What are you angry about? The game has been rigged for ages... Vote for dumbass #1 or dumbass #2.. take your pick lol
This reminds me of the South Park episode where they have to choose between a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich. Quite funny.
I get angry about Obama because I feel he is a loose cannon. I think he promised the world to the American people with no intention of following through. He had A fully Democratic government for two years, passed every possible policy he wanted to, and made things worse. Now he wants to tax the wealthy even more when nearly half of the citizens in the U.S. don't pay taxes at all. I work hard for my money. I don't want to pay for others to sit on their backside. Want healthcare, GET A JOB!! Want to retire, START WORKING!! I'm sick of the handouts and sense of entitlement in today's world. Yes, it's been prevalent for years, but our nation is on the brink of disaster because of this. If this doesn't piss you off, I don't know what would.