One lucky barn owner

Ahhhh muchas thanks for the link. I have seen those pics before and knew the description/story was kind of dubious. Now I know....:smile:
I still cannot figure out why collectors such as this guy pile all of those cars in there, and then just let them deteriorate. What is the point if you are not enjoying them at all? :confused:
If you guys want to read about real barn finds- check out the books "The Cobra In the Barn", and "The Hemi In the Barn"- both of which are about international barn finding and recovery.

Author is Tom Cotter- both books are excellent.

If you guys want to read about real barn finds- check out the books "The Cobra In the Barn", and "The Hemi In the Barn"- both of which are about international barn finding and recovery.

Author is Tom Cotter- both books are excellent.


I read that one!! I have 'The Cobra In The Barn' sitting on my table by the TV right now. Very well written book, and fun to read for any real car guy. A few of the stories even happened near me in Indiana.
I read that one!! I have 'The Cobra In The Barn' sitting on my table by the TV right now. Very well written book, and fun to read for any real car guy. A few of the stories even happened near me in Indiana.

Agreed- this is on the Car Guy required reading list.

I stumbled across The Hemi in the Barn last year and read it cover to cover in a weekend. I gave Dad The Cobra in the Barn for Christmas, and got myself a copy as well.
