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Only in America...

15 November 2007
Found this while browsing another forum,LOL @ last pic.







I didnt even think the drive thru thing would recognize the little scooter being there. :confused:
A local woman sued (and won!) a suit against White Castle because they would not serve her in her mobility scooter. The place is open 24 hours but only 16 of them are in the restaurant. The other 8 are drive thru only. So this woman claimed it was discrimination because she was in a scooter (and 400+ lbs) and she won. ONLY in America. :mad:
So this woman claimed it was discrimination because she was in a scooter (and 400+ lbs) and she won. ONLY in America. :mad:

That's why she is 400+ lbs. Too many burgers and not enough exercise.
I wonder who's paying for her healthcare? !!:eek:
Hal (Queenlives) and I know her. She's on the Hoveround forum at the oldpeople.com site we visit.:wink::biggrin:
A local woman sued (and won!) a suit against White Castle because they would not serve her in her mobility scooter. The place is open 24 hours but only 16 of them are in the restaurant. The other 8 are drive thru only. So this woman claimed it was discrimination because she was in a scooter (and 400+ lbs) and she won. ONLY in America. :mad:

As I was looking over the photos, the same idea came to mind. What if the store was inaccessible to her and this was her only channel of ordering take-out? I'm blinded to realize any humor from these photos.