Opinions about “Roly Poly” fast food restaurants?


Legendary Member
17 March 2001
St. Louis, Mo.
It doesn't get much more off-topic than this. :)

I’m curious to know the answers to a few questions about the Roly Poly sandwich shop chain.

· Have you heard of them?

· Have you eaten at one, and if so:

· What do you think about them overall?

· Have you had any of their hot/grilled sandwiches and/or cold sandwiches?

· What is you favorite sandwich and why?

· Where do you rank Roly Poly amongst the competition?

· Do they appear to be doing a lot of business?

Any other comments?

This falls under the "any other comments" part:

Cant Comment on Roly Poly, but around here we have Pot Belly's.

Very very good. and considering the price, its no wonder why they always have crazy lines and very busy.
I have heard of them, and have tried them before, but I was not real impressed with them. I guess compared to a McDonald's or some other fast food chain the food was good, but I much prefer a crazy bowls wrap vs theirs. The whole porpose of the wrap type restaurants in my opinion is to get a good meal that is relatively healthy for you and they didn't seem that healthy. (pretty greasy)

As far as franchising, I have heard that they are not very expensive to open if that is what you are considering.
Yes, I have seen several in the midwest and did have one of there rolled sandwiches which was OK as I remember.
-Heard of them

-Eaten at a few

-Overall, it's not bad. Doesn't fill you up, but you're not hungry when you leave. It tastes pretty good too.

-I used to "roll my own", and would have them grill it. When I went to my first one in '99 I ordered stuff off the menu, but when I would go most recently I just told them what i wanted in it.

-Sandwich: chicken, lettuce, tomato, bbq sauce, and jack cheese, grilled to a nice brown. Usually get rold gold pretzels and sweet tea with it.

-Compared to other fast food chains, I'd rank it a "medium high". Even when the line is long, they can still get people out. The once I've been too have been clean, and the employees have always been friendly. And even though they pretty much sell wraps, there is a lot of variety in what you can get on that wrap. Just thinking about it, the bright red and blue that they have in the store are appealing.

-As far as business....they did alright. Offering a similar product (wrap/burrito made while you wait) were a burrito restaurant and Salsarita's, and both did more business than Roly-Poly, but RP still did ok. Its location wasn't the best.
I have had them a couple of takes but there were ordered in each time. I have never been to the restaurant. They food is pretty good, but not great. Also, not that many people really liked it that were in our group.
Big fan of Roly Poly.

I usually get the cordon-blue. Would go more often if it was closer to my house, it's across town for me.

Would be great for an area that does a high volume of lunch business.
Thanks guys. I'm always on the look-out for a good new franchise. I guess I like RP better than most who responded, (much better than CB&W IMO, too much rice in those) as have the various people I've taken there.

Anyone else with input?
Recently a bunch have opened up in south florida.

I had meetings today and we coincidentally had a few platter's brought in. Not bad. I am a big eater and they simply don't fill me up.

I prefer quizno's large sandwich. Now those are BIG!
sjs said:
Thanks guys. I'm always on the look-out for a good new franchise. I guess I like RP better than most who responded, (much better than CB&W IMO, too much rice in those) as have the various people I've taken there.

Anyone else with input?

You don't have to get them with rice.;) Grilled Buffalo chicken wrap is the best.