ok...this is it...HELP me...


here's what happened in a tight little nutshell...The only Honda dealer that could doa great deal on an S2000 was in South Dakota. They offered 500 over invoice for new...off the truck '03 model in the color I wanted Yellow. Not bad...

Local dealer had a similar deal on paper and in front of me. We agreed to it, I sold my car, came back the next morning (we had finalized at closing the previous day) and they pulled some typical dealer bullsh*t about the price not being run by the proper managers and that it would change. I was on fire...I sold my car in contention of getting a new one the next morning! So after a haggle bout for ten minutes I got up pissed and walked out. Of course you must know on my way to the door I had about four people running after me to try to work something out closer to the original agreement, asking me to be flexible. I almost went into a fit of rage and slapped them all like Larry, Shemp, Joe, and Curly!!!

Needless to say, yesterday was wrought with calls to dealers and each one trying their damndest to sell me a car at their price. WITH all their precious paint protection, and add on crap. At the end of the day my wife and I decided...since the S2K was going to be a compromise of a sports car for me anyway...and since I was really ok with NOT getting one, we won't get one. There are plenty of reasons why I didn't really want one...but mentally settled on it. I think I may have laid those out already, but there's alot more.

SO...now I'm car-less...and we have decided to shop for a car that will fit our immediate and future family needs, while being reliable, and be passable to her in a year or two's time. Then, I can later seek more options for a sports car (read: NSX) while we will have met the requirments for reliable, safe, and desireable transportation for the family and mostly her. AND since the Beetle is paid for...we maybe can even keep that for her fun little runabout. ^_^

Now...any suggestions on a family car? Think Baby in near future, think as fun as I can get while meeting more importantly safety, four doors, and price requirements. 30K will be a limit, but we're really aiming for the mid 20 range. (edit: think also manual tranny if possible)

Anway, thanks guys...thanks for the ideas, and I will continue to be around and yik yak with you guys on the NSX, for another many years.
SEe you at NSXPO...BMI for sale...

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?


[This message has been edited by scottjua (edited 01 October 2002).]

Sorry to hear about your deal falling through. That is really poor!

Good family cars.. hmm.. Check out the infinity G35. I thought it was pretty awesome.

you were not very specific with what you are going to purchase for your next car other than the price.

If you want something four door and sporty, I would go with a new Suburu WRX. It is turbocharged and has four wheel drive. A very neat car. I think this is the type of car that is compromise between a full blown sedan and a sports car.

If it were me, I would look at a 1998 Toyota Land Cruiser. I am a fan of this make though. They came out with the new body style as well as the V8 that year. for mid twenties you could get one with 65k+ miles. For 30k you may get one with around 50k miles. 50k-65k miles is absolutely nothing for these cars. Anyway, I think it would be a great car when you and your wife have a baby. It is large, and thus safe. It drives smooth. It is along the lines of a Lexus sedan in terms of luxury and comfort. I don't really need to describe how reliable they are said to be. Also, they are great looking cars. This is the kind of car you can keep for a long time as well. Once you are done hauling the babies and kiddies around, you can turn it in to a fun car. Go fishing, hunting, mudding, rockclimbing, trailblazing with it. Take a family trip. Finally, when one of your kids turns 16, give it to them. It will still be a very good looking and safe car.

Sorry about my small sales pitch on the Land Cruiser, but it is one of my favorite cars. If I could afford to own two cars, I would have a land cruiser and (obviously) and NSX.
I left it open ended on putpose. Price, safety, reliability, and four doors are about the only real factors here. It leaves many to be considered...but not as many as you'd think.

I am totally out on SUVs. I won't get us all into a debate over them so I will spare you my views on their purpose, safety, value, vs. "utility". ^_^ Not saying I don't agree some are nice..and definitely comfortable, but I do not like them and have my reasons for not wanting to have one.

I think the WRX may be in gfood contention...I just have to do a little more research on those tranny issues. The Acura TL sounds like it might be decent for the upper levels of our price range. I have been out of this vein of thinking for a while so it's gonna be hard to make a decision without input. Thanks for the suggestions everyone (even the SUV lovers
)!!! I REALLY appreciate all your help. Keep em coming...and remember...the more value we can get now, the more I can save for the future. NSX...

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?

Why don't you get a used late-model Accord sedan AND an inexpensive fun car such as a used Miata or, if you enjoy working on cars, an old MG or something.

The TL or WRX or whatever may be nice cars, and sort of "sporty," but they are nothing like a true sports car and never will be. You'll still be "settling" for something that is a hybrid cross between a sporty car and a family sedan.

Since money also seems to be a major concern, consider also that you will be taking a huge depreciation hit on the new car, whereas you can turn around and sell the used Accord and Miata later on for a much larger % of the price you paid for them.
the main thing now is to find something we can both be happy with but ULTIMATELY be her car. Which gives me time to prepare properly and get what I really want. I can do without for a little while. I have been this patient, I guess another year or so won't be a big deal. This seems to be the best solution for us so far in that we meet the future needs, and if the car is reliable we will jsut keep it til it dies anyway, not caring what re-sale is. As long as it holds value to us beyond the term we pay on it it's worth it.

When the time comes I can use the Beetle as a beater/daily car. While getting an NSX for track, fun, whenever I feel like it car. OR I can jsut use the Beetle as leverage in the buying process.

This seems like the best option...as far as us both getting what we want/need. Now the question is WHAT exactly fits the bill?

It's funny and frustrating how this whole thing started, is going and will end up. Cause in the end we only need one family car safe enough to get groceries and put baby(ies) into. The NSX is about as safe as I can get in a sports car so you guys know I should be covered there.

More thoughts?

I was in the the Honda dealership the other day and was offered to test drive the S2k. I pulled up in my girlfriend's civic with the intention of just getting a new emblem for it.

Anyways after the ride, they sat me down and did their sales pitch. I countered by playing with them a bit. I mentioned that I was also interested in the Z and it was significantly less money than the s2k.

To make the story short, they were prepared to sign off the s2k to me for a msrp. If I had stayed I probably could have gotten this guy to go lower.

In the end, I walked out of the dealership...emblem in hand.

Check out the Infiniti G35! The two door has a back seat and starts at less than $30k. The 280hp should be peppy enough for ya!
Whoa... five years later... just thinking about this thread and wanted to update it.

Here's what became of the whole stealership screwing me on the S2000, and a depiction of how much farther down the road an NSX is still. When I can get an NSX (if I ever do) I can probably get one of the last ones (maybe find a coupe?) and convert it into a Type-R. On my short list of cars I really want in the future it'll either be an NSX or a GT3... so in another 5 years I'll update this thread again and see where I end up. :)

anyway... here's a pic of our current lineup:

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Wow, this must be a record for the longest thread revival.:wink:

In any case, sorry the S2000 didn't work out. Nice looking line up though. :cool:
well, it seems like I am settling too at first. But honestly the S2000 is 90% the driving experience as the NSX...so I am soul searching and pleading for help on this one.
[This message has been edited by scottjua (edited 26 September 2002).]

As I have said this a countless number of times, the S2000 is nothing like an NSX whatsoever. They are completely different cars like night and day. When I first owned an S2000 I kept telling myself that the S2000 can't be too far from what an NSX is and boy was I wrong. The first time I drove the NSX I was astonished and even after 2 years of owning the S2000 I couldn't get the feeling of driving the NSX out of my system. I just had to have one, so after 3 years of searching I finally got the car of my dreams. The S2000 is still nice don't get me wrong but it will still never feel anything like an NSX...not even close.