Persistent or Impatient

22 September 2005
So a to give a brief idea of what I'm dealing with ill explain my situation. I have searched online and couldn't get a clear answer.

I recently had my third interview for Z company (one by phone, two in person) and was told I would hear back withing a "couple" of days from my last interview which took place last Wednesday by the district manager. He seems impressed as did the branch manager so I felt certain I would get a call.

Here's my questions. How soon is to soon to call? If I call tomorrow am I perceived as impatient or persistent?
I would wait. If they liked you, they're not going to change their mind because you didn't call. Give them time to go through the internal hoops.

Depending on the size of the company, the HR department might want to make the formal offer. I learned that my manager told HR they wanted to hire me the day after I interviewed, but it took HR 2 weeks to make the formal offer. Stuff happens, just got to wait it out.
So a to give a brief idea of what I'm dealing with ill explain my situation. I have searched online and couldn't get a clear answer.

I recently had my third interview for Z company (one by phone, two in person) and was told I would hear back withing a "couple" of days from my last interview which took place last Wednesday by the district manager. He seems impressed as did the branch manager so I felt certain I would get a call.

Here's my questions. How soon is to soon to call? If I call tomorrow am I perceived as impatient or persistent?

don't call, write a brief message to follow up and see what's the status of hiring process on this Wednesday.

Excuse me, for my straightforward, be prepared if thing gone sour. Good Luck.
Call them and tell them that you didn't mean to be pushy but you just wanted to let them know that you were going to go back-country camping and hiking and wouldn't be easy to get a hold of for the next few days. So if they had made a decision, it might take a little bit longer before you could get back to them and that you weren't blowing them off. Unless of course they had a decision before you left for your trip then you could accept right away. Then if they don't have decision yet, get all your hiking and camping gear and literally pitch a tent up right at the front entrance to their building (Occupy Wall Street style). Eat, sleep, and just hang out. Maybe even bring a little kiddie pond with gold fish and do some fly fishing. Do this until they give you the job or call the cops. :smile:
With my most recent career move I went through nearly 5 months of interviews and technical screenings. There were 12 other candidates besides myself (I didn't know this) but there were so many large gaps in time between contact that I stayed extremely persistent in getting updates. I know it's a rather large company and I could tell that there were obvious gaps in the communications process with HR but I figured it couldn't hurt to make myself known as the guy that may have been annoying but serious about the position.

I will copy and paste exact emails I wrote to whom is the practice manager for the sector I belong to.

Last Thursday I had a technical screening with Mr. ZZZZZZZZZ which I would believe went well as we ended up having nearly a 90 minute conversation. I have yet to receive any feedback from XXXX at HR in regards to this position. I realize that you are an extremely busy individual, which makes me hesitant to send emails like this; however, I have to ensure I vocalized my interest in this position properly.

And then I had another technical screening where I heard zilch for 10 days and wrote this

Just as another follow-up, technical screening #2 was conducted on June 27th with YYYYYYYY. Sorry to pester you with these notifications but Mrs. ZZZZ at HR is not easy to get in contact with and I would like to remain proactive on this opportunity.

Hope you were able to have a relaxing weekend and I will look forward to hearing from you or HR soon

In between this there were plenty of voicemails and emails to my contact at HR, eventually it pushed through but it was a painful process.
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OK so far two say call, two say don't. I do want to show interest as the position is very limited and there's only one opening and not a lot of turnover from what I understand. I think I will call tomorrow and talk to the branch manager.

What should I say? Sorry I'm new to this and over think just about everything. I'm nervous because its the first "real" job I'll have ever had. Pathetic for 27 I know :tongue: but I've had nothing but dead end and manual labor jobs but I graduate in June so It's time to start a career. :biggrin:

EDIT: Just some more info. I don't want to be specific but its a financing/lending company with 900+ branches in 40 states.
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Give em a week...then send a brief email reiterating your interest in the company and position and let them know that you are looking forward to hearing from them soon.

Good luck man.
If it was a reputable company and they said they'll call then, they'll call. It's not professional to tell an applicant you'll call and not follow through even if they go another route. I'd give em some time but I can simpathize with you.
Call them and tell them that you didn't mean to be pushy but you just wanted to let them know that you were going to go back-country camping and hiking and wouldn't be easy to get a hold of for the next few days. So if they had made a decision, it might take a little bit longer before you could get back to them and that you weren't blowing them off. Unless of course they had a decision before you left for your trip then you could accept right away. Then if they don't have decision yet, get all your hiking and camping gear and literally pitch a tent up right at the front entrance to their building (Occupy Wall Street style). Eat, sleep, and just hang out. Maybe even bring a little kiddie pond with gold fish and do some fly fishing. Do this until they give you the job or call the cops. :smile:

Your post was totally unhelpful. How's he supposed to fit a kiddie pool in a backpack, not to mention hiking across the US with live goldfish. It's obvious he'll need to drive or take a bus.
Your post was totally unhelpful. How's he supposed to fit a kiddie pool in a backpack, not to mention hiking across the US with live goldfish. It's obvious he'll need to drive or take a bus.

Hey I'm just here for the good looks and the brilliant ideas. I leave the details and logistics up to the nerds in engineering. :tongue:
So I decided to call today. The branch manager thanked me for being patient and said she had it on her agenda to call me today. She said that HR was still doing my background check and the position deadline was the 24th so I'm not sure what's going on but it sounds like I'm still being considered. :biggrin:
Every time someone calls me, it was on my agenda to call them today... Fingers crossed for you though.
Every time someone calls me, it was on my agenda to call them today... Fingers crossed for you though.

I was just going to say that. :wink:
Eh, this stuff always takes longer than people think. It's good to follow up to show your interest, but interviewers at large companies have to wait on HR, which is usually out of their control. Even if he wants to hire you today, he has to wait on due process.

The HR dept. has to get around to checking your references, etc., then things have to get approved, before sending an offer letter out. Then it's a few days before you get it... So, expect to wait 2-3 weeks or more.

Usually, a manager can't tell you that they're hiring you, until everything's approved. Positions disappear for various reasons and they could get sued for breach of promise.

My advice is to keep looking. If someone else makes you an offer, then you can follow up saying that you're really interested in working for them, but have another offer. The HR dept. should be able to give you an update fairly quickly.

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