On Your Island

23 July 2007
This may be dumb, or very entertaining, but after reading a comment by Vegas N$X, I wonder. If you could have your own Island country and make it a place that you think is better than anywhere else..what would it be like? Laws, Money, Police, Roads, Property?what kind of place would we live in on YOUR Island? (answers dont need to be too involved, unless your bored)
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This may be dumb, or very intertaining, but after reading a comment by Vegas N$X, I wonder. If you could have your own Island country and make it a place that you think is better than anywhere else..what would it be like? Laws, Money, Police, Roads, Property?what kind of place would we live in on YOUR Island? (answers dont need to be too involved, unless your bored)

Hahahahahaha! :tongue:
This is source of much amusement in my office. I CONSTANTLY talk about MY island and my ideas go on and on and on and on...

Someday I'll have to write up some long proposal about MY island but for now I'll talk about how the idea started.

The problem I see in today's free society is that for those people who want to live a good, law abiding life they are exposed to people with malicious intent. The problem is that the intermingling of social ideals, levels, classes, etc. allows those who with malicious intent access to those who wish to avoid it. Sure you can put a fence around your property, a gate at your door, but what about in public places? What about when these evil people cross into your territory?

The first idea would be to take all of the “bad people” and push them off to an island. But that idea is fraught with problems. First of all, how can someone determine if someone is bad or evil? Plus the political issues related to discrimination and stereotyping would kill that idea post haste. It would boil down to a modern day witch hunt.

So my idea is to take the converse of that. Voluntarily allow good people to move and live on a separate island. What you could have is some sort of metric that allow you to live on that island. And in essence this idea already exists. Look at any city and you will see good, more affluent areas where the education is higher, crime rates are lower etc. Then there are the bad parts of town where the converse is true. Things like gated communities are in essence are their own island. This is just taking that idea one step further. And because living on this island is purely voluntary, then if you don’t like the aspects of the island, then you can leave at any time.

A simple example of this is ideal in action is take your NSX. You can try to protect it by putting it in a garage and putting an alarm on it. But because you are not on an island, and intermingled with people who may not value the same ideals as you, every time you drive or park your car in public, you are at risk of someone damaging or stealing it. Now think if you were on an island, where everyone else had an NSX or an equivalent car that they valued. Because everyone has a mutual respect of one another’s car, you can drive your car with the freedom knowing it will be safe on the island. I’ve seen this freedom on a number of NSX car meets and it is quite refreshing. Just extrapolate this idea to more than just cars and you get the idea of my island.

Now will the island be perfect? Of course not. There will still be the occasional crime, murder, or freak incident, but those that are found guilty of crime will be booted off the island. Remember, staying on the island is a privilege, not a right, so play by the rules or leave. (Oops, already getting into some of the island slogans) :biggrin: So while it may not be perfect, I still think it will be infinitely better.

Anyway, I have tons more ideas about MY island that I’ll get to someday, but that’s the gist of it. It's basically my realistic ideal of a utopia.
My Island would be like Escape from New York or Doomsday in which vigilantes rule. One would never know who would rise to power overnight with armies constantly fighting for power. In the event that an army takes over and begins to set up a formal democracy the island would automatically sink into the ocean, and then rise again in which the survivors would start their fight again in the struggle for survival.
I'd have punishment for crimes based on "eye for an eye" and a system that incorporates the death penalty......but doesn't take 20 years to follow through with it while the island tax payers support the offender's pathetic existence.

Rapists would be casterated, thieves would lose a hand and pedofiles would be "put down." Criminals wouldn't hide behind the curtain of ignorance or claims of insanity.

Every citizen of my island would either serve time in the military or some sort of other public service that would help to better the lives of all. Citizenship will have to be earned, not given.

This is probably why people like me are not in charge of the country :)
The first crime you commit you leave the island. The entire coast would have a track around it, but it would leave the coast side for home development. Around here there are some beautiful lakes but the houses are not right on the lake front, there is a road between the lake front and the house which I have always considered poor planning.

There would be no speed limit on weekends, and no speed limit on the track around the coast ever. The lanes of the track would have loads of run off and a huge barrier between all lanes so a head on accident would be impossible.

Property taxes would be fair across the board. Since everyone would use the same municipal services everyone would pay the exact same amount regardless of income or how nice your house is. In other words there wouldn't be a penalty for striving to make a better life for yourself.

Not getting over in the slow lane when you are being tailgated would be immediate grounds for deportation.

If a crime is committed NO one leaves the island until the crime is solved.

The police would have to be stern but polite. If they used the phrase "shut up" they would immediately be dismissed and deported. They also would not have the right to lie or use excuses to cover up the real reason they are doing whatever it is they are doing. No more I am writing you this ticket to keep you safe, it's I am writing this ticket to generate revenue. Simple truth, it keeps the people happy.

No rice parts could be imported.

No big box companies.

I will be back to the thread later with more addition as I refine my island.
I am thrilled that I finally made a thread that went 5 posts without a lude or retarted comment. I hope this gets big!!! It will be fun to read, Im having fun already, even after the NSX is gone. Keep it up guys. This is GREAT STUFF!!!!
My island would be full of Hotties and STDs would be illegal!

You'd need to be screened for attitude (and std's) before you were allowed to immigrate.

