Oil Pick-up: does this look normal?


Experienced Member
Tech Expert
15 May 2005
Knoxville, TN
I recently changed the oil pan gasket on my car and noticed, after comparing to a few pictures on Prime and in the service manual, that the oil pan had a nice size dent in the bottom. I fixed that with a little strategic block & mallet work while it was off the car. What I'd like to know is if this oil pick up looks like it should. It's a little harder to tell from the diagrams than it was for the pan.

I cannot tell if there is a dent in the bottom or not. It should be flat IIRC. The dent in the pan is from the timing belt job done prior, and someone used a jack without a wood block to keep the pan flat;).

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I cannot tell if there is a dent in the bottom or not. It should be flat IIRC. The dent in the pan is from the timing belt job done prior, and someone used a jack without a woob block to keep the pan flat;).


Well, at least that probably means that the previous owner wasn't yanking my chain about the timing belt getting done.

As a side note, is there a way to inspect the belt without removing an ungodly amount of stuff?

the pickup is a bit concave on the bottom. The pickup neck wasn not deformed or damaged in any way, and there didn't seem to be any interferance with the "mouth" so i left it alone. It certainly doesn't suffer from any supply or pressure issues, so I will probably not fool with it.
Where was the dent in the pan in relation to the oil pickup? What brand of oil are you using? How many miles on the engine? Does the engine use any oil?
As a comparision, here's a view of mine. I know it's at a weird angle but thought it may help.

Where was the dent in the pan in relation to the oil pickup? What brand of oil are you using? How many miles on the engine? Does the engine use any oil?

The dent in the pan was directly centered on the bottom "square" surface of the pan. It was a gentle concave starting just forward of the drain plug (read: "right under the pickup"). Car currently has Mobil1 10w30 full synthetic in it. Engine has 213,000 miles on it, but does not "use" any oil. It leaks a bit, but I picked up the spool valve & valve cover gaskets this morning to rectify that over the weekend.

As a comparision, here's a view of mine. I know it's at a weird angle but thought it may help.

Thanks for the comparison pic! That actually looks pretty close. Yours also does not look perfectly flat across the bottom, which hopefully means that is normal :smile: That helps a lot.