Owning a supercar...

18 March 2005
Houston, TX
Question for everyone here regarding the realities of owning a supercar.

Most of us dream of owning a supercar (some may say we already do)

The supercars I'm talking about here draws attention. They scream for it standing still.

Let's say you've gotten past the majority of the money questions that come up.

-The "responsible" things you could be doing with the money.
-Exorbitant recurring expenses
-Crazy insurance costs

Where would you drive it? Can't take it to go grocery shopping. Can't go out and eat a normal dinner. Can't buy a screw driver from home depot. Can't take it in to work.

I'm sure some people can... but paranoia would drive me crazy.

So, other than going for a drive somewhere and putting it back in the garage. The most basic thing seems like a pain.

I can't get past that hump.

I guess that's why the NSX is awesome. It is rare... unique... it flies under the radar...
the NSX is far from flying under the radar for me. i get too much attention. i used to think it flew under the radar, but then it got vandalized in a parking lot. on the plus side, attractive women seem to like it. people who know really love and those who don't think its a Ferrari. that said, it is no different than some high dollar exotic, in your terms. you can go anywhere you want... if you are willing to live with the potential harm that can come to it. most people in my area who own one can't get over that aspect... the few i know who do daily drive their ferrari's and lamborghini's love it. those who can't stand the attention, get 911's.
Saw a guy drive his Enzo to a local shopping mall, and walk away from it in the parking lot. not an F430, not an F458, but an Enzo :eek:

I guess it's all relative, but if one can properly afford a hyper-exotic, they can also afford to be something other than a caretaker for the next owner. I'd drive it until it broke, then have it repaired, and drive it some more. I've read on the 'net this is how Ralph Lauren drives his cars.
If "you" are so paranoid about driving it or putting miles on it then u shouldn't own one in the first place....I honestly feel those who have the money to own such cars don't worry about such silly nuances...People who worry about such things are probably the same people who get their living room sets wrapped in plastic :biggrin:

saw a guy drive his Dino Ferrari to Costco... there was also a Bentley Continental GT in the lot.

after my NSX got vandalized, i drove it less and got bored of it... in the end, its more fun to be able to use your car. if something happens to it, that is what insurance is for. my only concern is theft, i do not want my personal information, garage remote, and home address stolen... i may have to take that stuff with me any time i park the car.
I guess it's all relative, but if one can properly afford a hyper-exotic, they can also afford to be something other than a caretaker for the next owner.

I can't imagine buying a $300,000 car that I could barely afford. That would be no fun.
But if I could afford to lite it on fire when I'm done, then who cares about attention, driving it everywhere, etc. I think of the skater Bam in this regard. He beat the snot out of his lambo and appeared to drive it everywhere.
I'm opposed to garage queens. If I buy a car, I'm driving it. It depreciates and wears out regardless.

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The responses you have received so far are all very logical, which might be missing the point to some degree. Also keep in mind that I do not believe a supercar owner has responded yet so we have not heard their perspective. I am also not a supercar owner so grab your salt when you listen to my 2 cents.

Supercars are about passion and desire, not about logic and usefulness. I always hear the same arguments on this subject. "But I can't go pick up mulch from Home Depot in an exotic so what is the point?" Or this one "If I had a supercar I would drive it into the ground even on snowy days and defiantly through tornado season." If I want usefulness I will drive my MDX, if I want to be moved I will drive something that moves me.

I have been thinking about a supercar myself recently. However, I rarely get to drive the cars I already own due to working as much as I do. Logic would say, why buy something you will not use often. My response is that I would be able to use it when I want and if that is once a month than so be it. My love of cars began way before I could drive so I appreciate the form as much as the function.
Estimate how much it will cost per year (payment, maintenance, and insurance) then divide that by approximately how many times you drive it per year, and figure thats your cost to start the engine each time.

Another way to look at it, take those same costs and divide by approximately how many miles you plan to drive total in that year to figure out the cost per mile. If that is worth it to you, then go for it. If you can't justify that expense and any additional worries, then its not the right decision for you.

That is how I keep talking myself out of the idea. :)
Where would you drive it? Can't take it to go grocery shopping. Can't go out and eat a normal dinner. Can't buy a screw driver from home depot. Can't take it in to work.

I'm sure some people can... but paranoia would drive me crazy.

If the paranoia would drive you crazy, then a supercar is probably not for you.

For most activities, the Daily Driver suffices. But if one wants to consider the NSX a supercar, then I've done all those activities (including the Home Depot run). It's a matter of knowing the neighborhood and environment you're driving into. I wouldn't park it on the street in the Tenderloin, but I have no problem driving to my quiet office in Foster City.
Saw a guy drive his Enzo to a local shopping mall, and walk away from it in the parking lot. not an F430, not an F458, but an Enzo :eek:

I guess it's all relative, but if one can properly afford a hyper-exotic, they can also afford to be something other than a caretaker for the next owner. I'd drive it until it broke, then have it repaired, and drive it some more. I've read on the 'net this is how Ralph Lauren drives his cars.
Where would you drive it? Can't take it to go grocery shopping. Can't go out and eat a normal dinner. Can't buy a screw driver from home depot. Can't take it in to work.

I have always had two cars, the NSX for weekends and a DD in one form or another. At first I was a little on the paranoid side, but after owning the car since 1999, these days, if I feel like it, I take it out. And yes I do take it to Home Depot now and then or the grocery when I have random stuff to buy (that will fit in the car). :wink:

Different strokes for different folks. :smile:
You can't let the paranoia control your life. In the end... its just a car. You have insurance so just enjoy the car. I have driven the McLaren to Dallas and parked at the Mall for the day, driven it to Austin and had it valet parked(though I was a bit paranoid about that one). I drive it to work once or twice a week. I take it out for date night etc etc. I wouldn't go to Home Depot in it unless I was just looking to buy a screwdriver.

Jim Glickenhaus(Famous Ferrari owner) has this sig. on his Fchat account: "Not putting miles on your Ferrari is like not having sex with your Girl Friend so she'll be more desirable to her next Boy Friend." I agree 100%. One of the reasons I didn't buy a Ferrari is b/c I wanted to put miles on the car and not just save it for the next guy.
You can't let the paranoia control your life. In the end... its just a car. You have insurance so just enjoy the car. I have driven the McLaren to Dallas and parked at the Mall for the day, driven it to Austin and had it valet parked(though I was a bit paranoid about that one). I drive it to work once or twice a week. I take it out for date night etc etc. I wouldn't go to Home Depot in it unless I was just looking to buy a screwdriver.

Jim Glickenhaus(Famous Ferrari owner) has this sig. on his Fchat account: "Not putting miles on your Ferrari is like not having sex with your Girl Friend so she'll be more desirable to her next Boy Friend." I agree 100%. One of the reasons I didn't buy a Ferrari is b/c I wanted to put miles on the car and not just save it for the next guy.

Was hoping you would reply :biggrin:
You guys could make your NSX's into supercars with a little help from some of the vendors here, Autowave, Angus, LoveFab, etc.

Our LoveFab car doesn't even have a useable trunk, but we have actually made a Sam's Club run with it.
Packing the passenger side like a Tetrus wizard was a must, though :wink:


IMG_1310 by NSXbrian, on Flickr
I saw a CGT in a parking garage. I was thinking to myself, "I don't even think I would park my NSX in a parking garage."
I've left my nsx and ford gt parked overnight in the parking lot at work, and have used them as DD's hundreds if not thousands of times for errands. what's the point otherwise.
I could be wrong.... Who the Hell would butcher a Gallardo and put scissor doors like it was a Murcielago


While I agree, I think the only thing worse are the people who buy cars and don't drive them.
Nothing more sad than a Lamborghini with 100 miles on it.
THAT is destruction of a car.

The car will go from cool to old junk while never seeing daylight.
It's like a supermodel who hides inside until she's old and ugly.

I would rather someone take a "supercar" out and dent it up, get it dirty, never wash it, and let it be seen. Enjoy it.
If "you" are so paranoid about driving it or putting miles on it then u shouldn't own one in the first place....I honestly feel those who have the money to own such cars don't worry about such silly nuances...People who worry about such things are probably the same people who get their living room sets wrapped in plastic :biggrin:


Well said +1

do you hear Celebs and sport figures ask these questions? Money is all relative to what you can comfortably afford. I think for the general working class, these cars are very tough but attainable at some cost.

My wife and I make pretty good money and we have no problem buying one just like some of you NSX owners. But the reasoning to plunk down that cash vs. buying a 3rd investment home or saving for future rainy days is a tough choice.

I'm looking at R8's right now so I can relate to your question. It's not just exotics but even my NSX see less than 2000 miles per year. So is it worth having 2 cars in the garage like that? For most the answer is no.
I have always had two cars, the NSX for weekends and a DD in one form or another. At first I was a little on the paranoid side, but after owning the car since 1999, these days, if I feel like it, I take it out. And yes I do take it to Home Depot now and then or the grocery when I have random stuff to buy (that will fit in the car). :wink:

Different strokes for different folks. :smile:

LOL I smiled at this comment since I did take my NSX to a the grocery store and to the bowling alley for league a few times (double bowling bag only fits in passenger side floor though)
I'm opposed to garage queens. If I buy a car, I'm driving it. It depreciates and wears out regardless.

I agree 100%. I drive my Lamborghini about 4 days a week ....... every week! I am told that the e-gear clutches go after about 10k. I put over 6k on it since December. I am approaching 13k on the car and have just finished a "snap" as part of the 15k service, and still show 70% clutch left. When these cars sit, they do not function as designed. Trying to save clutch life by going to "neutral" at a traffic light is foolish. The software will know what is optimum and adjust accordingly. True, the Lambo is more expensive to own than the NSX, however, it is not as rare. The NSX should be cherished and preserved for what it is. That doesn't mean do not use it. I just mean take care of it more than you would a Lamborghini on a day to day basis. This is all given that one could afford these things and not be wasteful.
Remember, "Cars are not investments!"
I just read a great quote somewhere lately but can't find it, and I'm paraphrasing here but it went something like:
Owning but not driving a supercar to keep it pristine is like dating a supermodel and not having sex with her so she stays tight for the next dude
"Cars are not investments!"

I disagree they can be short term investments, and return can be very profitable if you know what your doing.

As for keeping a car you do not use thats just silly.
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