optional NSXPO HPDE Event Registration Now Open

Unfortunately you'd find a way to classify my payment as a charitable contribution with no guarantee of said services :D

How dare you suggest I would do something so underhanded.

I simply would say its a bribe and you can't benefit from a bribe.

And I would still keep your money..........
Check with me on Thursday at the general registration Rich.

Hi Coz,
Can you please check if I properly registered for the HPDE?


- - - Updated - - -

The track has 100.

Does anyone know if Thermal has high octane race gas?

I ran out of time to buy premix methanol, does anyone have an extra half gallon for me perhaps?

I ran out of time to buy premix methanol, does anyone have an extra half gallon for me perhaps?


If you have a way of getting out of my tank I have plenty.:biggrin:
Ha-ha thanks Jim and Les!

All you need is a hose and a can. Isn't that how you used to get your gas back in the day.:tongue: