OT: Why do wives/fiances/girlfriends dislike your NSX?

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
I am so close to making a deal for my first NSX. Now that I am seriously putting money together for NSX purchase "in front of" my wife, she is even more confused (more than confused, but you get the picture).

1) She doesn't understand why I want to "downgrade" from a BMW to an Acura (I am selling my 740 for an NSX)!!
2) She thinks that NSX is a "rice" car.
3) She thinks that NSX looks like a Corvette (one of her least favorite cars).

Although many of you might not have a problem like this or advise me to ignore it, Now that I see her grumpy face
, I feel quite bad, and wonder if I am doing something that I will regret.

Sure, I can simply do what I want, but I wonder if it's worth doing it even when your decision affects your significant other. She always tells me that she will be happy with what I do, but I still feel strange.

Do they grow their affection towards NSX once they are used to the car? I just don't want her to hate it whenever she rides in the car.

Should've gotten it while I was single..
I say, don't buy the NSX yet - she is not ready. Your relationship with your significant other is always more important than a car - yes, we love our NSXs but people are more important.

I wanted an S2000 as my daily driver but I had to settle for a 3.5RL because my wife insisted that we should have a big four door and not two sports cars -in addition to her car.

Whatever you decide, good luck in keeping peace and harmony at home.
i'll give you my experience and you can compare.

my wife thought it was a frivolous purchase, as it is a third car toy. she was probably right but she also feels like i work for my money for the family so i deserve to indulge myself occasionally. she also understands that if something cataclysmic happened, i'd sell it in a heartbeat, as family is the most important priority.

she doesnt appreciate the car, but it isnt a source of friction either. she summed it up best on our 'date' the other night. i was gunning it pretty good and she was looking a little 'peaked'. i asked if she was enjoying it and mentioned her younger '240nissan' days and how she used to like sporty cars. her comment was, 'now i have two kids and no one else we can rely on to take care of them and we are both in this car'. 'slow down now'.

so, i guess a 'responsible' woman will understand that the nsx is really not contributing to any long-term goals for a family, and will still tolerate a 'irresponsible' man who wants an nsx.

i dont think i personally would buy the nsx as a daily driver while having children in the family. THAT would be a source of friction.

good luck.
Tiger... I saw your post and thought I posted this message. I'm in the same boat man! I'm close so to getting a Red/Blk this week and she says she's happy if i'm happy but i know it'll come back to bite me
I had bought one in 2000 (94' Green) and had it for almost a year but wanted a Red one so i sold it. She never liked riding in it but was ok with it. One thing's for sure, she liked the attention she got whenever she drove it (all 3 times....)

If you're not desperate.... (and i'm still trying to figure out if i am), then keep looking for one and soon she might just understand your suffering and grant you your wish! Either way let me know what you end up doing.
My gf has always been really unhappy about my car purchases. I bought a new 996 with aerokit and she refused to drive it and hated anything to do with it. She was unhappy about yet another purchase when I got the NSX. I got it, she loves it and can't get enough of it. Now she says things like "I think we should take the NSX" and "The parking there is unsafe, lets take the BMW". Pretty cool actually
Things can change and the NSX is a charmer like Antwon from Duece Bigelow. Don't be afraid....go towards the light

I feel quite pathetic asking your opinion for my personal matter (losing my masculinaty). She told me that if I get an NSX now, I won't be able to buy ANY car for the next 10 years (I can't even buy a car FOR her). If I don't buy it now, I can get whatever I want in 4-5 years (even Ferrari 360 - I would still want an NSX). I am not sure if this is a promise that I can keep. 10 years sounds like a long time.

In any case, thanks for sharing your stories!
You should keep the 740 and buy an NSX when you can afford to have both.

You should wait 4-5 years and buy the 360 Ferrari. Most here would trade even for the Ferrari.

[This message has been edited by Tony Montoya (edited 30 September 2002).]
I bought a crotch rocket a year before my girlfriend moved in with me. She knows my need for speed and has always hated the bike. But I used it to my advantage. Although the bike is now up for sale (she's happy), she realizes that a Ferrari WILL be in our future (I'm happy).

A true win/win.
Tiger-she'll probably never understand...its weird, so many of us are in the same situation....my GF doesnt really understand but she loves the car still just on how beautiful it is...she gets in it and drives like a maniac...

does your wife enjoy driving? if so, letting her drive could be a tamer....it works with me, but she really doesnt mind...

she also thought I was crazy spending as much as I did for a 93, and I could of got so many differnet nice cars for that price...but the second she saw it in person all that was gone...even though the car is 10 yrs. old...

I broke up with my last GF due to almost the same reason you are in...they just dont understand...

Lucky for me, my GF loves to drive fast cars(she even makes vroom vroom sounds waiting for a light to turn green), can't wait to see her on the track =)
My wife rarely drives above 60 (even in the 65mph speed limit zone), or hardly changes lane (even if there is a street cleaning truck in front of her). Asking her to drive a manual car would be more difficult than asking her to learn organic chemistry.
Nevertheless, she told me that she will give a serious thought tonight! This could be it!

Thanks for your help guys.
my wife thought it was a total waste of money... until she drove it. at first it was just a few minutes, then once a week... now i can't get her out of it...

Kaye & Trish
1998 NSX-T #176
No mods...
NSXCA #108
Tiger- youre in a rough spot....how often will you driving the car?? that may be a big factor...mine is garaged and covered at least 3-4 days a week...and she understands, but not all do...its taken out when I feel the need to just GO!!!and of course on nice sunny days...

try buying her something!! =)
but it may come back to haunt you purchasing this car but I hope you do...

My GF is so excited about the car, whenever she hears guys at her work talking cars, she chimes in and asks "who wants to race!!!" hahaha
I will only drive during the weekend. I work about 70-80 hours per week. My 740 was also used as a weekend. My wife has her beloved Audi station wagon. Neither car is driven during the week days. So I would love to have NSX as a perfect weekend car.
Originally posted by 5inchfatlip:
Tiger- she has her beloved car already?? she has hers now you have yours?? whats the real issue...?

Women=full of ironies...
My fiancee knows how obsessed I am with the NSX. I'm hoping this won't change after the BIG DAY in May.

A few months back, she was visiting her sister in Atlanta and they drove past an Acura dealership that had a nice shiny blue NSX in the lot. She made her sister turn around so she could go look at it. She then had to call to tell me about it. I'm taking that as a good sign

Just wish I had one already!

My wife didn't really hate the car, but was instead just ambivalent toward it. What she did hate, however, was going fast or cornering hard.

When we divorced she went out and bought a Boxster! Go figure.
Interesting topic. I bought the engagement ring, then the NSX. That was 3 years ago. Anytime I talk about sellig the car to either finance the addition or our new business my wife refuses to let me sell it. Pretty cool.

She isn't happy about the tickets though.
Tiger.. Ill bet you 2 to 1 that in 4-5 years when you go to "buy" that 360, she wont let you then. Why wouldnt you be able to buy another car for 10 years.. but in 4 years you can get anything? no logic... all about control..

my 2 cents.
One thing most of you have failed to point out is almost a bare naturally occuring human characteristic behavoir. To many people, the thought of their significant other paying just as much attention or caring almost as much (at least it would seem on the outside) about another material possession as they do the person themselves strikes a huge mental flag. "He loves that car more than me." Now the reality is, no one should really love a possession more than their significant other but subconsciously, it can appear that it does happen. I guess this is for those of you like myself that are looking to purchase your first "dream" car and the level of excitement you may show towards your car around your girl may be the problem.
Her telling you that you can't buy the car you want (and presumably can afford) strikes me as rather like you telling her that she can't talk to her sister. It begs the question, "What's really going on here?"

I agree with ERicincal (it's "all about control") and Teej ("the thought of their significant other paying just as much attention or caring almost as much... about another material possession").

I also feel that those of you who find yourselves in this situation might need to give some thought to how your relationship is working. I assume that, for most of us (potential buyers as well as owners), the NSX is not "just a car"; it's a passion. That may not be true of all NSX owners, but it's probably true of almost all NSX owners who spend a lot of time on NSXprime (otherwise we wouldn't be here). If your SO (girlfriend/wife/whatever) doesn't understand a passion you have, then there's a barrier in your relationship; you don't understand each other very well. That doesn't mean she necessarily needs to share that passion (although it's nice when some do). But she should at least recognize that you have interests and passions in addition to her, and not try to prevent you from enjoying them. There's something very obviously wrong with that.
Surprised that no one has mentioned my fiancee's reason: the NSX looks like a car that guys would go cruising in to pick up women! Whether we actually do or not is beside the point - the point is that we *could*.
I'm very blessed to have the wife I do then. She recently began to show a serious interest in my NSX. I have had it for about year and half now and she has basically not cared much for it. Afraid I would use it to try and find another female. I have since convinced her otherwise but it took some time. I bought her the car she wanted and she had to problems with me buying my car as a weekend toy.
