Packing for Fiesta - what size luggage?

28 March 2002
We are coming down to the wire so it's time to start thinking about how to pack. I found this little tidbit about luggage storage on the bullet train:

Does anyone have any experience with travel throughout Japan including the Bullet Train? Considering the relatively tight storage areas on the train, I was planning on packing a nylon duffle bag into my larger suitcase to be able to carry just a few days worth of clothing, etc. when we travel outside of tokyo. I would then check the larger bag at the hotel and pick up upon our return.

Anyone have any thoughts about this?
We are coming down to the wire so it's time to start thinking about how to pack. I found this little tidbit about luggage storage on the bullet train:

Does anyone have any experience with travel throughout Japan including the Bullet Train? Considering the relatively tight storage areas on the train, I was planning on packing a nylon duffle bag into my larger suitcase to be able to carry just a few days worth of clothing, etc. when we travel outside of tokyo. I would then check the larger bag at the hotel and pick up upon our return.

Anyone have any thoughts about this?

The Shinkansen is much like an airplane. A roll-on bag is not a problem, but I think you're right that we just need to carry a change of clothes (shirt, underwear) and our shaving kit for overnights.

I have PM'd you asking if we'll ever need a sports jacket/tie -- I'm guessing NO. That could require the full roll-on bag.
Jackets and ties are not required according to Hirofumi (although apparently there is one Fiesta attendee who wears a tux each year).
From what i experienced when i got here is lugging a large suit case on to shinkansen or the NEX, or bus is not a problem. Its when you try to bring that giant thing on to the regular trains. It just gets in eveyones way. Especialy if your arriving betwene 5-8pm or 7-9am. Even a backpack seems to hender my ability to fit in during rush hour. f^_^;)
I was planning on exactly this - A small duffel bag to carry on the train along with camera bag :smile:

Someone here stated that these two bags should be fine on the train as he has traveled it many times.

We are coming down to the wire so it's time to start thinking about how to pack. I found this little tidbit about luggage storage on the bullet train:

Does anyone have any experience with travel throughout Japan including the Bullet Train? Considering the relatively tight storage areas on the train, I was planning on packing a nylon duffle bag into my larger suitcase to be able to carry just a few days worth of clothing, etc. when we travel outside of tokyo. I would then check the larger bag at the hotel and pick up upon our return.

Anyone have any thoughts about this?
We are coming down to the wire so it's time to start thinking about how to pack. I found this little tidbit about luggage storage on the bullet train:

Does anyone have any experience with travel throughout Japan including the Bullet Train? Considering the relatively tight storage areas on the train, I was planning on packing a nylon duffle bag into my larger suitcase to be able to carry just a few days worth of clothing, etc. when we travel outside of tokyo. I would then check the larger bag at the hotel and pick up upon our return.

Anyone have any thoughts about this?

Bob, I think it is best to plan not to bring large luggage on the trains. You can probably manage it if you are really determined, but it will be a bit of a hassle just from a standpoint of getting around the train stations with it.

As noted in the article you linked, there is quite a bit of room in the seats so you can put a decent size bag in front of your seat at the expense of leg room.

Contrary to what that article states, there is also room for a couple large bags behind the last row of seats in a shinkansen train car, however that is good for only maybe 4 large bags for the entire car of people and is first-come-first-serve so I certainly wouldn't count on it.
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have fun guys and gals !travel safely and travel lite:tongue: underwear is highly overrated:redface:
Actually, button-down shirt, tie, and a pair of pants are highly recommended for the Fiesta dinner. Most of the Japanese participants dress up for the events. Gansan has his tux every year as well as many others.