Only in California....

only in san francisco california do i see my hot chemistry classmates sunbathing in their bikinis on the lawn in the middle of our college campus, then i join in topless hoping they'll do the same...
Only in California have I seen a man mowed down and killed by the driver of a huge SUV which never slowed down and left the scene to later be caught and found to be illegally in the country.


Only in California have I seen the cops chase someone down, then shoot him to death. Shot him till he dropped and once more after he hit the ground.
"California is the first state to ever reach a trillion dollar economy in gross state product. California has the largest economy in the states of the union. If California's economic size were measured by itself to other countries, it would rank the 7th largest economy in the world. "
"California is the first state to ever reach a trillion dollar economy in gross state product. California has the largest economy in the states of the union. If California's economic size were measured by itself to other countries, it would rank the 7th largest economy in the world. "

Thats insane.....
only in Cali do we not care about a thread called "only in Cali"...cuz we live and you haters don't!!!:tongue: :biggrin:

hmmm, I think I'll go surf now or maybe hit the slopes or maybe just go play some golf or......:smile:
Went snowboarding at 6-9 am up the mountains. Played GOLF in the valley at noon time. Went home at the beach getting ready to go surfing at 5pm. :biggrin:


All in one day - It's insane and only in California?
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That's crazy because I was thinking the same thing a few years back in the spring! Should I goto the mountains for some snow time or to the beach for some sun and surf??? lol I don't golf though, lol.

....... do people from outside your state try to insult your home out of the blue.
....... can you be very rich and have out of staters insult you for being TOO rich.
....... can you throw together your own statewide nsx meet and have out of state owners complain about there being 1, nsxpo.

but at the same time.....

....... can you make a california nsx web board that appears to be a club, and have the "official" nsx club of america threatening to sue you amoungst other things.
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Only in where I want to live. :biggrin:

We have it all here - the good and the bad, and I love every minute I'm in CA...especially today at 80 degrees and sunny. I'm going for a bike ride when I get home. :smile:
Only in where I want to live. :biggrin:

We have it all here - the good and the bad, and I love every minute I'm in CA...especially today at 80 degrees and sunny. I'm going for a bike ride when I get home. :smile:

Yeah, I love the Cali weather, as I've been in So Cal my whole life, and my dad was born in Cali. But I gotta say, I sure do love the back east guys and gals, in general. They just seem so much more down to earth and sweeter. I guess something about suffering through all those long cold months of winter makes them closer to one another.
Yeah, I love the Cali weather, as I've been in So Cal my whole life, and my dad was born in Cali. But I gotta say, I sure do love the back east guys and gals, in general. They just seem so much more down to earth and sweeter. I guess something about suffering through all those long cold months of winter makes them closer to one another.

I would have to agree with this statement. Often times California people don't understand those from the east. They look at me puzzled with their head turned to the side like a confused puppy, and say why? Why would you do this for someone else when there is nothing in it for you?

I use to go to California for the winter. I made lots of friends in California but one person I connected with more than the others. It made me chuckle when after a few months of knowing him he told me he was from back east. He went on to say he had been in California for a several years and had been unable to make any true friends like he had back east.
Gals outside of Cali are nicer and *cough* easier.

Cali gals, esp. the ones in Man Jose or Man Francisco that are 5's think they are 10's (10 being the best of a 1-10 scale).

Fast food places outside of Cali. doesn't require you to translate another lingo to english.

Otherwise Cali climate and beauty > everywhere else.
Yeah only in San Francisco California where i can look out my window and see this every morning........and a fixer upper 2 bedroom 1 bath house can cost $ 1 MILLION BUCKS.

A PLACE I CALL HOME FOR OVER 40 YEARS . Best city in the world. Go Warriors.


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That is no "young girl"...that is "Parismodel" and be careful!..if you say her name 3 times in a row she shows up and trys to take all your money.
buahahahahahahaha - thanks for putting into words so eloquently what i'd been thinking :)