One of the top NSX's in the country?

Yeah, thats bold! Doesnt look like anything special. I mean 99% of NSX's have rims.:cool:
Maybe the 95,000 miles puts it in that 1% category? :biggrin:
looks like it's also missing a frnt chin spoiler :confused:
Hey if the car is located in Denver,or Vail for that matter then it probably is one of the "top" nsx in the country:tongue:
looks like it's also missing a frnt chin spoiler :confused:

I noticed this also on my first viewing of the photos.
Is it me or is the asking price a bid steep for a 92 with 95k miles (even if it is in immacculate condition)?
I noticed this also on my first viewing of the photos.
Is it me or is the asking price a bid steep for a 92 with 95k miles (even if it is in immacculate condition)?

Umm, yes. That price would correspond with an NSX with a third of the miles that one has.

Some people amaze me. How anyone could even think to glorify an above-average mile NSX busts me up. It's an auto as well. :rolleyes: