Parking. Why is it....

16 June 2002
when you go to a store and find a nice big parking lot and you take the time to make sure you park further out away from EVERYONE else by 10 spaces or so that whenever you come out there is always someone parked next to you? The lot hasn't even begun to get full but someone feels the need to park next to the driver side door, usually pretty close.
I can understand if they also want to park away from everyone but come on, at least give me a little space.
You know I have the same problem. When I go to a bar, I find a stool way at the end away from everyone else and sit down. Doesn't take more than 15 min and a bunch of Super Models come and park next to me. :biggrin:
It's probably that if you make it obvious you don't want to be near anyone else, they'll just do it to annoy you. "Let's park close to the guy who thinks he's better than us." I don't think there's a way to avoid giving this impression.
take up two parking spots. thats what i do. I'd rather get a ticket for parking that way , than having someone ding up my doors.

I've even had some a$$hole park right up next to me once, when i was taking up two parking spots, and there was plenty of parking space around.
NSXrebel said:
take up two parking spots. thats what i do. I'd rather get a ticket for parking that way , than having someone ding up my doors.

I've even had some a$$hole park right up next to me once, when i was taking up two parking spots, and there was plenty of parking space around.

This is a good way to get your car keyed up also which is why I dont do it.

I usually park as far away as I can and next to something that will prevent others from parking next to me.

If your lucky you can find a single spot between two support columns or you will sometimes find spots that are wider then others. In other cases I park at the end spot where there is a curb or no parking spot next to you.
92NSX said:
when you go to a store and find a nice big parking lot and you take the time to make sure you park further out away from EVERYONE else by 10 spaces or so that whenever you come out there is always someone parked next to you? The lot hasn't even begun to get full but someone feels the need to park next to the driver side door, usually pretty close.
I can understand if they also want to park away from everyone but come on, at least give me a little space.

EVERY time i park me NSX on a complete empty parking area, as far away as possible from the entrance of the place i am going to. actualy, so far away from the entrance, nobody is going to park that far away, i always find a car parked next to me when i return.

The best place to park is right next to a handicap parking spot.Actually I hang really close to the line.People usually leave your car alone. The NSX is kinda like Britney Spears,if you don't want all the attention good or bad, too bad,it comes with the sports car,or being in Britney's case famous....:biggrin:

P.S. My friend had a Cobra replica, and you would have sworn, there was a naked girl in the car....
I dunno. I've been practicing "defensive parking" for the 33+ years I've owned cars. In those years I've received a total of maybe about 2 or 3 dings from parking lots. I park all the way in the next zip code in shopping center parking lots. Always park in the right end spot (there's always a driver exiting the left side but not always a passenger), and always hug the curb on the right side. It's pretty much worked for me. (My wife and I have gotten in countless arguments for me putting her in the bushes when she needs to egress. So much so now she insists I back in so when I park against the curb and bushes it's on my side.)

However, true, the NSX does seem to attract cars, even if it's out in the middle of nowhere. Could be that the driver also figures "this guy won't ding me, so I'll park next to it."

While I mentioned I've only gotten a coupla dings in parking lots, I have literally dozens over the same 30+ years from my own garage. Cars are magnets for bikes falling over, cans falling off shelves, and yes, shelves falling right off the walls. (Won't tell you how much that last one cost to repair on my daily driver.)
dquarasr2 said:
I dunno. I've been practicing "defensive parking" for the 33+ years I've owned cars. In those years I've received a total of maybe about 2 or 3 dings from parking lots. I park all the way in the next zip code in shopping center parking lots. Always park in the right end spot (there's always a driver exiting the left side but not always a passenger), and always hug the curb on the right side. It's pretty much worked for me. (My wife and I have gotten in countless arguments for me putting her in the bushes when she needs to egress. So much so now she insists I back in so when I park against the curb and bushes it's on my side.)

That is to funny.:biggrin:
Pretty good advice though.:wink:
Acura NsX Pilot said:
I bet if it was a ferrari or another high end sports car parked next to you there would be no complaints. :rolleyes:

I have never had one of those type park there so I really couldn't honestly say. I THINK I would feel the same because it would still be the same issue.
I think it would be funny sometime when you park way out far and have some extra time to just wait for the person who parked right next to you and ask why out of the entire open parking lot they chose to park next to your NSX :biggrin:

funny and informative

I rarely park mine anywhere, and when I do its either in my view or Ill be back in 5 minutes so I dont have this problem :smile:
Dan Ciesniewski said:
I think it would be funny sometime when you park way out far and have some extra time to just wait for the person who parked right next to you and ask why out of the entire open parking lot they chose to park next to your NSX :biggrin:

funny and informative

I rarely park mine anywhere, and when I do its either in my view or Ill be back in 5 minutes so I dont have this problem :smile:

So you rarely drive the car then? And when you do drive you make sure to only go in a store that you'll only be in for 5 minutes?:confused:
92NSX said:
when you go to a store and find a nice big parking lot and you take the time to make sure you park further out away from EVERYONE else by 10 spaces or so that whenever you come out there is always someone parked next to you? The lot hasn't even begun to get full but someone feels the need to park next to the driver side door, usually pretty close.
I can understand if they also want to park away from everyone but come on, at least give me a little space.

I have noticed the exactly the same thing on many many occasions. I have a theory that it something like herding instinct.
I’m not kidding. You will often see a similar effect in an airport lounge or at a party or an extreme example is an empty dance floor. The dance floor will stay empty for an hour or so because people don’t want to stand out but once a few brave people get on the dance floor within the space of 60 seconds it will be nearly full. When it comes to parking I think that it is somewhat subconscious.


Yes this issue bugs me to no end. I think alot of times people will do it to annoy you I swear. The advice the gentleman gave above about parking guidelines is pretty much what I do. Park waaaay out and always park on a curb to your right. That's about all you can do. I would not take up two parking spaces. Like someone mentioned above that's asking for trouble. It gives off haughty attidude. I drive my daily driver to work and park at a lot across the street away from everyone else. After a while there was a guy that started parking RIGHT next to me, even though there were literally 10 to 20 EMPTY parking spaces around me! I finally found out who it was and tactfully asked why he parked right next to me when there were plenty of empty spaces around for the both of us to have no one park next to us? He told me that he wanted to park next to someone that cared for their car and that he knew I wouldn't ding his car. But why park next to someone when you don't HAVE to :confused: He obliged and we now park at least 10 spaces from each other. It was the weirdest thing.
I like the response from CL65 Captain!!!:smile:

It's human nature that people are attracted to each other. I experience the same thing all of the time.
92NSX said:
So you rarely drive the car then? And when you do drive you make sure to only go in a store that you'll only be in for 5 minutes?:confused:
Yeah I don't drive my car to run errands..only to go to meets or for drives that bring me back home agian...the NSX will never be a daily driver for me.:smile:
Maybe I'm weird or something, but when I'm not in the NSX, I'll park next to one to act as a door ding barrier/shopping cart barrier for someone else's NSX. :)

I don't mind people parking next to my NSX as long as they don't park over the line. I really don't understand people who can't park in between the lines. :mad: I guess they were the ones who failed coloring in preschool. :biggrin:

92NSX said:
So you rarely drive the car then? And when you do drive you make sure to only go in a store that you'll only be in for 5 minutes?:confused:

I only drive my car for fun :)
And the only time I goto the store is when I have to goto my bank inside that store :biggrin:
Other than that I just drive my trucks :cool:
LOL...happens all the time. It's fustrating..but they have the same rights to park anywhere they desire. I think THEY don't want a door ding as well so they would park next to us since we're extra careful about opening the door.
NRG said:
LOL...happens all the time. It's fustrating..but they have the same rights to park anywhere they desire. I think THEY don't want a door ding as well so they would park next to us since we're extra careful about opening the door.'s the clandestine nature of humans...they don't want to be alone.
this is one reason i dont drive my NSX daily. the remedy for parking paranoia is to buy another NSX.

but for those of us that can't afford two NSX's, i guess we'll just have to keep on playing the strategic parking game, and endure the tricks our minds play on us when we're away.
If the doors swing open vertically I don't care who parks next to mine :wink: :biggrin: :smile:

Danny RED SR 71
dyee said:
If the doors swing open vertically I don't care who parks next to mine :wink: :biggrin: :smile:

Danny RED SR 71

...until they open their door into yours :frown: