Performance Test At Nsxpo

Yes sir, your authority is widely recognized (As we already have encountered a couple times on other issues)... I know you have problems against me speaking my mind, no need to point it out.
I guess I just have to shut up and enjoy what's out there besides NSXPO. There's always different point of view between different generations and it comes down to the one who has more authority gets his/her ways. So why can't you just admit it that "you want it that way"? BTW, no one will take your spot as being the head honcho anytime soon (politic sucks). So you can take it easy on that. "We open to suggestions" is more like asking a communist party to give freedom to the people! We're just different in age, see fun things differently and just can't get a long well PERIOD. You can look at all the pictures that you took at NSXPOs... I don't see too many younger attendees hanging around with you guys. Again, just admit that what's fun to younger crowd doesn't seem too fun with older crowd!
I am not the power hungry type of person to take your spot as being mr. NSXPO or NSXCA. Worst comes to worst I can just stay the hell home and miss NSXPO just like every other year. NO hard feelings at all, seriously!
Ahhhhhhhhhh, the total ignorance of the young. It would be smart to learn the facts before you put your foot in your mouth. The person that you're attempting to vilify is not just one of the "most respected" on prime, but is probably one of the most willing person to help out another member (no matter their age, or economic standing) at anytime. There has been a tremendous participation of "younger" members at our local events and at NSXPO, maybe if you bothered to join and attend (instead of looking at pictures) you'd be able to see for yourself. And maybe if you got involved you'd actually learn a little about the people you see in the pictures. Get off your highchair and participate!!!
Yes sir, your authority is widely recognized (As we already have encountered a couple times on other issues)... I know you have problems against me speaking my mind, no need to point it out.

I won't waste any more time or energy responding to the majority of your post because your own words do more damage to your credibility than anything I could say. However, the comment above was interesting because I don't recall ever having any discussions with you on Prime in the past and do not recollect "encountering" you on other issues where you would get the impression that I have "problems with you speaking your mind". I realize "my generation" may be rapidly approaching the throes of senility but my memory is still fairly good at this juncture. Just in case, though, I looked at the threads containing your previous 240 posts and I don't see any that I ever posted in as well. Could your comment above be just another "exaggeration"?
I guess I just have to shut up and enjoy what's out there besides NSXPO.

That would be a good start.

"We open to suggestions" is more like asking a communist party to give freedom to the people!

Well if you don't like the rules of the system here, unlike communism, you can leave at any time. Btw, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

You can look at all the pictures that you took at NSXPOs... I don't see too many younger attendees hanging around with you guys. Again, just admit that what's fun to younger crowd doesn't seem too fun with older crowd!

Hardly the truth. I spent most of my time at NSXPO with people at least 10 years older than me. Furthermore, all of us young guys already hang out together locally. Why would I want to segregate myself from some of the nicest people on the planet

Worst comes to worst I can just stay the hell home and miss NSXPO just like every other year. NO hard feelings at all, seriously!

I'm sure no one will miss you at future NSXPO's. "NO hard feelings at all, seriously."
So far there are 3-4 people seems to flaming me for speaking my mind. Well, if you have the time to dig up my posts did you find anything dramatic on what I've said on this site? Probably just voicing my mind posts right?
Again, we just see things differently and just can't agree... so why sit here and shooting back and forth?
Honestly, you guys might be nice and mightly but that doesn't mean you can be receptive to ideas you seem to be contradictive to your point of view!
Common, I can find great times with just any car enthusiasts that doesn't prejudice against (membership affiliations)
It's not easy to please people, but it quite effortless to pissed ones off.
So there you guys have it, I pissed the board member of NSXCA and now I am the enemy of everyone...:)
Here the final statement to this whole shooting back and forth


Nothing more nothing less and we can put this to rest in peace.
So far there are 3-4 people seems to flaming me for speaking my mind. Well, if you have the time to dig up my posts did you find anything dramatic on what I've said on this site? Probably just voicing my mind posts right?
Again, we just see things differently and just can't agree... so why sit here and shooting back and forth?
Honestly, you guys might be nice and mightly but that doesn't mean you can be receptive to ideas you seem to be contradictive to your point of view!
Common, I can find great times with just any car enthusiasts that doesn't prejudice against (membership affiliations)
It's not easy to please people, but it quite effortless to pissed ones off.
So there you guys have it, I pissed the board member of NSXCA and now I am the enemy of everyone...:)
Here the final statement to this whole shooting back and forth


Nothing more nothing less and we can put this to rest in peace.

Wow, it seems you are a bit too worked up about this. No one is saying that opinions and suggestions aren't welcome - bottom line. What does seem odd to people is commenting about NSXPO when you haven't ever experienced must admit that it is pretty tough to form an accurate opinion when you haven't ever been to one. I'm sure you've heard about them from others and seen pictures but that isn't the same as attending yourself.

If the lineup of events doesn't intrigue you and you would like to see something additional then volunteer to help with a planning committee. It is the LOCAL planning committee that primarily sets the agenda/events for NSXPO, NOT the NSXCA board. The board does have input of course and must provide the funding, but they are very open to many different ideas - within the obvious contstraints of budget and legal matters (ie. liability). This is where your opinions about NSXPO can impact an event, get on the committee and you can collectively decide on the appropriate path for that particular NSXPO. NSXPO is different each year, although some of the same structure can be seen from year to year and that primarily is because it's been popular and efficient.

My wife and I were significant contributors to NSXPO '05 in Phoenix, having put in countless hours planning and executing the event. At that time we were both 27 and thoroughly enjoyed the entire event. Had you been at that event I think you may have been surprised at how fun it was. There were quite a few younger generation people there and to the best of my knowledge everyone had a GREAT time. Many opportunities existed at that event for the "younger" crowd to have fun during official NSXPO events and we also planned events to conclude in locations which were near nightlife for those wanting to continue the fun.

Suggestions were always welcomed by us for NSXPO '05 and I'm sure the future local committees also want constructive input. BTW, we were trying to do 1/4 mile testing at '05, but unfortunately on the dates of NSXPO we were limited to the Main Course at Firebird which uses the 1/4 drag strip as part of the road course. Therefore we couldn't use the drag strip for other functions, but we did have a formal autocross course setup which was the first formal one ever at NSXPO. New ideas can be implemented. :smile:
If I am to contact the official committee for the 2008 NSXPO, can I have a name(s), e-mail, and/or address. I will take the proper steps.

Thank You!