Parking lot encounter

2 March 2003
San Francisco
Yesterday I took the car to a shopping mall, being careful to park about 10 miles from the shops and 5 miles from the nearest car. As I was walking back to the car I see this white 4 door sedan pulling up near my car. All of a sudden this 14 year old kid bolts from the passenger door. I can see he is jumping up and down, waving his arms all over the place.

He somehow sees me approaching. He's flailing about and said, "Is this your car?" I answered that it was. Now he starts jumping up and down again yelling, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!"

Well at this point I just start laughing. I asked if he knew what kind of car it was. Now he looks at me like I am a completed idiot, like I don't what kind of car I drive. He said, "Of course, it's an NSX!"

The poor kid was about to pee his pants. Finally I get him calmed down, and he start to tell me all about the NSX. He asked what year my was, and when I told him, he said, "Oh it's a 3.2 liter."

Told him to ask his mother if it was OK to let him sit in car. She was laughing along with me. He sits in the car and yabbers on and on...

It was a nice day for all of us.
Dtrigg said:
Yesterday I took the car to a shopping mall, being careful to park about 10 miles from the shops and 5 miles from the nearest car. As I was walking back to the car I see this white 4 door sedan pulling up near my car. All of a sudden this 14 year old kid bolts from the passenger door. I can see he is jumping up and down, waving his arms all over the place.

He somehow sees me approaching. He's flailing about and said, "Is this your car?" I answered that it was. Now he starts jumping up and down again yelling, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!"

Well at this point I just start laughing. I asked if he knew what kind of car it was. Now he looks at me like I am a completed idiot, like I don't what kind of car I drive. He said, "Of course, it's an NSX!"

The poor kid was about to pee his pants. Finally I get him calmed down, and he start to tell me all about the NSX. He asked what year my was, and when I told him, he said, "Oh it's a 3.2 liter."

Told him to ask his mother if it was OK to let him sit in car. She was laughing along with me. He sits in the car and yabbers on and on...

It was a nice day for all of us.

hahaha man Gran Tourismo 3 and 4 does wonders for educating people (especially young kids)
that's a **great** story and represents one of the best things about having an nsx - we get to share them with people who appreciate them :)

thx for sharing the story.
Great story - I was afraid it was going to be about an unpleasant encounter when I opened the thread. Nice to be disappointed this time.
Along the same lines....

Just got back from a trip to the bank...went thru the drive up teller service. The chick was totally digging the NSX! Something like this:

"Wow, what kind of car is that??"
-me: It's an Acura
-me: Yeah, NSX...
"Wow...I'm used to just seeing TL's RL's, etc, that's a really nice car!"
-me: Hey, thanks
"Must be a lot of fun to drive"
-me: Yeah...thanks...I like it..

Basically went on from there. Pretty cool stuff....
Actually James, I gave him your telephone number and address and told him you would be happy to let him drive a really tricked out NSX.
I was at a Steak N' Shake a couple of months ago, sitting outside talking with a friend, and out comes this family. The little boy, about 8-9 years old asked me if it was a 3.0 liter engine, and if I liked the handling of a mid-engined car vs. the alternative. My mouth fell open. Then, his little sister, about 6-7 years old just shook her head and said man that is tight. :biggrin:
I always tell people who are hanging around my car as I walk up to it to drive off that I highly recommend buying one. They then look at me like it's impossible.... :confused: Glad I'm one of the few in my area that thinks like I do, I stay one of a kind that way! :biggrin:
comquat1 said:
I always tell people who are hanging around my car as I walk up to it to drive off that I highly recommend buying one. They then look at me like it's impossible.... :confused: Glad I'm one of the few in my area that thinks like I do, I stay one of a kind that way! :biggrin:

"If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up."
-Ferris Bueller

for a second there i thought the kid was jumping on your hood. LOL

thanks for sharing :biggrin:
djdrock said:
I was at a Steak N' Shake a couple of months ago, sitting outside talking with a friend, and out comes this family. The little boy, about 8-9 years old asked me if it was a 3.0 liter engine, and if I liked the handling of a mid-engined car vs. the alternative. My mouth fell open. Then, his little sister, about 6-7 years old just shook her head and said man that is tight. :biggrin:

LMAO quote of the day
djdrock said:
Then, his little sister, about 6-7 years old just shook her head and said man that is tight. :biggrin:

That should have been in the marketing of the NSX!! Can you imagine a commercial like that??

DrVolkl said:
Along the same lines....

Just got back from a trip to the bank...went thru the drive up teller service. The chick was totally digging the NSX! Something like this:

"Wow, what kind of car is that??"
-me: It's an Acura
-me: Yeah, NSX...
"Wow...I'm used to just seeing TL's RL's, etc, that's a really nice car!"
-me: Hey, thanks
"Must be a lot of fun to drive"
-me: Yeah...thanks...I like it..

Basically went on from there. Pretty cool stuff....

Eric, your nsx needs to be lowered, I never used drive thru, cuz it's too low, the teller only see the roof of my car.... ;) ok, I have short arms... LOL. j/k.
nice story doug!
you should have thrown him the keys and said bring it back tomorrow.

Actually James, I gave him your telephone number and address and told him you would be happy to let him drive a really tricked out NSX.

If you hardwired your car to a PSP / PS2 controller, chances are he's a better driver than you... :biggrin:
Lol I know exactly how he feels. When me and my buddies when to an NSX in NJ, once we saw the first NSX, we were all like little school girls at a Backstreet Boys Concert. Not ONLY did I sit in one I got a ride, had you have maybe given him a short only up to first gear run in accelerating, it would of made his day. Kids who know about the NSX know about cars. They know whats good, not what everyone else assumes is good (Ferrari, Supra TT, Skyline GT-R)
That's a great story! I always love to hear of kids getting thrilled over any cars, particularly NSX's.

We had a similar thing happen at NSXPO when Heather & I drove up on Friday (I think it was Friday anyway) morning. We were approached by Mike Bergman who said there was a kid (about 12) who came into work with his mom (I believe she worked catering/food & beverage at the hotel) at 4am in order to see all of the cars and he particularly was interested in our car. His mom had taken a picture of it the night before and so he got up VERY early to come into work with her. Thankfully I was able to give him a quick ride for 5 minutes around the area, onto the freeway and back. It was great to see him beaming with excitement. Seeing him smile and knowing it happened because of NSXPO made the whole NSXPO experience itself worthwhile (in addition to everything else of course).

Thanks for sharing your story and sorry to add my own here, but it is great to hear stories such as these. I know it's been posted numerous times and is in the FAQ, but here is a great link for those who drive exotic/high profile cars.
Hay Understudy. Thanks for sharing your story. On numerous occasions, I had kids sit in my car and have their photos taken. It is great not only for them, but for me.

A few years ago we at NSX Prime started our purchasing bicycles at Christmas time for under privileged children, and I know some NSX regional sectors have programs for children with physical difficulties to ride in their cars at tracks. Perhaps we could start a program of some sort that allows us to share our vehicle with kids.

If anyone has thought or ideas, I would be happy to work on the details. I still laugh when I think about that kid.

