Office Space

21 June 2005
I watched it for the 1st time on AMC channel last night. Very funny ( I liked the part where they destroyed the Fax machine in the field ). I have to admit I liked Lumberg's whaletail Porsche as well.
Mike-san said:
I watched it for the 1st time on AMC channel last night. Very funny ( I liked the part where they destroyed the Fax machine in the field ). I have to admit I liked Lumberg's whaletail Porsche as well.

One of the best movies ever!! A commentary on office life in the modern corporate world. :biggrin:

Is your TPS report done? Did you get the memo? :tongue:
"I don't think I am going to go into work anymore."

"So you are going to quit?"

"No, I think I am just not going to go in anymore." the movie...

I need a "Jump to Conclusions" Mat....

I will show her my ."O" Face:eek: ...

We actually have TPS reports....
Re: Get Your Office Space Right Here...

Office Space is one of my all time favorites. I'm a HUGE fan.

Last year my wife got me the red Swingline stapler along with an Initech coffee mug and Initech post-its. I proudly display them at my desk and l love giving coworkers an Initech branded post-it with the message "Please use the new cover sheets for the TPS Reports --B. Lumberg".

You can get the stuff here:
One of our customers is Thermal Product Solutions. TPS. We actually keep reports on all our big customers, so we do indeed have TPS reports. :biggrin:
My mother and I joke back and fourth in emails with quotes from the movie. She works in an office that is very similar to the movie.

"I see you have been missing a lot of work lately."

"Well I wouldn't really say I am missing it."
My mother and I joke back and fourth in emails with quotes from the movie. She works in an office that is very similar to the movie.

"I see you have been missing a lot of work lately."

"Well I wouldn't really say I am missing it."

You beat me to it, that's by far my favorite quote in the movie. Its in my top 3 all time favorite comedies along with Napoleon Dynamite and Clerks. Also available for PSP.

WillErickson said:
You beat me to it, that's by far my favorite quote in the movie. Its in my top 3 all time favorite comedies along with Napoleon Dynamite and Clerks. Also available for PSP.


I must have missed something in Napoleon Dynamite. That movie is number 2 on my #2 list. War of the worlds being in the top slot on the #2 list.
Just in from my mother...

Today they raised my walls on my cubicle so I can get less air and light!--is kinda nice though--quieter

I watched this movie for the first time the other day. I have to say, it was pretty bad. Some of it was slightly funny, but as a whole, I expected so much more. I have heard people rave about this movie for a long time. I honestly do not see why. :confused:
NetViper said:
I watched this movie for the first time the other day. I have to say, it was pretty bad. Some of it was slightly funny, but as a whole, I expected so much more. I have heard people rave about this movie for a long time. I honestly do not see why. :confused:

It's like the "Dynamite" have to see it a few times before it's really funny.....the first time I saw Napoleon Dynamite..I thought "wow that was really dumb"..but now that I have seen it a few times it is really really funny...

If you need slapstick make a movie funny for you ..go rent "Planes Trains and Automobiles"
NetViper said:
I watched this movie for the first time the other day. I have to say, it was pretty bad. Some of it was slightly funny, but as a whole, I expected so much more. I have heard people rave about this movie for a long time. I honestly do not see why. :confused:

I agree. I work in a corporate environment and can see the parallels, but this movie just isn't funny to me. I totally understand the humor in it, there are striking similarities with the company we work at, but it didn't garner a chuckle out of me. It just seems to me that they tried to create humor by mocking office life and it got really old, really fast. Felt like the movie was trying way too hard IMO. I wasn't going to say anything because I know I'm in the minority. My coworkers always harp about how funny this movie is while I just sit back and listen to them recite their favorite lines. People have different senses of humor...
zahntech said:
It's like the "Dynamite" have to see it a few times before it's really funny.....the first time I saw Napoleon Dynamite..I thought "wow that was really dumb"..but now that I have seen it a few times it is really really funny...

Are you being serious? I really don't want to waste another 1 1/2 hours watching "Dynamite"
NetViper said:
I watched this movie for the first time the other day. I have to say, it was pretty bad. Some of it was slightly funny, but as a whole, I expected so much more. I have heard people rave about this movie for a long time. I honestly do not see why. :confused:

What makes it funny, especially for me, is being able to relate to the situations. I have many moments like the movie in my job.

"You see Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care." :tongue:
Malibu Rapper said:
I agree. I work in a corporate environment and can see the parallels, but this movie just isn't funny to me. I totally understand the humor in it, there are striking similarities with the company we work at, but it didn't garner a chuckle out of me. It just seems to me that they tried to create humor by mocking office life and it got really old, really fast. Felt like the movie was trying way too hard IMO. I wasn't going to say anything because I know I'm in the minority. My coworkers always harp about how funny this movie is while I just sit back and listen to them recite their favorite lines. People have different senses of humor...

If you don't get the joke then maybe the joke is on you?
How could one not laugh at the dream sequence where Lumberg is doing J. Anniston while drinking a cup of coffee ?
The movie, when it sticks to its corporate office humor, is pretty amusing. Unfortunately, it tries to develop a story with the money laundering plot, and once it does that, it falls flat and humorless.
Mike-san said:
How could one not laugh at the dream sequence where Lumberg is doing J. Anniston while drinking a cup of coffee ?

Um, Yeah thats it could you lift you leg a little bit. Yeah
FuryNSX said:
The movie, when it sticks to its corporate office humor, is pretty amusing. Unfortunately, it tries to develop a story with the money laundering plot, and once it does that, it falls flat and humorless.

Every person at the bottom of the totum pole who makes crap money and see the company they work for make tons of money would love to skim just a little from every transaction.
steveny said:
If you don't get the joke then maybe the joke is on you?

Yeah, the problem is I do get the joke but I don't think it's funny. Not because it bothers me in any way, it's just the movie tries too hard to be funny with satire. Lame to me, funny to others...

Here's more blasphemy... I don't care for Star Wars either! :eek: I'll go back into hiding now... I'll let you guys go back to laughing at TPS reports, red staplers, consultants, and tearing down cubicle walls. :wink: