I've received a Palm Tungsten E from one of my jobs, which is all very nice, but i'm wondering how i can make effective use of it. I work heavily from spreadsheets, a printed list of contacts and a diary.
Anyone else use a Palm? If so, what applications do you recommend? Any other tips would be appreciated.
Also... any good games for the Palm??? I can't do without my Palm now simply for <A HERF="http://www.cs.unimaas.nl/p.spronck/picoverse/spacetrader/STFrames.html">Space Trader</A>.
Anyone else use a Palm? If so, what applications do you recommend? Any other tips would be appreciated.
Also... any good games for the Palm??? I can't do without my Palm now simply for <A HERF="http://www.cs.unimaas.nl/p.spronck/picoverse/spacetrader/STFrames.html">Space Trader</A>.