One of the many benefits of driving an NSX

It's funny, there are so many fake stories and bullshitters out there, that when something actually happens to be true no one will just accept it. I think since NSXDreamer thinks I am lying I need to tell the WHOLE story:

It was a nice spring afternoon (but no pollen was around to get on my freshly waxed T with the new FX500 kit installed that I had won in a raffle for a $1.00 ticket). I was coming back from a checkup at the doctor where he had given me an "all clear" on the 14 inch penis enlargement he had performed 4 months back, so I was feeling good. I pulled up to a light, and next to me up pulls a S65 AMG Sedan. The 2 side windows go down, and inside was Heather Locklear, Denise Richards, Brooke Burke and Heidi Klum. They revved the motor and challenged me to a race. I asked "what is getting a ticket worth to me?" Brooke lifted her shirt and told me there was more where that came from if I won. I waited until the light turned green and dusted them turning about a 9.5 in the 1/4 I would estimate. At the next light they caught up to me, and Heidi jumped into my car (she even knew where the door handle was becuase her husband Seal owns a few NSX's) and told me the other ladies would follow me back to my place. We pulled up to my Estate, and went inside my spacious bedroom where we had lots of gratuitous sex where they all admired my skills and the doctors handiwork on my Johnson. Then my wife walked in. I stopped for a moment, wondering if I was about to be shot. She looked around, paused and then asked if anyone needed a drink. We said no, so she paused again, and then asked if she could join in! Then 4 hours later when the girls got the strength up to walk again, I sent them on their way and had my wife make me my favorite dinner. I ate it while I watched "Family Guy" and "The Man Show" which she said were 2 of her favorites, as she gave me a nice massage. All in all, a decent day.:cool:
Shumdit said:
If you are referring to me. No pics, and I can not recall if she had any as she did not show them to me, nor did I ask to see them:wink:

I think you may be referring to the original poster though.

I was referring to the original poster.
I believe every word of both stories! My experiences are usually less fullfilling. A few weeks ago, I decide to take the NSX on a road trip to visit my father in Missouri. To get across town, I take the through way that is 3 lanes - 60 mph limit and it's pretty congested. A guy in a service truck has his head out the window and a cell phone taking photos of my car at 65mph. I'm weaving through traffic pretty easily but this maniac follows me, with that stupid cell phone clear across town. Not too safe for the other drivers. (What a tool).

Doubt a vette owner get's that type of treatment. Maybe I should change cars...........naaaawwww.:tongue:
Shumdit said:
It's funny, there are so many fake stories and bullshitters out there, that when something actually happens to be true no one will just accept it. I think since NSXDreamer thinks I am lying I need to tell the WHOLE story:

It was a nice spring afternoon (but no pollen was around to get on my freshly waxed T with the new FX500 kit installed that I had won in a raffle for a $1.00 ticket). I was coming back from a checkup at the doctor where he had given me an "all clear" on the 14 inch penis enlargement he had performed 4 months back, so I was feeling good. I pulled up to a light, and next to me up pulls a S65 AMG Sedan. The 2 side windows go down, and inside was Heather Locklear, Denise Richards, Brooke Burke and Heidi Klum. They revved the motor and challenged me to a race. I asked "what is getting a ticket worth to me?" Brooke lifted her shirt and told me there was more where that came from if I won. I waited until the light turned green and dusted them turning about a 9.5 in the 1/4 I would estimate. At the next light they caught up to me, and Heidi jumped into my car (she even knew where the door handle was becuase her husband Seal owns a few NSX's) and told me the other ladies would follow me back to my place. We pulled up to my Estate, and went inside my spacious bedroom where we had lots of gratuitous sex where they all admired my skills and the doctors handiwork on my Johnson. Then my wife walked in. I stopped for a moment, wondering if I was about to be shot. She looked around, paused and then asked if anyone needed a drink. We said no, so she paused again, and then asked if she could join in! Then 4 hours later when the girls got the strength up to walk again, I sent them on their way and had my wife make me my favorite dinner. I ate it while I watched "Family Guy" and "The Man Show" which she said were 2 of her favorites, as she gave me a nice massage. All in all, a decent day.:cool:
Damn, the same thing happened to me, you just beat me to posting it. The only difference is that afterwards, they all gave me a "group massage" with "Zymes" so that my body had a glow to it!!!:biggrin:
RPM217 said:
Damn, the same thing happened to me, you just beat me to posting it. The only difference is that afterwards, they all gave me a "group massage" with "Zymes" so that my body had a glow to it!!!:biggrin:

LOL, I was out of Zymes (remember the freshly waxed T part of my story):biggrin:
This is a true story! I have no proof nor do I have the time or desire to fabricate such stories.

The point is the NSX gets a lot of attention on the road and this is an extreme case but it did happen. I know a bare chest when I see one…

By the way I can not count the times my NSX has been the talent of a cell phone video on the road.
AmigaOS said:
By the way I can not count the times my NSX has been the talent of a cell phone video on the road.

Talent or Target?

I am not doubting your story myself. Never been that lucky, other than Mardi Gras, a few bars, and Panama City, Fl to get such a show, but no NSX was present in any of those cases!
Shumdit said:
End of story, I am close to twice her age and married, so she got a ride the jeep:wink:

i will have to start giving you some business cards; i can help you with these problems being almost 1/2 your age and not married haha
Shumdit said:
It's funny, there are so many fake stories and bullshitters out there, that when something actually happens to be true no one will just accept it. I think since NSXDreamer thinks I am lying I need to tell the WHOLE story:

It was a nice spring afternoon (but no pollen was around to get on my freshly waxed T with the new FX500 kit installed that I had won in a raffle for a $1.00 ticket). I was coming back from a checkup at the doctor where he had given me an "all clear" on the 14 inch penis enlargement he had performed 4 months back, so I was feeling good. I pulled up to a light, and next to me up pulls a S65 AMG Sedan. The 2 side windows go down, and inside was Heather Locklear, Denise Richards, Brooke Burke and Heidi Klum. They revved the motor and challenged me to a race. I asked "what is getting a ticket worth to me?" Brooke lifted her shirt and told me there was more where that came from if I won. I waited until the light turned green and dusted them turning about a 9.5 in the 1/4 I would estimate. At the next light they caught up to me, and Heidi jumped into my car (she even knew where the door handle was becuase her husband Seal owns a few NSX's) and told me the other ladies would follow me back to my place. We pulled up to my Estate, and went inside my spacious bedroom where we had lots of gratuitous sex where they all admired my skills and the doctors handiwork on my Johnson. Then my wife walked in. I stopped for a moment, wondering if I was about to be shot. She looked around, paused and then asked if anyone needed a drink. We said no, so she paused again, and then asked if she could join in! Then 4 hours later when the girls got the strength up to walk again, I sent them on their way and had my wife make me my favorite dinner. I ate it while I watched "Family Guy" and "The Man Show" which she said were 2 of her favorites, as she gave me a nice massage. All in all, a decent day.:cool:

LOL - :biggrin:
Shumdit said:
It's funny, there are so many fake stories and bullshitters out there, that when something actually happens to be true no one will just accept it. I think since NSXDreamer thinks I am lying I need to tell the WHOLE story:

