official spotted thread

That was me! Leaving DC running hella late to work :rolleyes:. I ALSO spotted one about 20 min later on 28N in Dulles - same blue NA2 that I posted about a month ago or so.
Nice, Ben was setting me up with some new targa seals, fixing a burnt out headlight motor, and getting a new front bumper cover after my idiot neigbor decided to hit me while I was parked... yet again a happy customer.

I may have seen yours there too, what year/color is it?
Mine was a BB without a front bumper it was right next to yours while you were waiting on your engine, i cracked too 2 of them in less than a month Ben almost had a hearth attack :-P

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I dropped my car off with Ben this weekend to get a few things done, really looking forward to posting feedback on the experience. Seems like a fantastic guy, very honest and open, I have complete confidence and trust him with the car, however long it takes to complete. :)
Saw a really nice white NSX drive past me while I was sitting in traffic. It was about 6:30pm on Stringfellow Road here in Fairfax. :cool:
It was probably me:biggrin: