Has anyone come across and/or considered testing these kits out on an NSX? I know they don't have an NSX version available, but I came across these kits fitted to a Evo 7 GTA so I'm sure they could be customised to work in an NSX. There is also a YouTube video of someone who fitted one of these kits to a 350Z. The video shows that the kit responds quite slowly, but it does allow for some manual control over an otherwise automatic gearbox (save for the NA2 F1 autos). Links are as follows:
Works Bell website: http://www.worksbell.co.jp/en/products/night_pager/paddle.htm
YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4WDtIpAtt4
Works Bell website: http://www.worksbell.co.jp/en/products/night_pager/paddle.htm
YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4WDtIpAtt4