Officially Official

Yay! Honda will make a new super sportscar!

If this is true then...

1. Performance will most likely match or exceed its japanese rivals, the GTR and the LF-A. Anything else would be pointless.

2. They will use the HSV V10 engine. It new and ready to go(?) and it was newly developed for this exact purpose. The developing costs for a new (high performance-) engine are huge. Scrapping it and building something new would be insane.

3. This is gonna rock!:biggrin:

I hope you are right. I thought I heard somewhere that they were trying to make the new NSX a hybrid. If Honda was able to make a hybrid that could compete / beat a GTR, LFA, R8 5.2L.. that would be pretty amazing. If its true, I hope they at least have a synthesized exhaust sound so you feel like you are in a sports car! LOL I heard the tesla sounds like crap, like a radio controlled electric car.

I would like Honda to give us specs, pictures, schematics, price-tag and time table. I want to make sure I have financially planned accordingly so I can get one.

Re: Latest from TOV

This pretty much confirms that the super sports will be a roadgoing version of the FR HSV-10. This is Honda's way of saying it will not be mid-engine without coming out and saying it. Ito was talking about using a "de-tuned" V8- referring to the Formula Nippon engine Honda uses in Super GT. As Honda does not generally use a unique engine for each car, this may also imply that Ito is considering a V8 line again for the Acura brand, or at least the Legend. I really want to see the new V6 successor to the J-series. Over on TOV they are saying Advanced VTEC may have been skipped alltogether.

[[*]Contrary to the many references in the media as the "Next NSX", the official stance in the USA is that the new super sportscar should not be considered as a successor to the NSX.
Many in the media have already labeled this vehicle as the "next NSX", but since this news broke a few weeks ago, American Honda spokesmen have repeatedly told me that it should not be considered the "NSX successor". Odajima will only confirm that the car will be a "super sportscar" but he told us "I can't share anything else about the positioning at this moment."