Ortega/Palomar Run anyone???

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA
Someone had to bring it up:D

It's been a long time since the last one, so lets take advantage of this beautiful weather and get a run going....One of you orginizer types get the ball rolling...No football next weekend....Or any Saturday is good....

I'm sure there is enough interest to get a few of us together.....
I'm down:cool:
I will be interested, too.
91 X said:
Someone had to bring it up:D

I've been waiting for this for sometime, my vote is for Sunday....

OK Calvin....and all the other OC guys where are YOU....??? I know you said at the last monthly meet you were gonna start up a new company, but you better make this event!!!

Looking forward to hangin with the SD guys too, Randy,De,Sunny and I know theres many more...!!!

91 X said:
It's been a long time since the last one, so lets take advantage of this beautiful weather and get a run going....One of you orginizer types get the ball rolling...No football next weekend....Or any Saturday is good....

I'm sure there is enough interest to get a few of us together.....
I'm down:cool:
Post a date and they will come!!!! :D :D :D
I might be down for sat.

Sunday does not sound all that well. I am going to a pimp n ho party on sat. night. Thats going to be a long night..........................

Randy, do you think your wife will let you out for this. I have a vip section reserved for about 10 friends and I. I know Conrad will be washing his hair that night, so I am asking you. Don't say I didn't ask.


It's about 50/50 right now for either Sat or Sun....Let's settle on a day......Sunday sounds good to me....I'll post a vote thread or something...