Owning a supercar...

The NSX is a CLASSIC Supercar, looks great, but is a classic already.
a guy with one of the biggest car collections in the northwest....I saw him at Pannera Bread getting a bagel....in his ENZO. Pretty funny when a 92 chevy minivan parked right next to him.

He later sold his Enzo, F50, and F40 after driving the 458. Said it was better then all of them.
When i got my nsx i would baby it and not leave it anywhere. I got the widebody kit and was afraid to drive it, let alone leave it anywhere. I went a on riverroad group drive in 2005 and was running behind Len3.8, all the sand he was throwing up, completely stripped the bottom portion of the front bumper. I was DEVASTATED for a few weeks, then said fcuk it!! I got it repaired and enjoy beating up on it as much as possible. It helps to be able to AFFORD toys so you can do with them what they were built for OR WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE, most of them are not investments anyway. I also like to brag about how after 9 years of occasional beatings, it has not been in the shop for any engine issues. I did do the 90k service at 51k, because the car was 10 years old. As bad as i want another exotic(or slightly exotic), the nsx can be driven the way it was intended, without me thinking i wont be able to afford anything that goes wrong with it. Im not scared to own a lambo/ferrari/gt40, i just wonder what it would cost if i blew the motor up?
I disagree they can be short term investments, and return can be very profitable if you know what your doing.

As for keeping a car you do not use thats just silly.

Okay. Let me re-phrase that. Cars are not good investments for most people. BTW, nice avatar Chuck. :wink:
You can't let the paranoia control your life. In the end... its just a car. You have insurance so just enjoy the car. I have driven the McLaren to Dallas and parked at the Mall for the day, driven it to Austin and had it valet parked(though I was a bit paranoid about that one). I drive it to work once or twice a week. I take it out for date night etc etc. I wouldn't go to Home Depot in it unless I was just looking to buy a screwdriver.

Jim Glickenhaus(Famous Ferrari owner) has this sig. on his Fchat account: "Not putting miles on your Ferrari is like not having sex with your Girl Friend so she'll be more desirable to her next Boy Friend." I agree 100%. One of the reasons I didn't buy a Ferrari is b/c I wanted to put miles on the car and not just save it for the next guy.

Ritesh - there's a guy here in Dubai or Abu Dhabi who's absolutely mileaging up his McLaren at the moment. This week alone I've seen him on the commute between both cities (its the dark grey color) every single evening. I'll keep an eye out to see if he continues...its only 80 miles each way!
Yeah.. His name is Jerry. British Ex-Pat. He on the Mclaren site. He is quite frustrated b/c he has a "lemon". Still loves the car when it runs though.
I disagree they can be short term investments, and return can be very profitable if you know what your doing.

As for keeping a car you do not use thats just silly.

Rich people don't really count into this equation!

Mere Mortals try to find a fine balance :)
Yeah.. His name is Jerry. British Ex-Pat. He on the Mclaren site. He is quite frustrated b/c he has a "lemon". Still loves the car when it runs though.

What problems is he having with it?
I drive my CGT all over, as long as the driveway into wherever I am going isn't too steep I don't have a problem taking it. I do normally park farther out so that I won't have door dings (hopefully).

I have taken my CGT on weekend trips, picked up my daughters at school many times, went through the drive through in many fast food restaurants, etc...

I normally don't take it shopping because it has very little storage to put anything.

I have also let several people drive the car and dozens of people sit in it. I normally get other car guys thinking I am crazy for letting strangers get in the car but I have never had a problem with anyone.
I would never buy one if I couldn't take it to "home depot" or dinner. I also would never own one to sit in the garage and collect dust while saving miles on it. I would own one to drive the wheels off of it. Some may think wasting money is buying an expensive car, I tend to think of wasting money as buying one and not using it.
I pay 550 a year with agreed value 35000 on my nsx :)

I pay $280/mo when on the road for full road coverage May to Mid Nov and $60/mo comprehensive when off the road mid Nov to April for my 03 with agreed value of $60K. I pay a lot compared to you brother. Probably has a lot to do with where we live etc.
who's ur insurance?

I believe I am with the same guys as pchpleno, with Hagerty's Silver wheel policy.

We are in Ontario, Canada though, so it may be a it different for you guys but I am paying the same for the same coverage.


The only restrictions I have seen so far are:

No commuting
No timed events
No errands/ required duty

Essentially it's a pleasure vehicle only which is fine for me. They were excellent, and I had the insurance slip emailed within 2 hours of my initial phone call.
I pay $280/mo when on the road for full road coverage May to Mid Nov and $60/mo comprehensive when off the road mid Nov to April for my 03 with agreed value of $60K. I pay a lot compared to you brother. Probably has a lot to do with where we live etc.

That is amazing on a NSX. Mine is $220 per month on a 05 S2000 with $500 deductible...State Farm...no accidents...no tickets...ever
That is amazing on a NSX. Mine is $220 per month on a 05 S2000 with $500 deductible...State Farm...no accidents...no tickets...ever

It's actually not cheap nor unusual.

