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Official group buy: Tommy Kaira gurney flap for R spoiler replicas

I dont think he needs the money from this GB for his personal use you guys are just gonna have to be patient he is dealing with Japan not some company down the road.
Please go back and re-read post #98. Dave said he took delivery of all the flaps 40 days ago now...

- - - Updated - - -

I just received received a package from Dave. Can't wait to test fitment.
That's great to hear! Hopefully the rest are on the way.:smile:
Hi guy, please be patient. I believe Dave is doing everything he can, he doesn't make any money doing this group buy. Without him doing it, we would not have such a great deal. I trust him 100% without doubt.
JC, you would think you'd see some "Hope you get well soon, bud" posts instead of "why haven't I rec'd my piece of plastic yet???"
I understand you guys are eager to get this part and that it is "business" regardless to how you look at it but I would like to remind you that you could have had your spoiler a long time ago as I did but at double the cost of what you paid here. I in courage you to be easy, and look at it as a late gift rather than being impatient.
I know some would had rather payed double but you should have asked questions instead of taking advantage of opportuinity to get this awesome pricing.

I hope he isn't on his death bed and hears of the support the community is giving him.
We don't know his struggle/health or medical history.
I understand you guys are eager to get this part and that it is "business" regardless to how you look at it but I would like to remind you that you could have had your spoiler a long time ago as I did but at double the cost of what you paid here. I in courage you to be easy, and look at it as a late gift rather than being impatient.
I know some would had rather payed double but you should have asked questions instead of taking advantage of opportuinity to get this awesome pricing.

I hope he isn't on his death bed and hears of the support the community is giving him.
We don't know his struggle/health or medical history.

Exactly. Turbo has time and again selflessly offered amazing group buys for an amazing price and always delivered. The fact that he hasn't shipped these yet makes me wonder what else is going on i his life and hope that he feels better.
Hey guys, I am back, I haven't even had a chance to read this whole thread or go through all my PM's. I can't apologize to you all enough. Let me say that everyone's spoilers have been shipped out. I came back from a trip and got a really nasty flu from the plane or something and it got so bad it put me in the hospital several times. Problem was confounded when the hospital messed up and put me on the wrong antibiotics and several other medicines that made me much worse than when I actually went in. I have had countless visits to the doctor and to the hospital since, my work has near fallen apart, it's just been a nightmare. Please rest assured I am here and I would never leave anyone hanging, I paid out of pocket to get everything shipped out. Now please be patient with me as I go through my PM's and this thread. I will make everything right I promise. I just never expected to be in this position.

I have limited time still because of work but I will be on here everyday now.
drats..............i was starting to catch up to your post count.............not any more:tongue:
drats..............i was starting to catch up to your post count.............not any more:tongue:

Great post ...

Dave, good your on road to recovery, hear from you soon so I can pay shipping

regards, Paul
Guys thanks. You all are a great group here, I really appreciate the kind words and the patience. I am pretty sure everyone should have their wings next week if you haven't received it already. Paul yours might be a bit longer because you are further away.

Doc no way will I let you catch up I will type with my teeth from the hospital bed if I have to... haha

I will try to get caught up on my PM's tomorrow guys. I won't ignore anyone I just have a lot to go through. I don't even know whats happened with the CTSC GB or the autovation one. I hope those are OK. Hopefully I get caught up a bit more tomorrow. I'm still very weak physically (no jokes please lol)