There would only be sports cars, and going topless would be a right.

The only crimes would relate to something that you do that hurts someone else - if it doesn't hurt someone else, its legal!

Did I mention the hotties?
I am thrilled that I finally made a thread that went 5 posts without a lude or retarted comment. I hope this gets big!!! It will be fun to read, Im having fun already, even after the NSX is gone. Keep it up guys. This is GREAT STUFF!!!!

Damn you sold your NSX? You're off the island!
Not getting over in the slow lane when you are being tailgated would be immediate grounds for deportation.
Great! I totally agree! LOL!
Right here! If every prime member thought it was a good idea we could do it and all put our money together and make it happen. But unforunitly unless im right its just a post. LOL, People make movies because life sucks and is boring. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Good thread, I have often thought about this, “When I’m in power…” etc.

Drivers must clip a colour coded disc or sticker onto their license plate when they drive.

If you have earned a green sticker then you can drive in the left (fast) lane. People who have not passed the skidpad test or the Nurburgring test (or similar) have the basic red sticker, they must stay in the slow lane.

There would be several gradients, yellow for example, that allow passing but limited left lane driving.

Even lower than red would be purple, those people must stay off the major roads and motorways completely!

Also, I am considering banning caravans from the motorways. Maybe from the whole country.
There would be a “few” changes when I am in power!

In the meantime, I live in the next best driving country, Belgium (in the French part actually, the Flemish part is getting too much like Holland, bad for driving).
Thank god there is such a driving country like Belgium that already exists! And anyway, no one is actually “in power” here, it is just chaos…not such a bad thing I guess.:biggrin:
My island would be full of Hotties and STDs would be illegal!

You'd need to be screened for attitude (and std's) before you were allowed to immigrate.

There would only be sports cars, and going topless would be a right.

The only crimes would relate to something that you do that hurts someone else - if it doesn't hurt someone else, its legal!

Did I mention the hotties?
nice, i'd like to immigrate. But wait what's the limit on number of dudes?
thats EASY 10:1 solved.
"I finally have the car I always wanted, I rule!" - American Beauty. Sick. LOL
Two ideas for my island:
  • Tax - every able person 18-60 has a choice: pay a flat annual tax (~20% of avg income) - OR - work 1 day a week for the government.
    (Wouldn't this work great? Would it??)
  • Marriage and Divorce: both illegal.
Thumbs up Sarge!
re: the road rules

Actually enforce the "fast lane for passing" rule - this is actually on the books in many states, but rarely enforced. :eek:

Build it using Monaco as a blueprint - cliffs fronting the ocean. ix-nay the attitude that comes with over-moneyed tax havens. Keep the permenent FIA-spec roadcourse - we can even "let" Bernie use it a weekend a year for a GP. Of course keep the beach dress code :biggrin: , and give Kimi a "ok to drink and drive" pass.

Build the highways like the German autobahn... blacktop thick enough to handle the torque monsters. Curves that are properly banked - not this off-camber crowned roads nonsense that comes with el cheapo construction in some countries... even better, replicate the Nordschliefe (DE), and hook it to the Amalfi coast (IT) and the Tail of the Dragon (US). Ask Sabine and her M5 to move in, and give her free gas. :cool:

Gas stations have to pump all fuels - regular, premium, race gas, ultralow diesel, biodiesel, ethanol (and hydrogen etc when we're ready). Imagine being able to chit-chat with an Audi R10 LM pilot when he pulls into the pit.
My island would be a very simple dictatorship.

First, any marriage has to have a pre-nuptual, period.

Second, you can legally go double plus ten mph of the posted speed limit. If you crash and/or injure yourself or someone else you are off the island. Basically there is no speed limit unless you fvck up. Drive safe people.

Third, all women are required to stay within a body wieght of 2.5% of their ideal weight per the BMI standards.

Fourth, flat tax for everyone. I have yet to determine the tax rate, probably around 30%. No sales tax.
So you aren't going to post on this thread??? I figured you would want to be king $hit of your own island. Hell you could even be the Ben B. for the whole damn island.:tongue: :biggrin:


1 -- 1% tax rate based on net worth. Simple, no BS accounting. With that you get a handful of Barney Pfeif security guards, access to the landing strip, and utilities. Everyone on the island must own his or her own airplane.

2 -- A Constitution of One. Me. Take it or leave it. No jails though -- just banishment for really bad offenses that injure others.

3 -- All you can eat shrimp, every day.
Gilligan's Island...
Minus - Gilligan, Skipper, Thurston, the professor and his wife.
Plus + most women posted on Prime's thread of;
"The hottest girl that you have ever seen."
Extra features:
Free electricity, clean water, wide screen tvs, internet access, computers,
appliances of all sorts, tree houses, tree mansions, free grocery stores,
NSXs, and a sh*t load of twisty roads around.
Will have all of the most exotic fruits in the world.
ps: nude beaches & all you can eat sea foods!!!:cool:
Third, all women are required to stay within a body wieght of 2.5% of their ideal weight per the BMI standards.

I'm disgusted by this requirement! This is a step back in todays forward moving society. We shouldn't be concerned about perfect appearances. With that said, the requirement should be 2.5% or more under the BMI standard :biggrin: