are above average NBA players, but not hall-of-fame players as have participated in the past.
I wouldnt say the "dream Team" is less talented this year. Its just the unfortunate side affect of picking the players with the best stats. Then you have a bunch of ball-hog no-defense playing kids out there.
They should just pick all the American members off Detroits championship team and send them. they can at least play as a team. The current crop is just embarassing.
I saw them in person here when they played PR. They didn't look very impressive then either.
AI and James didn't play that game but the rest of the guys looked really lame.:(
paladin said:

They should just pick all the American members off Detroits championship team and send them. they can at least play as a team. The current crop is just embarassing.

I thought they should do something similar to this. Whichever NBA team wins during an olympic year should have atleast their starting line-up, 6th man, and the head coach go.

Surround them with some other dominant stars from around the league that compliment any weakness.

The reason they suck is very simple: they don't play defense.

After all the top players declined to play, they assembled a team of showoffs (for the most part), who are more interested in performing a highlight reel dunk than stopping the opposing player, or playing sound team basketball.

Look at the original Dream Team: Magic, Jordan, Bird, Ewing, Robinson, Stockton, Malone, Pippen, Barkley, Mullin and Drexler. All All-Stars in their prime, who had no trouble playing as a team. And a lot of excellent defenders among the bunch.

It's sad to see the top players not wanting to represent their country.
having played a lot of sports, i really am about the TEAM.

I really love the TEAM that may have mediocre individual players but beats the team with lots of talent. CLASSIC, and says something about life in general I think.
The problem is the team was essentially picked based off stats. the only stat really in basketball that is counted is say blocks, perhaps steals.
Theres no stat for "playing good D so the guy misses" so those players (neccessary for a good team) arent included.
The US Olympic Basketball team is almost like somebody watched <a href="">Miracle</a> and decided to do the exact opposite. :mad:
The Australia vs USA basketball match is playing at the moment here in Australia... and no offence... but Australia is owning. :D

Ok... is it awfully quiet in here... or have i just lost all my e-friends? :D

edit: oops... looks like the USA won afterall. that's ok... if anyone should win, it should be the USA. :p
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Now it's Argentina who! For crying out loud - Argentina? From what I heard (didn't get to watch any of it), the US team played an awful lot of Give an Go. You know - You give me the ball, and you go to hell. :rolleyes:
It's over now. The best they can do is Bronze. They get to play Lithuania for the Bronze, and they already lost to them last week. :mad:
Outside shooting from the US is pathetic as well as their defense. I would have to say that this crop of NBA millionaires just are not "hungry".

The US women's team has higher shooting %.