Pedal Install: How to remove knee bolster?

11 May 2006
Installing set of Autovation pedals and having trouble with removing knee bolster so I can get my drill in at the right angle. I took out the bottom two screws but seems to be attached at the top with some kind of clips? I pulled and tugged up to the point of fearing somethings going to break on the panel.

Any suggestions? Seems from the Service Manual there are two clips at the top.

Thanks for the help.

smithk3933 said:
...... seems to be attached at the top with some kind of clips? I pulled and tugged up to the point of fearing somethings going to break on the panel.
Do a search on knee bolster - you'll find quite a few threads on same question

But essentially just needs brute force to pull out of the clips. It will pull straight out towards you. Do one side at a time, left first - try to get your fingers of both hands behind it (right hand next to steering column side & left on the extreme left side of bolster) then just pull straight back.
It won't break!
I'll have a go another day. Time to go and EAT! Don't want to break anything and ruin an otherwise great day. The new accelerator pedal greatly improves the heel-toe action and that's really what I was after. Thanks for the insights.

Believe Ken-that bolster is a biatch. I fought with mine and almost sprained my thumb when it suddenly let go while I was applying a serious amount of force to it. By the way, I did not reinstall the clips as my bolster fits tight as heck without them; no rattles or nothing at all. I did save them hoverever in case I ever get the stupid urge to reinstall them...... doubtful. Good luck with dat.
Anyone have a pic or URL of the pedals your installing?? Im thinking about getting some. Thanx
Dave (BioBanker) and I did both our cars last Sunday. it was relatively easy - the trick was a dremmel with a right angle adapter and a new drill bit for each hole (plus a smaller bit where it gets tricky) Dave did two holes per - which is all you really need - I did three since it was Dave's dremmel and if I needed an extra hole I would need to see Dave again, borrow the dremmel, etc.

The pedals work great, grippy as hell.

No need to remove the bolster, just use the right angle and have a little something to push down on the clutch (optional) what we did is remove the pedal cover and drill the bottom hole in the bottom position on the rubber pedal cover, pop it on and use it to score the real pedal pop it off and then drill, we then losely screwed down the pedal and used it to template the other holes; then we moved it away by rotating it and drilled through - it worked great and it was easy to be exactly right with the holes.
smithk3933 said:
Yes sounds like the right angle adapter is the way to go. Did you still need to score/punch to get a hole to start.

All we did was make the hole in the OEM rubber, put it on and use it as a template, drill a tiny bit to score the pedal and then take it off (burning rubber if you don't - stinky in the footwell and your head is RIGHT there)

Then you use the (new aluminum) pedal cover itself as a template (bolted loosly to the bottom hole which is the one you do 1st), score a new hole by drilling through the hole in the pedal cover, move it out of the way and let her rip! Its the easy fast way and better than the silver paint pen approach since you can use a template at any wierd angle with certainty, whereas with the pen you gotta worry that the high speed dremmel with angle attachment isn't walking a bit as you score the hole in the first place.