It was a nice spring afternoon (but no pollen was around to get on my freshly waxed T with the new FX500 kit installed that I had won in a raffle for a $1.00 ticket). I was coming back from a checkup at the doctor where he had given me an "all clear" on the 14 inch penis enlargement he had performed 4 months back, so I was feeling good. I pulled up to a light, and next to me up pulls a S65 AMG Sedan. The 2 side windows go down, and inside was Heather Locklear, Denise Richards, Brooke Burke and Heidi Klum. They revved the motor and challenged me to a race. I asked "what is getting a ticket worth to me?" Brooke lifted her shirt and told me there was more where that came from if I won. I waited until the light turned green and dusted them turning about a 9.5 in the 1/4 I would estimate. At the next light they caught up to me, and Heidi jumped into my car (she even knew where the door handle was becuase her husband Seal owns a few NSX's) and told me the other ladies would follow me back to my place. We pulled up to my Estate, and went inside my spacious bedroom where we had lots of gratuitous sex where they all admired my skills and the doctors handiwork on my Johnson. Then my wife walked in. I stopped for a moment, wondering if I was about to be shot. She looked around, paused and then asked if anyone needed a drink. We said no, so she paused again, and then asked if she could join in! Then 4 hours later when the girls got the strength up to walk again, I sent them on their way and had my wife make me my favorite dinner. I ate it while I watched "Family Guy" and "The Man Show" which she said were 2 of her favorites, as she gave me a nice massage. All in all, a decent day.:cool:

I believed your first story, but this one is much more interesting.:tongue:

What is up with your avatar name AmigaOS? Is it in reference to the old Amiga computer's operating system? It think it was called TOS (instead of DOS).

I'm no computer geek, but I still have flash backs of the 80's and the Amiga computer was a very small part of that world.

AmigaOS said:
I was just driving south on I5 when I pass a pick up with a guy driving and a girl in the passenger seat. As I go by I get a thumb up and a bad car from his lips. About two miles down the road I see them coming up on my left and as they pass the girl pulls up her top to give me a view. Only in an NSX!:biggrin:

Oh, and by the way......God Bless America!!
Shaun Ray said:

What is up with your avatar name AmigaOS? Is it in reference to the old Amiga computer's operating system? It think it was called TOS (instead of DOS).

I'm no computer geek, but I still have flash backs of the 80's and the Amiga computer was a very small part of that world.


AmigaOS is what they called the later versions I think... I've actually got AmigaOS 3.5 and 3.9 kicking around in my collection.
Amiga OS is the OS for Amiga computers to this day. They are in Version 4 right now. I 've been selling them since 1988. People who own Amiga computers are much like NSX owners.
goldNSX said:

How much beer do I have to drink to write such a real story. :tongue: :D

No beer, just lot's of free time! I think I might want to submit my story, uh,I mean the account of my experience to Penthouse Forums or Letters, whatever they call it.:biggrin:

Great story, er..experience. If it were me, and I were to do it all over, though, I would make two changes. First, the setting -- we would all go back to Seal's place, where I'd give him a beat down before the entertainment, just for being married to Heidi Klum. Second, I'm not sure about the ending. In fact, I don't think it should really have an en...

(hang on a sec...)

...sorry about that - had to break up another one of Brooke and Heidi's damn pillowfights. :biggrin:
Ski_Banker said:
Great story, er..experience. If it were me, and I were to do it all over, though, I would make two changes. First, the setting -- we would all go back to Seal's place, where I'd give him a beat down before the entertainment, just for being married to Heidi Klum. Second, I'm not sure about the ending. In fact, I don't think it should really have an en...

(hang on a sec...)

...sorry about that - had to break up another one of Brooke and Heidi's damn pillowfights. :biggrin:

I can't change anything or then it would just be a b.s. story.:wink: I said it was a decent day, not a perfect one:tongue:

PS- Ask Heidi if she wants her Nursing bra back.
Shumdit said:
I can't change anything or then it would just be a b.s. story.:wink: I said it was a decent day, not a perfect one:tongue:

PS- Ask Heidi if she wants her Nursing bra back.

Just asked, and she gave me a giggle with this to say: "No thanks, it looked better on you!"

Does this mean something to you? :confused: :biggrin:
Turn your headlights on! Today is Flash Friday ;)

Refer to Tom Lykas :biggrin:
Ski_Banker said:
Just asked, and she gave me a giggle with this to say: "No thanks, it looked better on you!"

Does this mean something to you? :confused: :biggrin:

I would not say it looked better on me, but I did look better with it than without it:
