One of the many benefits of driving an NSX

21 March 2006
Tracy Ca
I was just driving south on I5 when I pass a pick up with a guy driving and a girl in the passenger seat. As I go by I get a thumb up and a bad car from his lips. About two miles down the road I see them coming up on my left and as they pass the girl pulls up her top to give me a view. Only in an NSX!:biggrin:
Much better than my experience of random acts of stupidity. Usually being in my NSX sometimes reduces the IQ points of the people next to me that want to race or show off in the middle of a busy city street (retards). They come in all sizes, beat up pick up trucks to hopped up civics. What strange is I get friendlier (sane) responses from other sports car peeps, viper guys, other nsx'rs, vette guys; at least those people know how to appreciate without resorting to stupidity.
NSXrunner said:
Much better than my experience of random acts of stupidity. Usually being in my NSX sometimes reduces the IQ points of the people next to me that want to race or show off in the middle of a busy city street (retards).

I also experience this. People around me always want to race or cut me off.
NSXrunner said:
Much better than my experience of random acts of stupidity. Usually being in my NSX sometimes reduces the IQ points of the people next to me that want to race or show off in the middle of a busy city street (retards). They come in all sizes, beat up pick up trucks to hopped up civics. What strange is I get friendlier (sane) responses from other sports car peeps, viper guys, other nsx'rs, vette guys; at least those people know how to appreciate without resorting to stupidity.

AmigaOS said:
.....I see them coming up on my left and as they pass the girl pulls up her top to give me a view. Only in an NSX!:biggrin:

Do you have any pics to prove it? :tongue:
So how were they? Were they built for speed of comfort? Did you motorboat um.........Did you play the motor motor boatin son of a b*^& old sailor you!!:biggrin: :biggrin: :tongue:
Semnos_NSX said:
So how were they? Were they built for speed of comfort? Did you motorboat um.........Did you play the motor motor boatin son of a b*^& old sailor you!!:biggrin: :biggrin: :tongue:

Motor boat! Motor boat! Motor boat!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

I have to say most of my experiences are the "Stupid" kind also, although I have gotten many thumbs up, many people who approached me at a gas station, etc. to ask about the car, and a few "Whoops!!"(like a scream or yell) from some younger females. The oddest one so far has been when I was stopped at a light and all of the sudden my passenger door opens and a girl (maybe 18-20, but these days 14 will pass for 20!) plops down in the seat and says "where are we going". I was kind of freaked out to be honest and I ended up getting honked at along with the Jeep behind me at the light, which had 3 or 4 other similar age girls in it and where she had come from, as I did not move when the light changed.
End of story, I am close to twice her age and married, so she got a ride the jeep:wink:
something's wrong with this story.

9 out of 10 people couldn't find the door handle I've taken them for a ride. The remaining 10% had a majority of either in car's business or had ridden a nsx before.

This story is fake :biggrin:
Shumdit said:
I have to say most of my experiences are the "Stupid" kind also, although I have gotten many thumbs up, many people who approached me at a gas station, etc. to ask about the car, and a few "Whoops!!"(like a scream or yell) from some younger females. The oddest one so far has been when I was stopped at a light and all of the sudden my passenger door opens and a girl (maybe 18-20, but these days 14 will pass for 20!) plops down in the seat and says "where are we going". I was kind of freaked out to be honest and I ended up getting honked at along with the Jeep behind me at the light, which had 3 or 4 other similar age girls in it and where she had come from, as I did not move when the light changed.
End of story, I am close to twice her age and married, so she got a ride the jeep:wink:
I assure you it is not. I have no way to prove it, as I:
1: Had no other passenger to verify it.
2: Did not ask her for a written affadavit it occurred.
3: Do not have any way of knowing who she is or how to contact her.

I never actually thought about it until you made your post, but some people do have difficulty finding the handle. But to counter your assertion and accusation:
I drop my 5 year old (well 6 now) off at school occasionally and the "safety patrol" kids and some teachers always open the doors to get the kids out. Out of all of the times I have dropped him off I can only recall 1 or 2 times that someone did not know how to open the door immediately,and there are about 2 dozen different kids/adults manning the line. We also have to consider that my car is a White T and the door handle area is more noticeable than on a darker color or than it might be with the top on and windows up.

To summarize, It really happened, and if you choose not to believe it, that's your issue. I am not on trial and proving it would not benefit me. It's only a funny (now) memory. I think if I were going to make something like this up, it would have a little more "flash" than the account of what actually happened. :wink:

Maybe you give rides to a bunch of idiots?:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

just kidding.. where is a digital camera when u need one. :biggrin: LOL
nsxlover said:
show Me The Boobies.....

If you are referring to me. No pics, and I can not recall if she had any as she did not show them to me, nor did I ask to see them:wink:

I think you may be referring to the original poster though.
Sorry I did not get a picture. Of course how would I have known to bring a camera in the first place? I guess you just need to be there! Oh well even if I did get a picture I couldn’t post it here.