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Group Buy P2F Type R Style Carbon Center Console

Sounds great! Looking forward to it. Can you check your PM and respond when you can?
Interested for 2nd group buy (double din)
Shipped one today(matte, no gloss) the rest is waiting inline for waterjet and then UV gloss. ETA....?? Soon.
GB #1 - Nobody dropped out.

Be gentle during the install. its a tight fit but give a little love and it will all go together nicely.

GB #2 starts right here right now!! $450 matte, +$50 double/single DIN + $50 UV glossy coat(pay this amount 1st) + tax & shipping(after we finish making the part)
paypay to liftnot@yahoo.com or info@pole2flagracing.com and select friends and provide a current shipping address and a valid email address and your prime name to help us not to mess up to help you.
or contact us if you want to pay differently.

GB#2 should ship quicker than GB#1 . we had a government job so had to deal with The Man. He was holding us down:mad:

1. MOMSPH (double DIN, gloss) - paid
2. Track Addit (no cut, matte)
3. ykue2914 (no cut, glossy)
4. Ramon (no cut, glossy) - paid
5. altasoul(matte, no cut)- paid
6. ev0ill (matt, double DIN) - paid
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Only one person paid so far. You must pay 1st, before we make it. See thread #56 .
This part is infusion not pre-preg(dry). We made one(pre-preg) and did not come out pretty and its an overkill since this is not a stressed part so infusion is a better method...and cheaper.
Waterjet update! should have no problem with all the custom dimension cuts. they will run it during down time so ETA is unknown. Maybe quick, maybe not but it will be done soon. Then its UV coating. (sorry 99problems for having to wait so long otherwise your no cut glossy is finished)
Great news liftnot!
Looking forward to getting mine. Sorry that my requirements are somewhat deviated from the standard cut size. I'm glad the waterjet guy will have no problem with the dimensions!
Yawwn, we showed your pix to him and made sure he can do it and he said no problem at all. Its a perfect example of people like you taking charge of your part which makes it easier for us to help you. The waterjet guy seems solid & straight up so lets hope it turns out great.
matte/flat finish

Sample pic of matte finish for those who still deciding on the finish.
See glossy finish in thread #1 .
send us your personal email address for high res pix.

*These are race quality parts, NOT boutique quality. These are NOT wrapped or heavy wetlay-up. They wt. 10oz. each. They are 100% carbon. All made in San Diego using material NOT sourced from Asia. You get free delivery if you come to Ramon's shop in OC. Our price reflect as such. Thx all for your interests and we are working on the next carbon part.
Even local outsourcing is challenging!!

Got a call from the water jet guy and we thought, Great! parts are ready for UV coating but they had a $20k rush job this week to move and were just getting ready to set up to cut. There were questions need to be addressed. Went over there and took care the concerns and decided this will be the first and the last batch we'll be offering custom cuts. This part is not flat so its tricky to do. They will do this on their "off" time.

Its too risky for the operator to have so many one offs and it leaves too much room for honest mistakes and at this low qty, its not worth the trouble for them. We are glad they are willing to help so from next batch on, its either 7x2 single DIN or 7x4 Double DIN with square corners. We still don't know if they will charge extra for the custom request.

99Problems has been waiting for the UV gloss but his part has been ready but idling for over 2 wks. We need to simplify this process so we can ship quicker.
>Would you also be able to add the small slits for the aspiration fan like the OEM center consoles. Let me know thanks

No! its quite challenging to cut this console as its not flat and has a lot of angles and different surfaces. Water jet is great for cutting flat pieces and if we insist the vendor to do this and other kinds of cut, he will show us the door.
we just don't have the volume to request special cuttings and the setup process is difficult with this piece that flexes. The waterjet guy took on this as a challenge to see if he can do it and he did cut our sample piece perfectly so we don't want to push the envelop.

We are just happy to know he is willing and able to make the cuts. We hope to have good news by next week and then its on to the next vendor with glossy coating. We much rather just sell the console as it come off the mold as adding two outsourcing is taking a LONG time before we can ship. Provided they don't mess up.

In case you want to cut this yourself, make sure you have a strong vacuum source to suck the carbon dust away as its very dangerous to your health.

- - - Updated - - -

Just got a call from Water Jet and they are DONE and NO problems:eek: even Jack's oem plastic piece survived.

They are closing in an hour so we'll pick them up on Monday and send it to UV coat.

Making progress one step at a time.
CF Console Update!

Its your lucky day...and ours as well:smile:. They turned out very well and we can ship tomorrow!!

We're gonna stay with 7x4 and 7x2 for now until the vendor perfect his set up skills as each one is a real PITA to set up. The price for this process will be $100/console starting the 3rd GB. We are really glad we did not "piss off" this vendor as we sure can use him for future projects.

Now lets put some clear lipstick on this baby. UV coating will be done by this wkend.

*Must read the installation tips below. Tip number 1: Be gentle when turning CC. Snug is preferred over torque.

Urrrr...President's day...ship tomorrow.
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Awesome T!
Mine is the 4th one, if my eyes do not deceive me.
I'm very much looking forward to having it installed.

ALL shipped and tracking PM'ed. :wink:

We have 2 spots left at the current GB who have not paid so this is your chance to get one at a lower price. Next GB the price will be $475 (matte, no cut) + $100 double/single DIN(H2O jet needs to set it up individually, major PITA) + $50 glossy finish + shipping.

no cut out for the coin tray. its not something the water jet can do since its not a flat piece. we asked and was told a big NO:frown:. the water jet guy is doing us a favor as not many of them around and not many are willing to try cutting something they are not comfortable with. They have no interest cutting small batch of stuff like this so we need to keep him:smile:

We were told there is a vendor also in San Diego selling this part on Ebay but that is not us.The part is $160 + $30 shipping. although it looks nice but it does not fit well and the shifter boot mount is highly questionable. He has 22 in stock so this is not made to order like ours and probably bought a shipment from somewhere far away.

Don't forget this, the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten. Buy the real deal and cry once or don't buy it at all.
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I will be home this weekend from a long business trip and will post payment. Thank you.
Yeah like Vilnius, Lithuania.... LOL

the ghost of Tomaske is still at it behind Prime insisting us buying his parts after many times being told to pound sand.

Below is the direct quote.
Im here not to argue but i realy suggest you to move with our parts so do not need to wait months for cuttings , sanding molding and etc. and we got all interior and some exterior made.

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