Oil pressure drop...

14 August 2003
Toronto, Canada
While driving into work on the highway this morning I noticed that the oil pressure indicator was noticeably lower than where I would expect it to be. (At highway cruise, it's normally close to the 3/4 mark, whereas right now it was closer to the 1/4 mark).

Since the indicator moves higher when the revs are higher, I decided to drop from 4th to 3rd, but this did not push it up significantly. A minute later, as I was still looking at the gauge, it moved back to its normal position over the course of about 5 seconds. It's now operating normally, but now I'm worried that there might be a problem. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal (I've never seen it happen before, but then again I normally don't really pay that much attention to that gauge while driving either)? Any ideas? (Last oil change was about 3000km's ago at the dealership using Castrol Syntec).
Do a search on the forums, and you will find threads describing this behavior and others.

