Parking lot encounter

It is real treat to see kids beaming with excitement about something.
A co-worker of mine has a 12 yr old boy that comes into work with her every once in awhile. Well, I am known for getting a new toy just about every 6 months so when he comes in he runs into my office and asks if he can ride in my car with me. Of course I stop whatever it is I am doing and gladly take him out. His mother told me after he left one time that he told her,
"Gosh, I bet he went to college."
That cracked me up. I told her "If my NSX helps 1 kid go to college then it is all worth it."
Dtrigg said:
Yesterday I took the car to a shopping mall, being careful to park about 10 miles from the shops and 5 miles from the nearest car. As I was walking back to the car I see this white 4 door sedan pulling up near my car. All of a sudden this 14 year old kid bolts from the passenger door. I can see he is jumping up and down, waving his arms all over the place.

He somehow sees me approaching. He's flailing about and said, "Is this your car?" I answered that it was. Now he starts jumping up and down again yelling, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!"

Well at this point I just start laughing. I asked if he knew what kind of car it was. Now he looks at me like I am a completed idiot, like I don't what kind of car I drive. He said, "Of course, it's an NSX!"

The poor kid was about to pee his pants. Finally I get him calmed down, and he start to tell me all about the NSX. He asked what year my was, and when I told him, he said, "Oh it's a 3.2 liter."

Told him to ask his mother if it was OK to let him sit in car. She was laughing along with me. He sits in the car and yabbers on and on...

It was a nice day for all of us.

HAHA!! Those are great encounters.....kudos to you for allowing him to sit in his dream car. :)
That person, could be me, im not gona say kid, cause... well i am too ( 19 ). I hope to own an nsx, soon or someday. Two instances at least for me, one parking in china town of oakland, a long beach blue pearl nsx rolls on by me, im concentrating on not bumping the curb so i dont notice, my friend nonchalantly says " o nsx ". at this point my hearts hitting my chest like a superstar boxer, and i pull out of the spot post haste ( the one we had been trying to find for the last 15 minutes, and chase down the nsx, unfortunatly, i was trapped at a red light as it glided along out of site and made a turn and disapeared, still it was nice to see it. The other one was sitting in the back of a gsr, my friend ( a different one ) once again calmly says, o hey an nsx, same affect to me, i also have the OMG OMG OMG reaction hand over mouth on the verge of tears from PURE joy, I say " PULL OVER " he does, and i proceed to wiggle out of the back seat as the front seat passanger is crushed into the front dash, i bang my back on the top of the door ( hard enuff that it later scabed up a little ) and started sprinting in flip flops, and pajama pants back to the car. i stand there grinning like a moron, and making happy litle noises to my self. anytime i see one of your guys cars it makes any day a precious moment to me ^^, once again hopefully ill be among your ranks some day... soon! ( sorry for such a long post when i read this though i felt I needed to say it. ) :biggrin: