ok...this is it...HELP me...

22 September 2000
Dallas TX
Here's the situation. My VW Passat is going south forever. My extended warranty is almost gone and with my records I show that it has consistently soaked up about $100-400 (give or take a bunch)every other month in electrical glitches to fix. Mechanically the car is great...but I can't count on it not having any more major electrical malfunctions while it will be out of pocket to fix. SO...my wife and I have come up with the genius plan to get me a new, reliable, car. Here comes the dilema...I want a sports car, and can only think of TWO that are dead reliable and I know plenty enough about to make an informed decision. HOWEVER...one of those doesn't meet the handed out criteria for needs and coverages, ie.: no warranty. I think you guys can guess where I'm going with this. The NSX has been my choice for the past well...since it's been out, and I finally thought now was the time to rejoice in all that is tochigi's finest. Alas, the NSX's little brother has won the fight...for now. It looks like I am looking into the S2000, as it fits my sports car needs, will be trackable, reliable, has full warranty, and would be brand spanking new and SHOULD have 0 issues.

Why/HOW would the NSX be a better buy? And how is it even remotely possible to make the argument for the NSX? Am I deluding myself by still seeking this option?

As for the S2000 it meets the needs and criteria laid before me, but does it measure up to the kind of driving experience I have been wanting for so long?

Would I be better off waiting a while and taking a chance on the Passat lasting a while more and eating the Xtended warranty? It's almost paid for, however it's value sinks more and more...and at this point the gap is closing on it's $value, what I owe, and value to me.

AAaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhhh...help...I have no mind of my own, I reach out for your guidance and wisdom as a collective whole!

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?


[This message has been edited by scottjua (edited 26 September 2002).]
Scott-what up....?
You make it seem like ur settling. (KISS) Keep It Simple Stupid, both r Honda's so either way ur getting a reiliable car. If ur dead nuts set on the NSX, then get it. The S2k is a different car lots of pros and cons to it's older bro. If Green-Backs r a factor then go with the S2k and get the NSX latter down that winding track....Good Luck!

Get the NSX! As long as you find/buy one that has been well maintained then you wouldn't have to worry too much about having warranty or not. Honda's are very reliable and built to last, and the NSX is no exception!

Get the NSX and never look back. btw...I'm sure you won't be able to wipe the smile off of your face upon taking delivery of the NSX. It's about time you become one with us.

Let us know what you decide.

Originally posted by Wadasan:
Scott-what up....?
You make it seem like ur settling. ...................If Green-Backs r a factor then go with the S2k and get the NSX latter down that winding track....Good Luck!

well, it seems like I am settling too at first. But honestly the S2000 is 90% the driving experience as the NSX...so I am soul searching and pleading for help on this one.

As for green backs...that's not the problem really. At least depending on the "way" it is spent and how my criteria are complied with. As for the NSX at a later time, yes this consideration has come into mind. ^_^ It could put me in contention for one of the rare 97+ coupes...or a Zanardi. OR even a next gen, considering how it turns out of course. There are many possibilities in the future...but there will be child as well in the coming couple of years. That's why I see this as a now or never kind of thing.

my brain hurts...

[This message has been edited by scottjua (edited 26 September 2002).]
if it was only me making the decision and I only had myself to please...you guys KNOW what I would choose with no hesitation. Being married it's never as simple as you'd think. That's why I am pleading for a convincing argument. And even after years of studying the NSX...there's few facts that remain the root of the problems for it's case. AT this time that is...

Given the other factors and questions what to do...???

[This message has been edited by scottjua (edited 26 September 2002).]
"well, it seems like I am settling too at first. But honestly the S2000 is 90% the driving experience as the NSX...so I am soul searching and pleading for help on this one"

Define 90%... and what is 80% of the NSX? A Civic TypeR? Honestly I would not say the S2000 is 90% of the NSX since they are quite different cars (one is a convertible, front engine, very low torque, long nose car and the other in your budget a coupe, mid engine, better powered, long tail car).

I think the Civic TypeR is more similar to the S2000 than the S2000 to the NSX, IMHO.

Get the NSX!

ps: with the S2200, see Off Topic, would be a different comparison...
Scott ... havent heard from you in a while.

You should check out that S2200 in offtopic. I think that would be an awesome alternative to a used NSX and you would have full warranty. Of course, they are talking about 40K vs 32.

If you are really concerned with the repair issues, get the S2000 and stay on the safe side. You can always sell the S2000 and I think they are holding their value pretty well.

After driving both cars, I personally don't think there is much comparison. The NSX is far better in every single category except the 1-2 shift. The S2000 stays in Vtec after all redline shifts. I think the NSX acutally has decent power and torque from 3K up vs the S2000 that feels like my old Civic Si until you hit 6,000 RPM. I like the engine/exhuast note on both cars. The S2000 sounds like and F1 car! Sweet!
Actually, I think the shifter in the S2000 is better than my 93 NSX also. I have never driven the 6-speed NSX.

Hope that helps.
ah...killing me...

you can never win I guess...there's always something better on the hrizon huh. But I think even if the S2200 still debuts next year it will be a while before production, and I can't wait that long...or should I tough it out?


I really think that if the decision is based on $$$ and future $$$ that will be spent on maintenance and repairs, you will be better of betting on the S2000 for now.

Will you get the same driving experience? Unlikely, but will you be back in the same $100-$400 every other month in expenses? Over a year, I think this is quite likely (services, tires, regular maintenance alone could get you there much faster than the S2K).

Just wait until you need to head out for a major service or replace the clutch and see if the woman thinks buying the NSX was a good idea

Of course, I would still go with the NSX, but based on your reasons (and $$$ range of expense impact), the S2000 may be your best bet NOW

[This message has been edited by Jonathan (edited 25 September 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Jonathan (edited 25 September 2002).]

[This message has been edited by Jonathan (edited 25 September 2002).]
Just a thought, but if the Passat has been consistantly costing money to keep repairing electrical problems one after another, isn't there some kind of lemon law that would apply? That kind of money every other month sounds to be like defective build quality, not happenstance.JMO/YMMV
They're both terrific cars, but they're very different from each other.

I suggest you take each one for a test drive. Better yet, see if a dealer will let you have it for a day or overnight. Live with it for a day and see how you like it.

The other folks are right, though, that the costs of upkeep will be higher (and less predictable) for the NSX than for a new S2000.

One other thing to consider...

Originally posted by scottjua:
my sports car needs, will be trackable, reliable, has full warranty, and would be brand spanking new and SHOULD have 0 issues.

You mention trackability. Many groups that hold track events do not permit open top cars to participate at all; many others only do so if they have a full roll cage.
Buy the used NSX and spend $1500 on an aftermarket warranty.

Problem solved.
Originally posted by Brian Bailey:
Buy the used NSX and spend $1500 on an aftermarket warranty.

Problem solved.

I haven't had any luck at all finding an aftermarket warranty for a 1991-1993 NSX. They seem to stop at 1994 or not support the NSX at all.
The way I see it, you are in the Honda camp here and are struggling with what your budget allows vs what your wife allows. Its a respectable dillema, and only you can narrow it down on passion vs dollars vs WAF(wife approval factor).

I say dump the passat and get one of the following:

NSX - fun, minimal depreication on a pre 94 coupe, known expenses (TB, tires and insurance most notably), We all love it for various reasons, so I'll not get into that.

S2000 - seems to fit the bill nicely, but passat to S2000 seems a big jump as far as utility (read WAF) goes. Its a great little car, and some mods can go a long way as with the NSX.

2003 V6 6pd Accord coupe might alsofit the bill. Pretty sporty, nice, low cost, etc. I My dealer expects to get one within a month.

If I were a betting man, I thnk you prefer them in top down order and your wife in bottom up. I vote you take her out, test drive all of the above, and see what you both are happiest with.

Good luck, I am sure you will be very happy regardless of your decision!

I can certainly understand your situation with being married and possibly one day have children. I had to give up my p-car 5 years ago for the sake of my children and now I'm a proud owner of an nsx. I have to agree with everyone that the nsx and s2000 are two different cars. First of all they are both very reliable. I think in your situation if you really want a nsx, I say get it, you won't regret it. With a new s2000, it's going to take its biggest depreciation as soon as you drive it off the lot, where as a early model nsx has already taken it biggest hit, these have been going for mid $20K for 60kmile+, which is a bargain sportscar. If you have a baby in the next 2-4 years, you could sell the nsx and not lose a whole lot.
my .02cents

[This message has been edited by HPV100 (edited 25 September 2002).]
The biggest thing I noted is where you are willing to drive and park either car and do you/can you afford a beater.
NSX hard top-S2K soft top and easily cut.
I day drive my NSX but rarely take a date out in it. I can't park it at resturants, bars, movies without worrying so I just don't do it. You aren't as much fun if you have to worry about what some idiot is doing to your car. JMHO
Drive both but for you the S2K seems to fit for the guaranteed reliability. GOOD LUCK!
I totally forgot about the 2003 Accord Coupe.. that might be fun. 240HP, 6-speed. With some suspension mods, it could be a great car. I don't think you will get much out of the engine as for as mods go as it sounds like Honda already tweaked it there. Maybe a Cold Air intake.

At least it is an option. I think it is supposed to be 26K.
Originally posted by NetViper:
I haven't had any luck at all finding an aftermarket warranty for a 1991-1993 NSX. They seem to stop at 1994 or not support the NSX at all.

I insisted on a warranty on my 1993 (?) since they didn't have time for a mechanic to look at it.
Well I have driven both the NSX and the S2K at times and more than a few times to say the least. And as much as I agree with you all that they are very different driving experiences, I think the WAF is the key to this whole debacle for me at this point. She's even driven the Zanardi and loved how easy it was to drive...but she doesn't like the idea of forking over a bunch of money for something that should be covered by a new cars warranty. CAn't argue with that kind of logic...it makes perfect sense...and where a man, young man like me may be willing to risk it and go for it...wives see things completely differently. And sensibly. We're morons and you know it

I think honestly I'll be more than happy regardless of which one I can actualyl put in the garage, however preference isn't always the most sensible choice for me given the strict demands I must meet in my endeavor to find an impractical 2 seater.

Let's see what really happens for it's coming down to it. One way or the other I'll get a sports car, it just depends on the fashion and date of build. ^_^

If S2K My soft top issues...will have to be met with a hard top followed by a roll cage in the future for ultimate trackability. The Torque issue, will have to be met by our friends at Comptech or Vortech.

If NSX, I will have to find a great car at the right price. With all maintenance done and records of it. Since we talking about new S2K you can guess my price range.

Either way I feel like I am lucky and happy at this point and I'll still be here to share what I know or think I know and hang around at the local events, and sell you guys the Best Motoring Volume 4 (NSX issue) at NSXPO at super discount prices...

As for the Accord, although it's a great car...it's s 2 Dr sedan. The lapse of insanity which led to the Passat at age 23 is what landed in this predicament and if I did it again you guys should shoot me. We don't yet have children, or haul goods or people so I don't knwo what I was thinking at that time...but I know what I want now. And even IF it won't be the NSX, the next best thing is ok, until the NSX can come home.

Let's see...
Originally posted by scottjua:
We're morons and you know it

Ahh Yes, but we are HAPPY morons

Originally posted by scottjua:
preference isn't always the most sensible choice for me given the strict demands I must meet in my endeavor to find an impractical 2 seater.

Based on this (and the rest of your comments), I would say go with the S2000. Even if you can find a nice clean NSX in your price range (As with Ken, I believe you can) it sounds like WAF is more important than the passion for an NSX specifically. If that the case, the S2000 is one hell of a fun little car. If I could afford it in addition to my NSX, there would be one in the garage.

FWIW, You may also want to consider a 350Z. Its got plenty of torque, and a new car warranty.

Good luck, and shoot us some pics of the new ride, whatever it might be! Hope to see you at NSXPO
personal opinion here, the s2k never did anything for me style wise. I've rode in friend's s2k, and didn't like the tight space. As for the nsx, TOTALLY different feel, you know it's one of the more rare cars that's out there, and with patience, you can find the right one (clean, all repairs done..) As for the warranty that the wife worries about, I think that's taken care of with the right car that you find.

another easy thing I always do, imagine you driving down the street in your s2k and came next to an NSX, would you say "I wish I have that", or "glad I didn't get it", or vice versa.
everyone NSX owner here pretty much knows it will give the "driving experience" that you are looking for...

theres no comparison...looks alone kill the s2k, 350z and pretty much everything else...slap some rims on, and youve got a major exotic looking car...its another level I say..
Sorry, but screw WAF. I can't understand spending thirty grand on a car that's not exactly what you want. You two can buy her the car she wants, and you the car you want, within your budget. That's fair and it works both ways.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Sorry, but screw WAF. I can't understand spending thirty grand on a car that's not exactly what you want. You two can buy her the car she wants, and you the car you want, within your budget. That's fair and it works both ways.

I am with Ken on this one. If you are going to spend that kind of money, get the NSX! And as for the torque being solved by comptech, yeah if you want to spend ANOTHER 5K+ on top of the 32 for the S2K. Now we are talking about 37. You can find a TON of NSX's for that price that are clean and low miles.
