OEM Bose Head Unit Display went dark

9 September 2005
Central FL
I did a search, really, I did. :smile:

OEM Bose radio display went dark today. Functions fine, just the display is inoperative. Simple fix?

Maybe the connector strip( display ribbon) to the diusplay came loose. Might nrrd to remove and dissect.
Maybe the connector strip (display ribbon) to the display came loose. Might need to remove and dissect.

Good thought. Something easy to check. I'll pull the head unit this weekend and check it. Fingers crossed.
Let us know. I have a head unit with the same issue. I purchased a replacement, but it would be great to get the original back in. I called Brian K and he said he did not think he could do anything about it.
I may have a spare face (I would donate to the cause, not sell). I will check and revert.

Wow, that's a generous offer. I have a spare head unit, the original, that had died. I don't know if the display is still good, but the whole unit had failed. I may try to swap the display. If that doesn't work, I'll reach out.

I had hoped to work on it today, but ran out of time, deep into refinishing a desk with the better half. Also, doing a bit of detail for a Cars and Coffee tomorrow morning, so I didn't want to take the car apart and have to thrash to put it back together, with limited time available today. I'll try to get to it next weekend, and report back for BamaFan.
No dice, it is behaving the same with a known working display. It was not the ribbon just loose, and based on changing the front display out, it's not the display, either. It's likely something with the head unit itself.

And to discover this while cracking the a/c vent bezel while I was removing it and the center console to get the head unit out of the car. Crappy day: radio display still not working, and a cracked a/c vent on top of that. Not a happy camper.

I understand the a/c vent and the OEM console piece are hard to come by. What are the options these days and who sells them?
ac surround

here's the info on it:

77610-SL0-A02ZA OUTLET ASSY., CENTER *NH1L* ( BLACK ) 001 1991 NSX 435.62

shows it's still available.
Luckily for Doug I have a spare ac vent assembly, so he's all good now.
Hey DocL - I did the same thing as Doug except I cut my thumb some kind of bad. I am talking two weeks of recuperation when a normal cut is a few days. But I am off topic. You have another vent assembly? :)
Hey DocL - I did the same thing as Doug except I cut my thumb some kind of bad. I am talking two weeks of recuperation when a normal cut is a few days. But I am off topic. You have another vent assembly? :)

Hope your finger feels better. I don't have anymore AC vent parts. However I do have a box full of random parts. When I see someone post that they are looking for a specific part I usually reach out to them, but it's pretty much pot luck with me.
Doug, this may not be real good news but the console is available new, for a 97. Match to the earlier finish is almost perfect. Bad news is it goes for about $700 discounted. I bit the bullet but I can't bring myself to get a new ac outlet at those prices. Mine isn't cracked, fortunately, in spite of several removals and reinstalls. Just the usual wrinkling of the finish. Keeping my eye out for a used replacement at a reasonable price.
Someone has one on FB right now for $150. I offered $95 and he told me forget it. He has since dropped the price to $100. I guess you need to pay asking price, but at $100 plus shipping, I suppose someone might take it.
Thanks, guys. TOF, I don't need the console, just the AC vent, and DocL is going to hook me up. Even if I did need the console I'd want one with the phone controls (my car came with the cell phone).

I don't know if the phone controls are easily transferable to a new console, and right now I'm too lazy to get off my arse and go to the garage to look.

Either way, I'm good for now as long as I can get with DocL. Some day I'll have to figure out what to do with the non-functioning display on the radio, but I was able to reprogram the presets by tuning another radio to my favorite stations, then matching the noise on the Bose unit. Not ideal, but radio at least works. I need to explore my options, although I would really prefer to stay with the OEM unit. If push comes to shove some day in the future I might have to replace the unit with aftermarket, but no rush.

Speedmaster, what is on FB? Console, center vent, or head unit?

Thanks for all the replies.