Only my favorite supercar

20 September 2009
Rowland Heights
Hi everybody, I'm new to the forums so I might as well introduce myself. I do not own a NSX but this is one of my favorite cars of all time so I just had to join! I actually own a 2007 TSX so I kept it within the Acura family. :biggrin: I plan on attending meets in the future (that is if you guys permit me :redface:) and hopefully buy one too. (in several years :rolleyes:)
Maybe it was a typo and he meant "super car". I know I think my NSX is super! :wink:

Welcome to the forums McLovin!
Last time i checked the NSX was called a super car in most articles and shows that did a review on it.

Isn't there like a 17,392 page thread on this topic?? :rolleyes:

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I don't think the NSX is a supercar, in fact, I think in stock form, I think it's old, underpowered and the NA1's are looking dated... :wink:

I also don't really like Cali..:..that is everything but the weather. biggrin:
Should be called the "NSX, the 90's supercar" that's it .... now @ today standards is hard to be called supercar, but it was in the 90's, so, let's call it, "NSX 90's Supercar" ... still an exotic though.

Super car - is it or ain't it??? That's a good question - is it old or isn't it? Another good question. Yes it's old but what today like it is faster? Sure the WRX sti is faster in the slalom and maybe just faster but it's no super car...right. So now let's see Lotus just built this great new car; the Evora....right. Anyone look at the specs on that car for quarter mile, 0 - 60???? Does it sound anything like the specs you'd find on our NSXs ..... maybe JUST LIKE IT and it's new.... now maybe it handles better.....maybe....maybe it stops better....maybe ...but it sure doesn't get there any faster and it's about the same money as the 05 NSX was.

Ok, so what are we talking here in comparison - sure it's old now, but still looks great and even the 91 looks great - yeah I know, I have one, but it's a great looking car STILL! It also performs damn good - not like a new Porsche 911, not like a Giardo, not like an Aston Martin or F car but man - it doesn't cost like one either. Anyone look at the newest Ferarri - does that look just a bit like one of the models they showed as the next gen NSX???? Look at the pic in the latest R&T and tell me those rear haunches don't look like one of the designs for the "new NSX" which they should have built.

Sure Acura has let us all down - real big - I'm upset about that too, they came out with one they were testing at the ring and weren't happy with it - wonder why/?????? Could it be that they couldn't get it do the ring any faster than the old NSX???? I think that may have been an issue and then they really pulled the rug out - it wasn't even mid engine.....what a dump on our heads and on Honda's too.

Our cars are old - sure they are ....mine is; it's 18 years old but I've owned some oldies too and believe me it's as good a butt hauler as my '96 993. Not as much room in the cabin but then the 911 is really a GT not a real sports car some would say, since it has 4 seats ....kinda like the Evora everyone's tripping over their ..... to test drive. Let's face it in the world of affordable sports cars and "super car/exotics" ... the NSX still to this day holds it's own despite that stupid top gear bs about the NSX-R. That guy had his head way up where the sun don't shine. Show me another car in that price range that will out do it on a track. There just isn't much to choose from is there?

Old Porsches are all around at Rennfest meets and there are a bunch of guys that just love em even if they aren't super fast - cause they are cool! Guys we have a cool car - the NSX is a great cool auto. Anyone that longs for a sports car experience could do a whole lot worse and it's affordable to maintain. What's not to like?

We own them for a bunch of different reasons - some want to mod them to pieces, make them the "super car" they never were, so to speak, but for everyone of them that has a SC or TC there are about 4 more that haven't done that. So what are we talking about here. The NSX is still great even if it is a bit old. Like a fine wine! Enjoy it for what it is and be glad Honda made it. If you want to do something constructive we ought to all start a letter campaign to Honda to tell em to get off their dead ass and do something with the car!

Support all of us guys that love em.

End Epistle.....:biggrin:
What's funny is that if Honda had just kept producing V6 mid engine NSX's they'd have a real winner on their hands today.

Just a few years too early... imagine if they used their turbo technology paired with their newer v6's in a modern NSX. Who needs a v10 when gas is going to be $4 a gallon again soon?
The NSX is a super car. At least to me. It is overall better than many of the super cars out there. I mean if some dude driving a evo can take a lambo (some test drive or car and driver show, cant remember the name) then nsn can win for sure. I think some people will call it a super car just cause of it's super price tag of 90k new.
To Bboxer,

Good read and thanks. I enjoyed it; did you read the side column about the "death" so to speak of the exotic super car. There is some truth in that but I feel like we, with our NSXs, fall into that catagory he mentions comparing the Cayman S or Boxster to the big Lambo exotics that are so fast as to be frustrating to own and drive.

Our cars are surely fun to drive and you don't really have to break all speed limits and feel like a criminal after "excersizing" you car on public roads. Although I've come close in my own mind. We all need to be careful and with the faster exotics like the Lambo, Enzo, etc., it's more difficult.

Good read; we Primers should read this.
Tim, did you read the companion article though? Supercar Year: 90s

It clearly lists the NSX in the supercar category...

David Vivian said:
There were a number of great supercars in what some were already beginning to call the last golden era of motoring: thundering supercharged V12 Astons, a particularly rich seam in the evolution of the Porsche 911 GT2 and GT3, a slew of sensational Ferraris including the underrated F50 and even a Japanese entry-level Ferrari rival in the never-quite-right shape of the Honda NS-X.

Now, does it truly belong there, and was it ever really a "Supercar"? That's a matter opinion...

Some even question it being labeled "exotic". I tend to attach that label to it for two isn't because of it's power, 0-60 times or slalom times (although it did out-compete Ferrari in it's initial years), most will agree that the NSX could have used higher torque and HP numbers. I think it falls into the exotic category due to its rarity (only 8,849 imported in the US) and it's build quality (hand-built...and by Honda no less). I think those are the two things that make this car "exotic" or "strikingly, excitingly, or mysteriously different or unusual" (per Merriam-Webster) than other sportscars.
Yes Evo is a great magazine. The Sept 09 issue includes this article and a couple of others with unfortunately no link on the web. One such article details maintenance costs with interesting titbits. Enzo and CGT annual maintenance are not so high. Veyron is somethnig else: Tire change every 2,500 miles cost $8k; wheel change every 3 tire changes (7.5K miles) cost $30k; one year extended warr/maintenance $60k; two years $100K; all factory recommended/ Boggles the mind.

NSX content: I still marvel at the way it was built and the quality of both its engineering and hardware. When I received my 360 in 2000, I put it up on my lift and compared it side by side to the NA1 I had at the time, no comparison, the NSX was and still is a true exotic, albeit easy to live with and enjoy driving. I don't beleive an "exotic" has to be difficult to live with and drive. In fact there is an increasing effort by manufacturers to make their newest "exotics" more friendly and easy to live with.
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What's funny is that if Honda had just kept producing V6 mid engine NSX's they'd have a real winner on their hands today.

Just a few years too early... imagine if they used their turbo technology paired with their newer v6's in a modern NSX. Who needs a v10 when gas is going to be $4 a gallon again soon?

DrVolkl, I kindly refer you to the WingZ/Honcho new NSX discussions over in the Second Gen subforum. Perry and I basically have the new car spec'd out already. Now, we just have to convince Honda to build it. :D