Opinion on a Testarossa

6 September 2002
Northern VA
Ladies and gents:
My nsx is begging me to adopt another sister, so that she won't be lonely. I am thinking about putting a Testarossa on my short goal list. What do you think? any comment? **will accept good or bad.
Well I for one really like the Testarossa. Sure it's dated in terms of performance & reliability, but IMO it's still one of the classiest (and outrageous looking) exotics ever produced. If you can afford it, I say you can't go wrong.
Originally posted by yellowpad:
Ladies and gents:
My nsx is begging me to adopt another sister, so that she won't be lonely. I am thinking about putting a Testarossa on my short goal list. What do you think? any comment? **will accept good or bad.

It's a classic, gorgeous, and unlike the NSX, very expensive to maintain. But, if you can afford it, I'd do it in a heartbeat, IMO the only color on the TR is Red!!!
If you want a playmate for your NSX, i suggest an S2000. They make a great couple.

The Testarossa is a beautiful car, but wouldn't keep up with your NSX... so your NSX might get bored with it.
The S2000 can keep up better with the NSX (and also has a built-in chick magnet... the most IMPORTANT feature of any exotic!!!)
I agree with NeoNSX about the S2000 regarding the female attracting phermones.
Definately attracts more women than either the NSX or Ferrari. Having said that I'd love a Testarossa but if your going to pony
up those kind of bucks, I'd vote for a newer
Modena or an older front-engine V12 coupe. Nice dilemma.
thanks for the opionion. i have asked this same question with the f-car people. they mentioned a lot of $$ to keep it running in addition to the regular maintenance and 30K service which will set 10-15K. From all indication, that is NO fun!!!
For those that think a Testarossa will not keep up with a Nsx, your highly mistaken. 0-100mph, it is close, but after that, say good bye as the Testarossa will pull away from you very quickly. Been there, done that, and yes, i was in the Nsx.
RE: JimK
I agree with NeoNSX about the S2000 regarding the female attracting phermones

I wonder if both cars will beg to have their oil changed at the same time
from your opionion, how do you feel about the maintenance issues?

Originally posted by ALLAN:
For those that think a Testarossa will not keep up with a Nsx, your highly mistaken. 0-100mph, it is close, but after that, say good bye as the Testarossa will pull away from you very quickly. Been there, done that, and yes, i was in the Nsx.
Originally posted by ALLAN:
For those that think a Testarossa will not keep up with a Nsx, your highly mistaken..

Allen, I know you bow down to anything that is both Italian and over-priced, but you are wrong about the TR. Wtith the exception of the LM version (very rare, made for only about a year) it is a pig of a car and will NOT keep up with a good running 3.2L NSX from any speed to any speed. And, if you have to turn, the TR loses even more ground. They handle like tanks.

Don't get me wrong, I think it is a beautifull, classy car, but it is a GT not a sports car. Once you get it moving on the highway, it is fun. From a stop or in any turn it is a joke.

Two of my firends are amoung the most respected Ferrari tuners in the world and even they laugh out loud when someone asks them if the TR is a sports car. Its not. It is a vey nice looking touring car.
>>>they mentioned a lot of $$ to keep it running in addition to the regular maintenance and 30K service which will set 10-15K. From all indication, that is NO fun!!!

I think high operating costs (or non-operating, as the case may be) comes with the turf with most any Ferrari. I think those guys include this in "character" in an attempt to justify their purchase

NO car is very much fun if it's sitting in the shop and it takes a second mortgage to get it out.

- Richard
I am looking at a TR. In fact if I sell my NSX, I will buy a gen2 512TR.

There are 3 gens to remember. Gen1, aka the orginal TR, is slow by today's standards, that said, a gen2 512TR will keep up (na2, or kill gen1) or gen3 F512M will KILL the NSX.

things to remember is that clutches dont last long, as even the Forza buyer's guide says they last 2k miles. To replace a TR clutch it costs $5-6k, the parts are 2k, and 4k if a flywheel is needed.

30k serivce is bad, 4.5-5.5k. Also reliablity is poor on the electrics of gen 1 but improved with later gens.

With today's prices prime 512TRs go for 90-110k, 512Ms run 140-160(higher being low mileage)

A note, the gen1 is the most 'mass produced modern ferrari' with anywhere between 7-8.5k cars..the gen 2 was only 2.2k cars and the F512M was only 200 or 500..with only 75 in the US

As around on f-chat at www.ferrarichat.com

Hope this helps some. Feel free to AIM me @ aurashark for more info on what to look for when looking at one etc. Hope it goes well.

Resident E38er

-97 NSX "Nina" #183
(continued from above)

other things...

The gen 1 is the heaviest at 3600lb, 512TR are 3300, and the F512M is the lightest at round 3200+ some.

Also the bhp is as follows: 380 - TR; 420 - 512TR; 435 - 512M; That said, all TRs have very restrictive very heavy exhausts. With a simple sport exhaust, and cat bypases (as well as precat bypasses) A TR will easily make 400+, with the F512M easily making 450-460+. Also a chip will increase power further to 430+(TR) or 500+ (F512M)

TRs were built to be GT cars, thats true, and thats why they have (for their time) very high top speeds. The orginal TR was the fastest production car built in terms of top speed...and still is a respectable 175+...while a base F512M can go 196...or over 200 with exhaust/chip/cat removal.

TRs are very wide and difficult to meander through tight streets on that account and the lack of power steering doesnt help at low speeds.

Resident E38er

-97 NSX "Nina" #183
thanks everyone.....quite true as to the no-fun factor. the more research i have done, the more flaws that i've seen. the more question i've asked, the less encouragement i have gain. so, my conclusion is "a waste of hard earn money" .............
I drove the TR big bulky couch(IMO).Great presence in public.People love it.I'll pass on pleasing the crowd."I need to like it more than them"then i'm on target!

I'm looking to replace the REDNSX.

This weekend I'll be out shopping for a Modena coupe or 355 coupe."Yellow of course"!!I actually like some things on the 348 better than the 355 but concerned about reliability and resale blah.blah..

I found a beautiful 348 w/ 1,950 miles "but" I'd probably be better off w/ one that's been exercised a bit.Besides @ 82,ooo selling price I just cant find enough value.

Well see soon.


[This message has been edited by MYNSX (edited 21 February 2003).]
David, i bow down to nothing, unless its worth bowing down to. I have owned a Testarossa, and i have owned 2 Nsx's. An early model Testarossa will be neck and neck with a Early Nsx from a dead stop to 100mph. From a roll, say 30mph in first gear, the Testarossa will walk away from the Nsx. On the highway, the Testarossa will kill an early Nsx. I have been in this secenario several times, both in my cars, and in others.

As for a 512tr and a 3.2 Nsx, i dont know. Havent owned either, but my money, especially from a roll, would be on the 512Tr. To 100, i believe it would be close from a dead stop. I never said the Testarossa was a racecar, neither is the Nsx. The brakes on the Testarossa also suck.

As for maintenence, they are not that bad, find one that the belt maintenence has recently been done and youll be ok. Also, clutchs lasting 2,000 miles is also bullcrap. I know people with over 25,000 miles on stock clutches.

Best thing to do, buy what YOU want, not what other people want. Buy on your own opinions, not others.
If speed is what you're looking for, there are better choices than either the Testarossa or NSX. That said, the following is the best piece advice so far IMO:

Originally posted by ALLAN:
Best thing to do, buy what YOU want, not what other people want. Buy on your own opinions, not others.
PHOEN$X - That's the bottom line all right. If you bought what others like, you'd probably trade cars every few months, and might never really be happy with what you're driving. It's also possible to overlook a lot of flaws in a car if you REALLY like it. Heck, I even enjoyed a British car for a while once!

'93 Blk/Blk
Allen, I guess we just disagree about this. Aside from the M version (which is much more expensive) I have never seen a TR that could keep up with a 3.2 NSX.

A couple of years ago I saw several TRs run hard (with good drivers) in Houston (possibly the fastest drag stirp in the world) and none of them could crack into the 12s. Stock 3.2 NSXs will run high 12s all day long at that track. One was there that day and it made the Ferrari guys miserable.

And, every TR I have ever driven feels like a barge in corners. It is a HUGE car and feels like it. Every year I tease my friend Bob about entering one of his 1,200 hp TRs in the big Car & Driver tuner shootout but he just laughs and says "are you kidding me? How are we going to make that pig turn?"

[This message has been edited by David (edited 22 February 2003).]