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    Caveat Emptor!

OEM Honda NSX bag & holder

Count me in for whichever batch is available. I can paypal as soon as I receive word the bags are available:biggrin:
RyRy210 (possibly 2)
kibbage PRE-PAID
fleet-man [from NSX mailing list]
Andreas [from NSX mailing list]
startsfriday [from NSX mailing list]
gqkindofguy [from NSX mailing list]
RTnel [from NSX mailing klist]





Folks, all five are gone. I will post again when the other batch arrives. Cheers.

Edit: Deleted the ones paid and shipped, and added the new commitments.
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Paypal sent as specified, in the hopes that I will be included in the first batch despite being on the wait list. As agreed, please do refund if I don't make the first batch, and I will pay again when you get more.

Chip: refund sent.

Startsfriday: denied your funds because the transaction was by credit card. And, all five were already committed. Sorry.

Edit: It has been brought to my attention that my posts on west coast time may disadvantage those on the east coast. This is a valid point. So to be fair, my next post regarding the second batch will be between 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM west coast time as that is when my mail arrives. And this avoids hearing complaints about people being out to lunch ....... If the shipment arrives later, I will post the following day. I will also post an hour earlier on the west coast regional lists and national list since at times it takes as much as an hour for posts to show up.
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Doh! I missed the 1st batch. I guess I'll pay when the 2nd batch comes in. Hrant, do you have an ETA on when that will be? I don't check Prime everyday, but I guess I'll have to now!
Hrant said:
You should all thank Hirofumi Tomiyoshi for the help. I expect to hear from him soon regarding the second batch. Stay tuned.
Ah, indeed! Much thanks to Hirofumi for making this possible. :)
Got mine installed! Many Thanks to Hrant, and Hirofumi.


94 Red

Update. Hirofumi has secured and is in possession of 13 more "laptop carriers with portfolio" - given the new gizmo age of GPS technology, this sounds much better than "map bags" .... :biggrin:

I should get the details of when they will be shipped very soon. Last time they arrived within 3 days by air - hence the cost factor. Hirofumi is graciously willing to get more given the interest on this forum. But I see we are now having some competition as well :wink:
The second batch of 12 "laptop carrier with portfolio" (aka map bags) are on their way. They were shipped today so I expect to receive them by Wednesday the latest.

Hirofumi kept one of the 13 bags to avoid extra shipping costs since he could fit only 6 in a box; fitting 7 exceeded the size limitations. We may order another batch of 6 if there is still demand.

As I noted in posts 42 and 49 above, those who committed first have a head start with 72 hours (not 78) to make $240 bank transfer (not credit card) payment by PayPal - using "service" as type of transaction. California residents pay 7.75% sales tax for a total of $258.60.

So far, 2 of the 12 have been prepaid. With one cancellation of an order of two, that allows every one on the first list to get one if they come through with their commitment.

AU-NSX Payment forthcoming through channels ;-)
sjones Paid
kibbage PRE-PAID
fleet-man [from NSX mailing list]
Andreas [from NSX mailing list]
startsfriday PAID
gqkindofguy [from NSX mailing list]


quickslvr PAID


Calexand PAID
donwon PAID
Audiophile PAID
Movado75 PAID



KHrant Enterprises
[email protected] (PayPal account as well)

Edit: The above is the final list; two more withdrew their names with a courtesy response to my earlier inquiries.
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Mark, as my post just before yours notes, tomorrow 11:00 am pacific time, the orders will be open to whoever PayPals first as I have given all those who made "firm commitments" to be on the first group. So far, only four of those have paid, the fifth is pending transaction and I am sure it will go through as well.

I recommend that those who want one, to secure their orders now with prepayment.

Edit: The map bags have arrived! I just have to pick them from the post office.
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Folks, the order is now open to all since quite a few seem to have bailed out from their prior "firm commitment" or have not had a chance to keep up with this thread, even with private e-mail reminders. See the stastus of the list as of this writining in my post 65.

I will start shipping tomorrow :wink:
Recived mine last Friday and did the 15 minute install on Saturday. what a great addition to the NSX.:biggrin: :biggrin: Thank you Hrant!!!!