Ouch! Door got hit.

26 July 2007
California / Monterey County
Won't go into too much details on how it happened, but family member backed into the door edge while door was opened.

Have an insurance question about my damaged door.
Report it to insurance and pay the $250.00 deductible or just bite the bullet? Don't want to report it to their insurance, but if I report it to mine, will my premiums go up?
Have an insurance question about my damaged door. Report it to insurance and pay the $250.00 deductible or just bite the bullet? Don't want to report it to their insurance, but if I report it to mine, will my premiums go up?

Your premiums shouldn't go up.
Should fall under the "non-moving violation" type accident and not count against your insurance.
Should fall under the "non-moving violation" type accident and not count against your insurance.
will not count against you.

If it was hit by another car it would be under collision not comprehensive.

i agree.

a few years ago my DD car was parked(locked) and a pickup truck back in to it.
front bumper and hood were damaged.
AAA told me it was considered collision as another vehicle was involved even tho it was parked.

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I don't think it will count (in fact, I am fairly POSITIVE that it won't count) against you. I would, however (even though it was a family member), ask your kin to help you pay for the deductible. Depends on how bad the damage is, I suppose. I just had someone in a supermarket parking lot (in a HUGE SUV) back into my right fender. His wife was amazed and said, and I QUOTE, "Wow. I learned something today. You can't just look left and right when you are backing up, you gotta look behind you too." DUHHHH!!!

Anyway, make sure the paint code matches and all that yada-yada. I consider Gamboa's and Bertaoucci's (sorry if spellings are not perfect) to be some of the finest paint and body shops in NorCal, but it's been a while since I had to use them (I moved to Florida -- sigh -- back in June). Best of luck and do tell us how it all works out. PICTURES!!! :D
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If you really want to have it covered under comprehensive you could lie and say someone did it with a baseball bat, but your bad karma level would increase.

I'm not sure if all insurance companies follow this policy, but with my policy the only claim that could raise my rates would be a collision claim where I was greater than 50% at fault.

But, if you tell them it was a family member they might want to go through their insurance, which if they did their rates could be affected.
Call your agent. You can always ask what the best course of action is without filing a claim.

I'm going to have to disagree with the group consensus here... My next door neighbors wife backed into his car, um, let's say more than once. :wink:. Eventually, they started doing the repairs out of pocket... I'm pretty sure it was because their rates went up.

BTW - when you get ready for the repair check out Brooks Motor Cars on Bigge St. in Oakland. It will look like new when they are done.