Ortega/Palomar Run Sunday May 16th!!!

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA
same spot, same time....(chevron @8:30) earlier the better....

anyone interested???

trying to get at least 10 of us....but a limit of 40 :p:cool: :D

please reply if you are in.

Hope to see you there....
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Can we do lunch or just to meet up or something!!! I'm trying to getting ready for PRIME cayon run.:D
Zanardi 0 said:
Can we do lunch or just to meet up or something!!! I'm trying to getting ready for PRIME cayon run.:D

thats what this is.....a way to get ready for Prime Canyon Run:cool:

see you there....
Bummer can't make it :( :( :( . Enjoy and be SAFE!! :D
Thank you to those who have responded, unfortunately not enough of you have:( ...maybe it was not enough notice(li'l over a week) but for what ever reason there hasn't been enough interest so far...SilverOne, Si and myself are the only one's in so far and tbNSX, nzo-who, and FuryNSX are on the fence....
So, with that said I am going to reschedule it for the following Sunday(May 23rd) to try to get more attendies...Sound good???
I will pm those of you who have responded and post a new thread also...