On the history of the NSX - what happened to the market/classifieds?

13 April 2009
Atlanta, GA
Hey guys,

Whas up - I looked at the classifieds the other day and there are only 8 cars for sale on prime????? I couldn't believe it - when I was here not that long ago - before Prime's website changed -there were lots of cars sometime pages of cars? Unreal - now only 8 what gives? Where did they all go - did everyone quit selling them? Wow what am I going to do when it comes time to find one again - will I be forced onto the open market - eeeewwwhhh. I'm flabergasted....comments please - what happened?:confused:
You may be only seeing the cars listed on Enthusify.
How do you see the others not listed on enthusified?
Thanks RSO - I surely went thru the classifieds. It's all different now. Just re - learning the ropes.