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Odyssey battery

Great info! Care to share the details of your set-up? Which model are you running and at what specs for the battery? Also, what hardwire tender are you running. Pics are always welcome. I am also in need of changing to a better set up. I have my car garaged for 4 months at a time. Thanks,

I have a Braille 2015 with the vertical aluminum mount although the B2317R with the horizontal aluminum mount is pretty cool too.

As for the battery charger/minder, it is a SureCharge IV and was only $35 or so. But one of the Battery Tender line or other similar models would also work.

What I like about the SureCharge is that it is about the size of an AC adapter and that all the electronics are in that unit which gets plugged into the wall so the only thing in your car is a one metre long wire. That wire attaches to the positive terminal of the battery and to the car's body, with a plug at the other end that is plugged into a two metre long cable from the wall unit. I ran the wire up the firewall behind the spare and zip tied it in place so it was easy to reach at the top of the firewall. So all I have to do is pop the hood, and attach the plug from the charger into it.

Nothing could be easier - except maybe a monster-sized version of one of those inductive chargers for cell phones that I could simply drive my car onto. :biggrin:
The PC680 is pretty darn small for an NSX, especially in a colder climate and/or one that is not driven daily. I was very happy with the PC925 in mine. And no, you do not need the metal jacket for a battery in an NSX; that's designed for other cars where the battery is close to heat sources like exhaust manifolds.

I used an onboard charger for many years; when it gave out, I bought the automatic Odyssey charger (OMAX-12A-1B*) that is designed specifically for their batteries. I used wiring similar to the one described above, with a pigtail plug just inside the front air dam, at the end of a wire leading to the battery. That way I could plug in the charger while the car was covered, without having to open the hood (let alone remove the spare).

I've gotten my Odyssey batteries and charger from Portable Power Systems. Not only do they have the best prices on Odyssey products, but their folks have been terrific about service and advice. They actually provided the wire with the pigtail plug for me to install, and spliced the mating pigtail plug into the charger (also splicing one into the remaining cable with the jumper clamps, so that the charger could still be used with clamps if needed).

After eight years in my NSX, my Odyssey PC925 was doing just fine; the only reason I replaced it was as a preventive measure, and I wonder how long it might have lasted if I just let it keep going!

*The OMAX-12A-1B charger is a 12-amp charger, recommended for their batteries up to and including the PC925. If you get an even bigger battery, they recommend the OMAX-25A-1B, which is a 25-amp charger; if you use that one, make sure it's on a circuit and circuit breaker that can handle the higher amperage.
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I am considering the pc680, I live in tx though so no harsh winters. How much more does the 925 weigh and did you choose it because of your winters?
How much more does the 925 weigh
The specs on the Odyssey website give weights as 15.4 and 26.0 pounds for the PC680 and the PC925, respectively. Those weights presumably do not include the terminals, which are optional (included as model numbers PC680T and PC925T) and the same for both.

did you choose it because of your winters?
I chose the PC925T for a bunch of reasons - not just the winters (since I never started in during the winter), but also its relatively heavy requirements: the fact that my car sat for long periods of time, and the fact that even a stock NSX has a tendency to drain the battery when left sitting for a couple of weeks.
I am considering the pc680, I live in tx though so no harsh winters. How much more does the 925 weigh and did you choose it because of your winters?

Used to run the PC680 on my NSX, went through 2 of them over several years even with a good battery tender used to maintain the charge. Unless your car is a dedicated or mostly a track car I would not recommend getting the 680 unless you are prepared to carry jumper cables all of the time (kind of defeats the purpose of installing a 680)

Running the PC925 on my Cayman R, and overall it is a much better battery than the PC680, holds charge better and has plenty of juice even after not been charged for 2-3 weeks.
The specs on the Odyssey website give weights as 15.4 and 26.0 pounds for the PC680 and the PC925, respectively. Those weights presumably do not include the terminals, which are optional (included as model numbers PC680T and PC925T) and the same for both.

I chose the PC925T for a bunch of reasons - not just the winters (since I never started in during the winter), but also its relatively heavy requirements: the fact that my car sat for long periods of time, and the fact that even a stock NSX has a tendency to drain the battery when left sitting for a couple of weeks.

Thanks, do you have any photos of your setup?

How about you take my license plate off the picture of my car you are using on eBay to sell your white wheels. Then I can maybe send you more pictures of the pc 925 in my car
Oh sorry!! No problem, I didn't realize it was on there I am usually good about taking plates out. My bad, and thanks for pointing it out.

Edit: removed the pic
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I have a 15 pound Braille battery and it is more than adequate for year round use. I keep it on a battery tender when I don't drive it for more than a week, and I never have a problem.

It was only slightly more costly than the 45 pound OEM battery - about $150, as I recall. To tie it down I got a beautiful billet aluminum battery holder from Braille for about $70.

I don't know how that compares to an Odyssey, but the Braille is a high quality unit, there is now a huge gaping empty space where the OEM battery used to reside and it has 'racing' in its name, so it has to be good. :wink:
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I've my Odyssey 680 since 2006 or so, 6+years since, never had a problem. I drive it every two weeks. It always gets trickle charged sitting in the garage. Regarding the high current consumption of the NSX even while the engine is off, I wouldn't use it without a trickle charger. Should be good for 10 years or so and it's light.
Braille are worth looking into.

I bought one, i think it's lighter than the equivalent Odyssey battery and comes in Carbon.
Sorry I think Braille is a waste of money. I did a ton of research into batteries and posted a thread on this. Braille just re-badges Deka batteries (they are not the only ones, this is common industry practice) and sells it for a lot more.
My car is stored winters. I am not sure the cold thing is an issue. If I want a bigger battery I will buy a Deka or Big Crank. Problem is the mount. PC680 has a mount I can get.

BTW my 2005 factory battery is type R weight. It is not the same as an 02 even. They went lighter in 05, an unmentioned fact.

Dave, what part number is your oem battery? Honda lists the 31500-SL5-100M for 02 and 05. I tried to get one a few years ago but ordered that number and received a normal battery. The OEM one was different like a gel/dry cell, can't remember which. I returned the one i ordered.

Dave, what part number is your oem battery? Honda lists the 31500-SL5-100M for 02 and 05. I tried to get one a few years ago but ordered that number and received a normal battery. The OEM one was different like a gel/dry cell, can't remember which. I returned the one i ordered.


Idk mike, how do I find out? It's the open battery and it weighs either 28 or 38 exactly, I forget but I'll throw it back on the scale. It is Panasonic and smaller and lighter than anything else mentioned here OEM. I was surprised of the weight myself when I weighed it. Will do so again. I am certain this is the original battery.
Idk mike, how do I find out? It's the open battery and it weighs either 28 or 38 exactly, I forget but I'll throw it back on the scale. It is Panasonic and smaller and lighter than anything else mentioned here OEM. I was surprised of the weight myself when I weighed it. Will do so again. I am certain this is the original battery.

I'm not sure, was hoping it had a part number on it. Mine is panasonic but not sure has heavy it is. What does it say on it? Maybe something about gel or dry. I would LOVE to buy one like my oem.


Maybe it was AGM.
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