Oh Yeah!! She's Back!!!!!

OMG seriously you guys have me rolling on the floor!!!!! Laughing that is. lol
OMG seriously you guys have me rolling on the floor!!!!! Laughing that is. lol

Now there's something we'd love to see.

Seriously though what guy with money would want her? In Cali she's waaaaay below average. Well maybe she's got game. I've seen uglier women do better:confused:
Beautiful, intelligent and into car's, care for a blind date? Just playing Alixp81 unless you say YES! :biggrin:

That's the spirit Tex! Ski Banker will now try to
Alix, I've been here for quite a few years as well, and I don't remember you either. Maybe you posted during one of those times I was deployed. Either way, welcome back to NSXPrime, or what is now a playground for kids with high mileage NSX's and pedophiles, oh , and apparently to online "playaz" with cheesy pickup lines, as well. ;)
Alix, I've been here for quite a few years as well, and I don't remember you either. Maybe you posted during one of those times I was deployed. Either way, welcome back to NSXPrime, or what is now a playground for kids with high mileage NSX's and pedophiles, oh , and apparently to online "playaz" with cheesy pickup lines, as well. ;)

LOL Damn I'm sorry Ski you my boy an all ,but that "we never got our timing right" sh*t was/is so bad.. LOL

Hey guys this gives me an idea. I'm going to start a "Cheesiest line to pu Alix with" Alix you be the judge and the winner gets an internet kiss from ya!

Man this is gonna be hilarious!

Okay the thread is up here's the link http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?p=947658#post947658
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HEY EVERYONE!!! I'M BACK!!!!! hehehehe lol!! Miss me? I know you did it's ok! well I seem to have fallen off the face of the earth, but Im back now....I missed you all!
As some of you know, I had to sell the NSX....bummer I know. But alass, she had a wicked bad suspension issue that was a mystery. No one could ever figure it out and after thousands of dollars and countless parts replacement that never fixed the problem I just couldnt deal with it anymore. My life has not been the same without her. I can honestly say I have never missed anything in my life quite so much.

Wassup :biggrin: Momma !?! Glad You're Back !!! Missed You, Sista' ~* :tongue:
Good thing I quit the cheesy pickup line's 20yr's ago or I might think you were talking about me also NSXrebel :biggrin:! Once I learned that I did not need them because of my magnanimous presence :wink: my percentage rate shot up significantly. Moral of the story is just be yourself :wink:, it's never a negative thing to have beautiful friend's.
You guys have got to check out the "cheesiest line for Alix thread it is hysterical!
Welcome back Miss Alix!! It seem's like you have some fans already!! :tongue:
What ever happened to that life on the beach on the Bahamas?

Just thinking out loud.... you would look even better in a LBB NSX than a Black NSX! If you ever need to check it out for yourself...I have one for testing purposes! .. wait... this isn't the cheesiest pick-up thread ... :wink: