people in the uk, help me out

6 September 2004
san diego
i plan on moving to london in 2006. my question is, is there alot of places to find jobs from out there?? i am graduating from wyotech in 2006 goin for specalty auto fabrication. which is pretty much everything. building engines,suspension,chassis fabrication stuff like that.i know cars are really big over there just wondering how it would be to find a job. i already will have a place to live so i just want to get my foot in the door somewhere,and then work my way up.i am goin to do some research just seein what some of you guys know about it. thanks for the info
I'm not sure that London is where you should be looking - it's not exactly the center (oops, better get used to proper spelling - centre ) of the British motor industry! If you're really looking for specialty fabrication work then much of the racing industry is near Silverstone and small manufacturers are scattered all over like TVR in Blackpool. What about a company like Noble? You do know that the UK has a 4.7% unemployment rate, right? That's. I think, about where it has been for 5 years or so.
Hate to burst your bubble, but you just don't move to the UK. You have to have a job prior to moving. Believe me, I've done it.

I've worked all around the world, including the UK, and my company would have to prove that I, rather than a person in the UK should have that position, because of the unique qualifications I employeed.

If you really want to live there, get a job from a UK company and have them do the paperwork for you. It's no different than someone in a foreign county thinking, well, I think I'll just move to the United States and get a job...

The last time I worked in the UK, it took my company six months to get my work permit.
Dtrigg said:
If you really want to live there, get a job from a UK company and have them do the paperwork for you. It's no different than someone in a foreign county thinking, well, I think I'll just move to the United States and get a job...


thats what i am doing.i am moving there and then goin to try to find a job. same as if someone came to the usa and found a job. this whole country is based off of that. my question is(which no one has answered) is there alot of jobs in london.ex. dealerships, and performance or speed shops. any race teams out of london or near for them highering a person form the uk over me just cause i m from the us oesnt make sense. if i have more qualifications then the person i am goin against the job with, they would higher me. say you were in competition for a position with a person from another country and he had better qualifications then you, they would choose him, right?
I think he was referring to the right to work, as a work visa.

jgtcnsx said:
thats what i am doing.i am moving there and then goin to try to find a job. same as if someone came to the usa and found a job. this whole country is based off of that. my question is(which no one has answered) is there alot of jobs in london.ex. dealerships, and performance or speed shops. any race teams out of london or near for them highering a person form the uk over me just cause i m from the us oesnt make sense. if i have more qualifications then the person i am goin against the job with, they would higher me. say you were in competition for a position with a person from another country and he had better qualifications then you, they would choose him, right?
Yeah, I think you missed the point of that previous post. You can't just move there and look for a job. The only way to live and work in another country is to get official gov't approval to do so. This usually requires getting the job first and having the company 'sponsor' you and take care of the paperwork. I would imagine its probably a lot easier to find a job with a US company having some sort of foreign affiliate where you could be placed than finding a European company willing to go through with the hassle. Either way best of luck in your search!

Well even though I live here, I don't know how you would move here, get visa's etc. I think if you do it as 2 year temp working visa you should be OK.

Anyway, about your original question.

London. Not the best place for 'speed shops'. What do you want to do? Actually be somewhere that builds race cars? Work in a shop that sells bolt-on bits, but don't know the first thing about racing itself?

Most the bolt-on shops, are mail order. So they can be based anywhere. Usually only poorly trained monkeys work there anyway.

Racing places. I know a few names, but there are so many places in the UK, and at all sorts of levels.

The MSA is the sports governing body. Their website is There are some links there. However again not many places around London. Most are based near racetracks. There are the race teams themselves. Depending on the level, will depend on the qualifications and experience they want. Take it for granted that F1 teams, take the best engineers from Oxford and Cambridge Uni's. Mechanics are also experienced race mechanics.

Then there are component makers. DP Composites, SPA composites, AP Racing, Alcon and others that make parts.

Then there are small fabricators. Shops that do work for private club level racers.

Bear in mind living in London is mucho expensive. To start work somewhere, you may have to work for nothing or very little, not ideal for London!