I don't drive my NSX either most of the time and it's on a "storage" policy but when it is on the road during the summer months, I pay $450 for 6 months for full coverage with a $500 deductible on collision also through State Farm. :tongue:
I was 24 when I got my NSX, Allstate charged me 1200/year, $500 deductible for collision and comprehensive. Probably the best deal of my life, as I spun out in the rain once and filed a $22K claim. Then they dropped me, but State Farm took me for 1400/year, same terms.

I was clocking serious mileage on it too, as it was my DD, so no reduced mileage coverage, I was spec'ed for 12K/year. I bought it with 28K miles and sold it with 89K miles 6 years later.
Where would you drive it? Can't take it to go grocery shopping. Can't go out and eat a normal dinner. Can't buy a screw driver from home depot. Can't take it in to work.

I will add my .02, I do not own one, but I shoot for the Ferrari Club of America/worked for Ferrari parts company and a lot of my close friends have rather amazing collections. My friend Russ got the 458 Spyder two weeks after the release (which is a ridiculous mark up) and I was down in FL at the time for the Celebration Exotic Car Festival and I stayed over at his house for a few days. We went grocery shopping in it, picked up pool supplies, etc. Just because it is a supercar does not mean it is still not just a car. You certainly can go out for a nice dinner. I borrowed my friends R8 Spyder for the weekend and I would just park in the way back or a front row spot. Granted you are going to get a lot more attention than if you were driving a civic, but it comes with owning a supercar. Most of my friends use it for work and play. Why have a $200,000+ exotic and only drive it for fun? To be honest, seeing an NSX is almost the same as seeing an exotic because of the rarity about them. Personally, I have a million other things I would use that money on :)
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i would have less reservations about driving a new ferrari/ lamborghini than my cars. a well sorted 21+ year old car is far harder to replace than a new car. regardless, i drive my cars everywhere. i have insurance, i have AAA, i have a cell phone... as far as i am concerned, i should be fine.
Don't own an NSX or supercar yet, but have a nicely kept '01 M5 and am always plotting my path to owning a supercar (or near one).

I think if you're financially able to afford the ownership costs and depreciation that comes with most supercars, you probably are not too worried about it when it's parked unless you're obsessive about keeping your car pristine. Although it won't be "original", resprays and paintless dent removal are cheap and easy, and when combined with insurance, probably not worth worrying too much about. Just have to be smart about where you go and how you park.

As a finance guy, I may always own used supercars which are near their depreciation "floor" - it's the depreciation that bothers me more than putting miles on it or wear and tear. Why wouldn't you drive it to work or on errands? What better way to perk up an otherwise dull day? I thought that's what cars like these are for. Maybe I wouldn't drive it to work EVERY day, but if the weather is decent and it's a Monday (or a Friday, or any other day I guess) then why not?

i would have less reservations about driving a new ferrari/ lamborghini than my cars. a well sorted 21+ year old car is far harder to replace than a new car.
This is one of the few reasons I envy people with newer cars. I know my M5 is not that rare. But finding one spec'd out the way I like, in great shape, with all the important preventative maintenance and little extra mods and tweaks done? It would take quite a while to find one that I like as much and then complete all the steps to make it as "right" as the one I had. Whereas a new $250k supercar, at least barring waiting lists you can just get another one. With an NSX and all its variants and rarity, that's even harder to deal with.
I drive my CGT all over, as long as the driveway into wherever I am going isn't too steep I don't have a problem taking it. I do normally park farther out so that I won't have door dings (hopefully).

I have taken my CGT on weekend trips, picked up my daughters at school many times, went through the drive through in many fast food restaurants, etc...

I normally don't take it shopping because it has very little storage to put anything.

I have also let several people drive the car and dozens of people sit in it. I normally get other car guys thinking I am crazy for letting strangers get in the car but I have never had a problem with anyone.
So... I see you are in Michigan like myself...... :wink:
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I mostly think about what the resale value will be in say fifty years then I go from there. :D
Fifty years from now I'm not going to care if the car has a door ding or 50k miles on it so I just drive the car everywhere and park it in the first open spot I find. Last f car I owned had almost 30k miles on it when I sold it. If you try and keep a car perfect the only place you'll drive yourself is nuts.
However with that being said and coming from a person who has owned more than ten cars at the same time for many years I currently own zero vehicles and I've never been happier. My wife has a car and if I need to go somewhere I use her car.
In the four months I owned my car, I have driven it to meets, home depot, fast food (and park it where I can see the car), and on drives. nothing else. I think with time I will relax a little more and drive it more.
don't drive it to work (don't want co-workers to know what I drive). They think I drive a Civic.
the car is quite low and suspension quite harsh so I avoid driving it to places with lots of bumps or bad roads.
It bothers me that there is so much capital tied up in the car that can't be utilized. However, you only live once so might as well blow your money once in a while.
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I drive my NSX most places that make sense. But I also take it to work and park it in a public parkade, to Home Depot for small stuff, etc.
My 1991 has replacement insurance for $43,500.00 in appraised value. Really financially, if it gets stolen, I would be $ ahead, but upset.
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